About Me

Hi! I’m Yaminah Yisrael. Thanks for stopping by.

I am spirit-led to share with you from the heart what you already know about who you are and how powerful you are!

I still have to remind my own self.

I, like you, am a Fruitfull Vine planted by streams of living water, that bring forth fruit in its season, whose leaf does not wither, and whatever we do, we prosper!

I am here to share this message and Transform Life.

Our path is all about Mind, Body, Soul Transformation so we can be, have and do all the things we say we want.

Our Transform Life heart-based sharing journey begins now.


It Has Been A While!

It has almost been two years since my last post, for no reason, and at the same time for many reasons.

As we go along, I am sure you will get to know all the reasons, but for now, we will move forward.

This actually gives me a great place to start.

We all have intentions.  Sometimes, we allow Life, with a capital “L” to get us off track from the doing the things we have intended to do.  Even when we are off track for almost two years, we can pick up our intentions and step right back again in the direction we have envisioned for ourselves.

One valuable lesson to keep in mind is not to beat up on our selves for not having stayed true to our course.  We are on a journey.  Nine times out of ten, we have in fact stayed true to our course, it just looks a little different than the picture we had in mind.

Sometimes our vision is so large, we overwhelm ourselves looking at all the moving parts it usually takes to make the things happen.

Let me define overwhelm for you.  Overwhelm is FEAR.  Simply Fear.  Overwhelm stops us in our tracks.  Fear stops us in our steps.  Overwhelm and Fear are one and the same.  They are two sides of the same coin.

The solution to overwhelm and fear  is to pick your self up and decide what one thing you can do right now to move in the direction of your intention.

It doesn’t matter how much time you have sat on the sidelines.  Taking just one step will re-energize you and make you feel good about yourself.  

We never have to have all the answers.  What to do?  How to do it?  When to do it?  Where to do it?  None of that matters.  That’s the stuff that creates overwhelm and fear in the first place.  We stop ourselves right out of the gate, in the beginning, because we feel like we have to have all the answers right here and now.

Trust me.  Everything you want to know and feel like you need to know will be revealed to you after you take that first step in the direction of your intentions.

You’ve heard that old expression, or question.  How do you eat an elephant?  The answer is “One Bite At A Time”.  That is the only way with everything.  One Bite.  One Step.  Chew it real good, swallow that one bite.  Look at the step you took.  Appreciate taking the action.  Then take the next bite.  Take the next step.  Bite by bite.  Step by step.  You will know exactly what your next step is.  Next thing you know that elephant will be history because you ate it!  In the same way, your intention will be accomplished and you will look back on what you have achieved with joy and satisfaction.

You have just witnessed me taking my next step back onto  my journey after almost two years.  I did exactly what I advised you to do.    I stopped beating up on myself for what I had not done.  I picked myself up.  I did not have any answers.  I had no idea what I was going to share with you today.  I decided to take this one step in the direction of my vision.  And, yes, I do feel re-energized and good about myself.

Heart-based sharing of my journey with you from here to there is my intention.  I simply say my path from here to there because we are always moving forward from here to there.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

How Do You Feel?

Are you feeling amazing?

Are you feeling like there isn’t anything you cannot do?

This is what I want every one to feel.   Right now.  Right where you are.

Feeling amazing, and like you can do anything, is your birthright.  You really are amazing and can do anything.  We are always creating the world around us.  We create our world on purpose or by default.  The preferred road to amazing is on purpose.  The default road to amazing has a few bumps along the way.  I know this personally.  I have  lived by default way too long.

Don’t get me wrong.  I have created some amazing  experiences in my life not on purpose.  I am very appreciative of all my accomplishments.  I have literally  burned the midnight oil and pulled more all-nighters than I care to remember, working intensely to make things happen.  I did not feel amazing most of the time.  I was always working.  A lot of the time I felt like I had too much to do and not enough time to  get everything done.  I call this feeling overwhelm.  I made shit happen.  Good shit.  It took a lot of time and effort.  I was creating my world by default and the road was bumpy.

I am not going to try to make you think you can create anything without putting in time and effort.  What I am telling you is that making stuff happen on purpose creates the air underneath your wings.  Being on purpose means choosing something to focus on and being clear about what you want.  Being on purpose, you step in the direction of what you want and desire.  You Take One Step.  You  will know what comes next.  Then you take that next Step.  And the next Step.  Stepping in is exciting.  It is inspiring.  Taking action does not feel like work at all.  You lose track of time.  When you stay up all night it is because you do not want to stop what you are doing.  You make shit happen.  Good shit.  You create your world on purpose and feel amazing.  There isn’t anything you cannot be, have or do.   

I know it is hard to take me seriously while you are looking around at the things you feel are not working in your life.  Everything can be  turned around.  I’m even willing to bet there are more things working in your life than you realize.

Although there isn’t any real structure to how and what I share with you, it is my intent to inspire and empower you to transform what is not working in your life.  Transformation is the name of the game.  You have to want it.  Are you ready to make some changes in your life?  Are you ready for this?  You are, or you would have stopped reading a long time ago.

I invite you to join me here as I  transform what no longer works for me.  We are doing this together.  Ask me anything.  Tell me what’s on your mind.  Let’s change some things and make good shit happen.  We are amazing and can be, have and do everything.

How do you feel?

Tell me in the comments what you need to change in your life?

Why haven’t you been able to make the change?

Let’s change some things together!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

What Is In Your Mind, Your Heart And Your Spirit Today?

It is important to take a few minutes to take a look at what is in your mind, heart and spirit.

First of all, our human body is beyond understanding.  What we know intellectually is just a drop in the bucket.

It pays to tap into the whole of who we are: mind, body, spirit.

We are not just a mind.  We are not just a body.  We are not just  spirit, although this is the largest part of who we are.  This is the real Holy Trinity.  Mind. Body. Soul.  This is your Father. Son. Spirit.  If I remember correctly, the Roman Catholic faith used to say: Father. Son. Holy Ghost.

Just saying Ghost is scary. Ghosts  are associated with some uncontrollable force that does what it wants.  I’m not trying to give up any of my power to anything I cannot control.

As complex as our Mind, Body and Soul are, we are in complete control.

So what is in Your Mind, Your Heart and Your Spirit today?

Looks like the trinity is the secret to creation.

Thought.  Word.  Action.  Another powerful trinity.  Thought. Word. Action.  This is how we turn thoughts into things.  Creation.  First comes the thought.  We put words to the idea.  Next is action.  Every thought becomes something we get to experience.   This is manifestation.

This is what we came for. 

This is our purpose for life on earth.  We are creators.  Be fruitfull and multiply.  Make shit happen.  We are all fruitfull vines.  We make all kinds of shit happen.  We turn thoughts into things.  We are manifestors.

The question is?  Whose thoughts are you turning into things? Are you focused on your own thoughts inside your mind, heart and spirit?  Or, are they somebody else’s thoughts?

It is easy to give up our creative power and control to all the things we see, hear, taste, touch, read and are told.

Most time our minds are filled with every body else’s thoughts and stuff.

Our mothers tell us to use our inside voices and be good little boys and girls.  Because of that we put the breaks on our spirits.  Good little boys and girls don’t do things that make us feel good.   A lot of teachers tell us the same thing.

They mean well.

They cage our creativity.  We lose our dream.  It is hard to soar when our dream  belongs to somebody else. 

Every one feel like they know what is best for us, and they make sure we know it. 

You are the only one who knows what is best for you.  

Our minds are filled with stuff to do.

We live in a dynamic world which has no shortage of things to attract our attention.  We look at this. We try that. We keep a growing list of things we just have to do.  We chase every thing we can.

When do we stop chasing other people’s thoughts?  Chasing gets tiring.  We never  catch up to someone else’s expectation.

We don’t know how to mind our own business!

My advise is to spend some time looking inside your mind, your heart and your spirit for the thoughts that belongs to you.  Turn your thoughts into things that will delight and surprise you because they belong to you.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Snow Can Teach You Some Things!

The only thing people have talked about non-stop for over a week is the snow storm that was coming on Saturday night.  Yes.  This act of nature was coming on a specific day and time of day.

Thursday, I did notice when I went to the store, that the shelves were kind of empty.

The thought occurred to me to buy ice melt.  It occurred to me, and I kept it moving, getting other stuff I came for.  I remembered that I forgot about the ice melt when I was putting what I bought into the trunk.  I told myself I would get it another time.

The thought had come to me a few times before, and after this.


I was not prepared.

I did it to myself.

Ice melt and a real snow shovel were all I needed to be prepared.

Why wasn’t I prepared?

It seems like such a simple thing.

I did not listen to my Self.

It was a simple thing that turned into snow teaching me some things.

The ice melt might not have really made any difference.

By the time it was no longer really snowing, I went into my garage to see how easily I could get out of my drive way tomorrow.  My car was in the garage.  I didn’t even really look at the snow on the driveway.  I had been looking at the snow all day.

I got into my car, put her in drive, and inched forward slowly.  Whirr went my front times spinning in the almost close to foot high snow.   I could not drive out of my garage.  Somebody was going to have to shovel.

I got my boots, bundled up, put my gloves on then grabbed my shovel meant for digging, not shoveling snow.

My thought was that I could shovel and follow two tracks down the drive way to the street.  I made some good headway on the first tire track.  Then I looked and saw the car would not be able to clear the snow in between the tires.

I couldn’t stop.  I had a lot of snow to move that was not soft and fluffy.  It was ice.  I heard the ice hitting my house before I got out of bed this morning.  I watched the ice falling all day.

I kept shoveling.

A woman with a real snow shovel standing just beyond what I had cleared asked me if she could help me.

In my mind  I was like “what the what?”

I said, “Yes, please.  Thank you.  Help yourself.”

Always Blessed.  I appreciate every Blessing.  All the time.

It was a neighbor across from me I met last summer.

We cleared the driveway and I could not be happier.

The important thing about this whole story to me is realizing how simple it was for me to ignore the quiet voice of my inner guidance.

This is so important I am repeating it.  It was simple for me to ignore the quiet voice of my inner being.

You might be saying it was only ice melt.

It was an opportunity for me to see thoughts turning into things.  Receive the thought, do the action and see what manifests.

I ignored the voice of wisdom coming from my soul because the stuff I was doing was more important.


I still don’t have what I need.  But I could have been prepared if I had taken the time to listen to, and follow, the voice inside that is always guiding and directing our paths.  In all things.  Big and small.

I learned that I can be a better listener to the voice inside of me.

I witnessed my neighbor’s generosity of her time and effort.

We are Blessed even when we are not listening.  It was a simple thought.  Ice melt.  Every thought counts.

Step One:  Thought comes first.  Step Two:  Do the thing.  Step Three:  Manifestation.

Or, don’t do the thing.

We always have a choice.

I trust my inner guidance enough to be a better listener.

I did listen to the thought that I had some shoveling to do.  I got to shoveling.  Help arrived.  Driveway cleared.  Manifestation.  Thoughts turned into things.

One thought after the other.

I am thankful.

Did I say snow can teach you some things!

How good a listener are you?

Tell me in the comments below.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/