Yesterday was the Hebrew (Jewish) High Holy Day of Yom Kippor.
The day of atonement.
This day has been set aside as a unique opportunity to come before the Creator to confess, yes to declare, how you have not lived up to your potential in the past 365 days.
It is a time to recognize, and declare, how you have fallen short in your words and actions.
It is a designated time to look at who, and how your have been, as well as who, and how, you have not been.
It is a time of reflection
It is historically a time to ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed in the past year.
It is a time when your sins are forgiven.
It is a time when your sins are forgiven.
What it really is, is a time to celebrate all that you may have forgotten that you really are!
It is A New Beginning.
God knows how I love A New Beginning!
Yom Kippor, the Day of Atonement, At-One-Ment, is the one day in the year when you get to spend special time with the Creator of all things. The One who created you, me, the world, the universes and everything in them.
It is a day of fasting.
Not eating.
Not drinking.
Letting everything that would turn your attention away from being At-One with the Creator go.
No distractions.
Looking inside.
Seeing what you are really made of.
Getting to know you.
Giving thanks for everything.
Having appreciation for all that is given to you.
Do we ever really look inside?
Do we have any notion of who, and how, we are?
We live our lives like we are powerless.
Like there are things we cannot do?
We live fearful lives.
We are scared of our power.
We are scared of the awesomeness we are.
We are afraid of each other.
We live our lives so far from being At-One with the only thing that ever matters, which is Being At One with God.
Life becomes so much easier, and so much more fun and enjoyable, when we know where we come from, and who we are.
We are each individual pieces of God.
We are God manifest in our bodies here in the earth.
We are Godly Beings.
That which God is, is that which we are.
We are not separated from God.
God is not out there somewhere.
God is who, and what, we are.
Our one, and only real sin, is not knowing and believing we are separated from God who created all things including you, and, me.
Being created in the image of God, knowing this, and believing this, gives us the key to the Kingdom.
Owning this truth in our heart removes all fear, doubt, lack, scarcity, unworthiness, which translate into hating ourselves and each other.
It removes violence, stealing, lying, killing each other, cheating, greed, gluttony, distrust, not loving ourselves, jealousy, over indulgences, under achievement, poverty. All the negatives.
Yom Kippor, The Day of Atonement, At-One-Ment, At-One, is the gift of letting all the negatives go. It is the gift of pressing the re-set button. It is the gift of being forgiven of all the un-Godliness we have engaged in. Forever!
It is a new start.
A New Beginning.
It is the Beginning of the rest of your life.
Your New Life!
A life of joy, freedom, power and abundance.
You deserve, are entitled to, and have been promised your heart’s desires.
Every thing, everything, has been created just for you!
Created in the image of God means you have all the power to be, do and have any, and every thing you can imagine, and even that which you can not even begin to imagine.
You. Me. And everyone else.
There is more than enough of everything for all of us.
There is no competition.
No one can ever have what is meant for you!
There is no lack in the world when you are At-One with the Creator.
When you Atone.
When you are At-One.
When you are At-One-Ment.
I pray that your Yom Kippor, your Day Of Atonement, Your Day of being At-One brought peace into your Heart, your Spirit, your Being.
I pray you felt way more thankful than you felt less than and not good enough.
You absolutely are good enough!
I pray you felt way more Blessed than you felt in need of Blessing.
Even if you were not aware of this special window of opportunity to get your act right, you are still Blessed, and worthy of all life is here to offer you.
Turn inward and see that you are the same stuff God is.
There is nothing sinful in God which means there is nothing sinful in You!
Look inside yourself and see and know without a shadow of a doubt how Blessed, Powerful and Free you are to Be, Have and Do all that is good inside of you!
Be At-One with all the Godliness that you are!
Be At One with all the goodness that you are!
Peace. Love. Blessing.
Heart. Based. Sharing.
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