Have A Reason

Life is fun to watch unfold when there is a reason.

A purpose.

A want.

A need.

Something to motivate and activate you.

Something to excite you.

Something to look forward to.

Something to make you want to get up out of bed every morning.

Something you can see in your mind’s eye that you also feel in your heart.

Have a reason.

Nothing beats having a reason to motivate and spur you into action.

Having a reason is the fuel needed to keep going when you run into the bumps in the road along your journey.

Having a reason is your anchor when the waters turn stormy.

Having a reason is how you know you will reach your destination.

Every one of them.

Life is a continuum.

Life keeps going.

It doesn’t end until you take your last breath in this form.

This means we are always evolving and have, and will have many destinations, in all the areas of our lives.

Having a reason makes it far easier to me to speak, write, intend and be about the business of Creating my future.

There are many things we can focus on in the world around us.

I, personally, don’t see the value in giving time and airplay to what isn’t going well in the world right now.

Focusing on what isn’t working is not how to change any of it.

My purpose is to inspire the people of the world, and to empower you.

We have talked about change.

Change, although it never comes at the right time, is always on time.

And, is a reason.

Have a reason!

Change is a reason for each of us to step into our power, abundance and freedom.

Who doesn’t want power, abundance and freedom?

Even if you cannot yet claim this for yourself, power, abundance and freedom is what we all are looking for.

You may even feel like this is not something you can have in your life.

You can!

It’s what you came here for.

It already exists for each of us.

Power, abundance and freedom is who you are!

We just have to catch up to it in our lives.

The most wonderful thing about power, abundance and freedom is we each get to decide what this means and looks like for ourselves.

No two of us are exactly the same.

We each get to define what being empowered looks like for us.

This is what stay in your own lane means.

This is about doing life your way.

On your terms.

Any way you get there that does not harm another is the way.

Your way.

Having a reason sets the stage for all kind of delicious manifestation.

Having a reason is the prize.

You may want cars, houses, travel, relationships.  You may want all the things.

Have A Reason! Have the House! The Car! Power! Freedom! Abundance!

The things are not your reason.

The things may start out being your reason.

And, all of the things are nice to have.

The things are a byproduct of what you want.

The things are what shows up as a result of having a reason.

In time, you will come to know that the things are a representation of power, abundance and freedom.

You actually can have the power, abundance and freedom without even having all of the things.

What you want is to be the captain of your own ship.

What you want is to be able to tap into your Creativity.

We are pieces of the Divine and as such are Creators Created in the image of the Creator of all things.

Knowing we are Creative Beings is the secret sauce!

We all have the power to Create!

We are made up of power, abundance and freedom.

It is simply who and what we are.

There is no getting around it..

It is just who and how we all are.

Creating is your reason for being.

What you want is to Create.

What if you let Creating be your reason?

Think about this for a few minutes!

What will you bring into your life.

You can Create anything and everything!

You are Created in the image of the Creator of all things.

Give yourself permission to play with the power, abundance and freedom you already are.

Create the things if that is what you want.

Let the things be the reason to get you started down a new path, or, to keep you on your path.

What you will find is power, abundance and freedom.

Be the Creator!


Have a reason!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/


How does what once excited you, over time, become clutter?

How does it lose it’s value?

How does it claim permanence in your life space?

It becomes like a fixture you can’t easily get rid of.

It becomes a reflection of dreams, hopes and ideas that you know in your soul you can make magic with.

But you didn’t.


Always hopeful you, still sees the value, even though you haven’t touched some of the stuff in years.

It’s like when your closet and drawers are filled to overflowing with clothes and shoes you haven’t worn in decades.


Literally decades.

They don’t fit any more!

Some of them never did.

But still you keep them.

You hang on to them.


Is it hopefulness?

It’s more often than not, just not facing up to your current reality.

You’ve outgrown the clothes.

The clutter.

Sure they still look good.

But the truth is, they don’t fit you!

There is still value.

Just not to you!

There is no longer any use for what you have been holding on to, especially when you have not touched, them, worn them, used them at all.

How do we release what no longer works?

It ain’t easy!

Especially when you start examining them and your mind fills up with the possibility, the promise of what could be.

Key words.

Could be.

When you’re a glass half full kind of person and you always see what is possible, the dreams and visions you had of what could be come rushing back to the surface.

You start trying things on again to see if they still fit.

They don’t.

You still feel emotionally connected and can’t make yourself move on and get rid of what does not serve any purpose now.



Our mind begins playing games with us telling ourselves that we’ll lose those few inches so we can make the thing fit.

We know we can do it.

Reality check.

The only thing we know is this thing no longer fits.

We’re talking about all of the stuff that no longer fit: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, the people, the places, the situations, the habits, the behaviors.  Everything.

It no longer has a place in our lives.

It has become clutter.

Let her go.

It is taking up valuable space in our life, on our shelf, hanging in our closet, in the bag in the corner, in our drawer where there is now no space for what actually does fit.

How do we accept the fact that it has lost it’s value?

It doesn’t work.

But it still feels comfortable.

But that’s not true.

Every time you look at those piles of paper, you feel heavy because it’s been sitting there so long reminding you of what you have not done yet.

But, there is always yet.

Always hope.

Get over it.

Pick it up.

Look at it.

Ask it, and yourself, how do you fit into my life now?

Often what you will find is just the promise of what it can be one day.

One day is not likely to happen.

Not for this dress.

This information.

This thing.

Let her go.

She has spent more than enough time and space in your life.

She served to get you excited about a possibility about a promise of what could be.

Yet, she just did not fit at the time which is why we carefully placed her aside for safe keeping, where she has sat all this time

All these years.

She still doesn’t fit.

Let her go.

Open up space for who you are now.

For what is working now.

For who you are being now.

Or, for who you really can be now.

Do not allow her to make you feel like you can still make what has not, what will not, work.

You can’t.

You haven’t.

You won’t.

She is a distraction.

She is taking up time, space and energy which does not have a real place in your life.

She was a treasure for a long time.

She is now trash.

It is time to toss the trash.

The beliefs.  The behaviors.  The relationships. Everything that no longer has a place in your life.

Which does not serve you.

Let her go.

Let go of the clutter so you have room and space to breath life into what is working in your life right now.

Let it all go!

Let Go Of What No Longer Works!

Make room for now.

I honestly can not tell you how much more you will accomplish, how much more you will be, because I am right now sitting in the middle of years of clutter, which I know is holding me back from my full greatness, just because of the space and attention it is taking up in my life.

I promise to give you a full report when I can let go of my attachment for all of my what could have been, and just let them go.

Just like the things that are taking up physical space, I just needed to release these heavy thoughts and emotions that no longer serve me, so I can move on.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

It Was A Dark Night In Charlotte

While I laid peacefully sleeping in my bed last night, all hell was breaking out in north Charlotte just hours ago.

I would not have had any clue except that I decided to take a quick peek at Facebook.   Not something I usually do until I have done all the things important to me.

I have a morning practice which sets me up for my day.

I saw what were live video after video not just showing the aftermath, but these videos were taken just before, during and after a mass shooting in north Charlotte on Beatties Ford Road.

Black-on-black shootings!

I started counting shots after I realized they wasn’t stopping.

I counted 61 pops before it was all done.

Before the shots started, I heard several cars screeching , and revving.

It sounded like the beginning of a drag race.

It was the beginning of something.

It seemed like a normal night in the “hood” where people just hung out not doing much besides just being there on the streets.

Shots rang out but the people stayed.

Some were looking for family members because people were shot and killed.

I guess there really was no where to run to since many people live here.

Then again, maybe there is safety in numbers.

Not really.

People were shot in their head sitting in cars.

People on the street were gunned down.

Innocent people?

Random people killed.


I don’t have the answer.

This is the first weekend of the summer.

This was also the Juneteenth weekend.

Juneteenth is a celebration commemorating announcement of the end of slavery in the United States.

There is nothing worst than mental slavery!

The shackles have been physically removed yet that vice grip chained around our mind is difficult to remove.

My people!

You are a brilliant, creative, amazing force to be reckoned with when you can see this about yourself.

Without this knowledge about ourselves, we are a lost people wandering in the wilderness, frightened, lashing out in our fear.

It is true my people die for lack of knowledge!

So sad.

So true.

I pray and preach continually for the empowerment of my people.

Those I know and those I will never meet.

Guns may be a source of power in a reckless, superficial not real way.

Why are we so afraid to talk with each other.

To just have a conversation.

Brother you made me feel like this.  Can we talk?

Sister, why can’t we just get along?

I would wave my magic wand over those of us who are confused and lost as a people.

But I don’t have a magic wand that can touch my people who so badly need to know this truth about who we are.

Guns are not the answer.

Guns are not the way.

Even a good ole fashioned ass whupping is a better choice to at least start the conversation about why you may feel like you have been wronged.

Facebook bought this up close and personal into my life on this otherwise bright, sunny, peaceful day in my life.

Although the news media will have a field day with this, they were not there while this for real shit was happening.

Why are we so filled with hate?

I understand feeling and being challenged.

I know life seems hard sometimes.

We got through the worst parts of slavery and still we stand.

I know the emotional, mental, spiritual scars our history in America can leave deep inside of us.

At the same time, our history should be that guiding light showing us how to be the resilient,  industrious, proud, achievers we are as people who have always made a way out of no way.

No matter how you look at it, we are all family.

At the very least, the golden rule everyone is taught is “Treat Your Brother And Your Sister The Way You Want To Be Treated!”.  

          Love Your Brother And Your Sister!

It really can be as simple as this!

My heart is overflowing with love for those of us lost in the abyss of not knowing what a powerful people we are.

I am thankful I get to share my message of inspiration, love and empowerment.

I am thankful these really are isolated incidents, which does not lessen the pain and the loss.

I am even more thankful and appreciative of the protection surrounding those of us not directly affected by these choices and behaviors.

Yet there is no way not to be affected.

Stand up my people and remember you are a chosen people.

You really are!

No matter what you are facing, you were built to overcome, rise above and conquer everything.

No matter what, you are designed to be, have and do any good thing you choose.

Choose life!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

“No!” “Stop” “You Can’t!”

Do you keep going no matter what?

You have to!

It’s the only way!

Do you know that what you are working towards already is?

Is this why you keep going because you have the vision firmly planted in your mind’s eye and in your Spirit.

Do you ignore the road blocks and keep going?

I hope so!

Are you okay knowing that everything that shows up along the way is there for some reason even when you can’t for the life of you understand what that reason could be?

Do you sometimes feel like, you could have kept that one really crazy thing in your opinion, as you chat it out with the Creator?

But you keep going because you already know the vision exists and already is,

Remember.  You Already Are.  Be It!

If you can remember that, you will reach the finish line, and beyond.

Beyond because once you get to where you thought you wanted to be, even before you get there, you are already looking at what is yet to come.

There is always more.

That’s why it is perfectly normal and alright to start right where you are.

No matter what now is looking like at the moment.

Take a few good looks at a newborn.  At an infant.

“You Can!” “You Do!” “You Are!”

When you look into their eyes you can see the deep well of knowing that fills their small, vulnerable, trusting bodies.

They are like a package of hope.

They may not be able to tell you anything verbally, but you sure can feel the love, peace and satisfaction that they are.

They know the secret to everything life has to offer.

Trust! Believe! And Enjoy The Journey!

No muss.

No fuss.

No stress.

No doubt.

We were that all trusting, all knowing baby.

We still are.

We never worried about where the next meal was coming from.

It always came.

It still does today and there will always be a meal to enjoy.

We started lifting our head on our own.

No one said it is time to lift your head, and then proceeded to tell us this is how you do it.

We started rolling over by ourselves.

No body said “Roll Over!”

Who told you to start pulling yourself up to a sitting position?

No body had to tell you anything.

Watching  babies, or just thinking about how the baby moves through it’s natural stages is a wonderful study in growth and evolution that can’t, and won’t, be stopped.

You can’t stop it if you tried to.

But we stop ourselves everyday because we learn lack, limitation, fear and scarcity.

Where did those things come from?

We were doing alright.  More than alright by ourselves, when no one was trying to help us in any way that mattered.

But one day, we begin interacting with our caregivers.

They start telling us “No!”

‘You can’t do that!”

We hear “no” and “you can’t” so many time it becomes a part of who we are.

This is where the confusion begins.

We already know we can, and will do whatever naturally comes next, but now we’re being told what we can’t do.

In addition to that we are told “No!”

Sounds like a conflict to me.

We stop trusting our Soul and our Inner Guidance System because we are now learning to trust and believe every thing, and every one, outside of ourselves.

We want to run and be free but we already know someone is standing by just waiting to tell us “Stop.  You Can’t!”

So we stop and we don’t.

None of it is intentional.

No one is deliberately trying to hold us back from being all that we came here to be!

Learned behaviors and ways of being can stop us in our growth tracks in a flash!


Sometimes, it takes us years to come back to our Inner Guidance System and to what we know really matters.

We learn we do not have to please any one else.

We start exploring who we are with no limits.

We pick up our dreams we were born with and our knowing that we can be, have and do everything as naturally as we breath, without even thinking about it.

We go back to doing life on our own terms.

Our way.

We no longer have to back down from being who we are.

And we never give up.

We don’t have to.

Growth and evolution is who we are.

It’s the only way to be.

We never give up.

We can’t unless we try really hard to be who, and what, someone else says we should be.

We don’t give up then.

We just become someone other than who we really are, and that never feels good enough.

Go find a baby to watch.

Enjoy their journey, and your remembering how to be you.

Take notes.

Then step back into being who you are as a naturally, evolving being who enjoys engaging in life and transcending “No!” and “You Can’t!”

“Stop!”  “You Can’t!”

You Will, You Can, And You Do!

And, You Never Quit!

Because You Can’t Not Be The Creator You Came Here To Be!

Return to who you came here to be, do and have.

Which is everything!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

How Do We Step Outside Our Comfort Zone?

Usually by force.

Sure we can have dreams and goals.

We dabble here and there getting some work in.

Usually not the work that really matters, but, we are busy doing something.


Then when the shit hits the fan, as it often does, we begin our should of, could of, would of song and dance.

Of course we could have already done the things we had “committed” to a long time ago.

But we didn’t.

We don’t.

I don’t know what it is about having our backs up against the wall that makes us move our ass for real, for real, this time.

I know that fight or flight survival instinct is strong and powerful, but not always in most cases.

Why do we not honor our commitments to ourselves?

Because the Comfort Zone is an addiction.

We love being comfortable.

It feels good even when we know it is not a good place to be in.

I used to always say I don’t need to be rich.

Just comfortable.

That’s a bald-faced lie!

Maybe after I get rich, I will be comfortable, but, not before.

Comfortable is knowing that no matter what happens, I am good.

All the needs are met.

All the Time.

Every time.

That’s comfortable.

Get Out Of The Corner You Painted Yourself Inside Of!

Stuff may happen, but, no more back up against the wall kind of stuff.

Maybe we’re just adrenal junkies.

We like the rush.

The sudden jolt of urgency.

Not the best way to get shit done.

Some of us thrive in the midst of chaos.

Or, that’s the story we tell ourselves, and, we intend to stick to it.

It’s partly just plain and simply procrastination, which none of us like to admit.

Later is always the best time to do something, until it’s not!

We put up with all kinds of things just to be comfortable.

Just to stay in our Comfort Zone.

We sacrifice all of our power, freedom and abundance for comfort, which ain’t that comfortable at all!

Why???? do we do this to ourselves time, and time again?

And again.

And again.

What is this all about?

Obviously, I have a thing, or two, or three, to say about this because I am guilty AF, as a practice.


It almost feels like a practice to me.

Something I have practiced way too many times.

Time wasted.

It always ends up being time wasted.

But!, we say, no time is ever really wasted.

It all counts.

What we do, what we did, what we did not do, it all counts.


But it is so much better when we honor ourselves and our commitments to ourselves.

I can’t cry about spilt milk which can never be used for the purpose for which it is intended as we wipe up the spillage, and the mess we just made.

There’s nothing left to do but clean up the mess and hopefully do a better job of doing what we said we were going to do next time.

Maybe that’s why it is easy to stay in the Comfort Zone.

In the back of our mind, we must be telling ourself, there is always a next time.

This is true also.

There always is a next time.

And then the next.

And the next time.

But why wait?

I do not feel good in my self imposed Comfort Zone which is essentially living inside the box.

Often somebody else’s box.

Living inside someone else’s box can never be comfortable.

It is a sick delusion.

Not even an illusion, which is an image of something.

It’s like vapors.

You can’t hold them.

You can’t even touch them.

There is no safety.

The reward is usually minimal.

It is akin to slavery.

We are not free.

We are not in our power.

It is not the fast track to any type of abundance.

Most times we are just stuck.

Or, we think we are.

Yet, we cling to our Comfort Zone.

It is an addiction and the only way out is though it.

There is very little joy in painting yourself into a corner again

And again.

And again.

It takes being for real sick and tired of being sick and tired of the same ole okey doke!

Or not!

Spell check doesn’t even recognize the okey doke and can’t find the right words for it.

We shouldn’t be okay with the okey doke either.

Staying inside the Comfort Zone is another learned behavior we learned too well.

It’s time to unlearn this one.

It may be time to make a list of what is not alright about living inside our Comfort Zone.

I’m sure  the what is not alright column will be many times longer than our what is right about it column.

Most time, we don’t even realize we are stuck inside of a Comfort Zone, just settling.

But that can’t be true, when we know there is so much more we could be, do and have.

And we always know this.

Again the addiction to being in the Comfort Zone is strong.

The first step is knowing and being able to name it and say, I’m stuck inside the box.

Accepting ownership, and knowing we are stuck inside of our Comfort Zone, is the first step towards overcoming all addictions.

Are you living inside a Comfort Zone?

Do you want more?

If you answer yes, it is likely you are stuck inside of a Comfort Zone.

You can start changing this up today.

Or, you can wait until your back is up against the wall again!

Get outside of the Comfort Zone box and live a little more fully.

It is truly worth the effort.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/