Do You Believe In Magic?

I want to talk about the magic.

It’s hard to do.

It’s the kind of thing where you just have to be there seeing it with your own eyes.

But it’s like, do other people see the things I see, or have the experiences I have?

It’s weird.

It’s supernatural.

It’s phenomenal.

It’s unbelievable.





Here’s one.

Last year I was driving down 77 minutes before 7:00 am in the morning on my way to work when I saw a white ball of light with a longish green tail careening across the sky just out of no where, going from in front of me on a downward slant to the left until it just disappeared.

Mind you I am driving in traffic (well the southern version of traffic) surrounded by cars all moving along.

I’m like “WHAT IN THE HELL??????”

Does anybody else see this shit!!!???

What is going on here?

I could not believe what I was seeing!

But I did see it.

It was for real for real.

I tried to gauge if any of the other early morning drivers saw what I was seeing.

I was like damn!  I get to see all the cool, supernatural shit.

Stuff so unreal, who would believe it!

I drove on to work and did what I do.

Later on that evening I googled what was that bright white ball of fire in the morning sky in Charlotte, North Carolina?

I wasn’t the only one who saw it!

It was a meteorite.

What the???

A flipping meteorite!

Who sees stuff like that?


There were videos of it.

This was corroborated.

Maybe it wasn’t something supernatural.

But it still was.

It definitely was not natural.

Shit just doesn’t fall out of the sky.

This did.

And guess who saw it?


It definitely was one of those you just had to be there moment and event.

It loses everything, all the magic, in the translation.


Who believes in magic?

I do!

I’m always experiencing magical moments.

One night, after the Shabbat, the seventh day Holy Day, I was walking down my upstairs hallway heading towards my staircase when I saw red lights through the window.

It stopped me in my tracks.

I turned back in the other direction I had come from.

I went into my boys’ room.

My kids were probably on their way home from our place of worship.

Their bunk bed was against the window.

I sat up in the bottom bed at the window and saw the most amazing thing.

It was lightening.  But there was no rain.

It was so bight it lit the night sky up like it was in the middle of the day.

As I sat there watching, I promise you I saw lightening bolts being thrown down out of the sky to the earth.

They were your proverbial lightening bolts like you see on TV.

They were long, jagged, not straight, bolts of lightening.

I did not just see them, I heard them making a kind of sizzling sound as they flew through the sky down to the earth.

They were being thrown!

I did not see the “man” just the lightening bolts being thrown from the sky to the earth!

Pure electricity!

My first reaction was to recoil in fear.

To run.


But then again I reasoned if something was going to happen to me, like what if a bolt was coming my way kind of foolishness, there wasn’t any thing I could do about it, so what was I going to be afraid of?

I sat there watching my own personal light show outside my window.

I saw the night sky being lit up like daylight, as I looked at the arrows of thunderbolts being thrown down to earth hissing and sizzling on their way down!



I settled in and enjoyed the show.

I was mesmerized after I got over my initial fear.

My kids came home.

I excitedly asked them if they had seen the lightening lighting up the sky.

They didn’t!

No body saw anything.

I chalked it up to being something that was meant just for me.

I don’t have the words to describe it and bring it to life for any one else.

I don’t know how much time had passed after that had happened.  But it wasn’t long.

I was at a listing appointment and one of the people there in the house, a woman, said to me “Did you see the lightening in the sky the other night?”

All I could say was “Yes.  It was amazing!”

We looked at each other knowingly.

But, how did she know I saw it too?

What made her ask me about it?

That was amazing to me too.

Apparently no one else in her household saw it either.

A random woman I had never seen before, in a random situation.  Asking me a random question!


But confirmatory.

She saw it too!

We did not talk about it.

It was enough knowing someone else shared our experience.

But how did she know it was my experience?

I got the listing.

I always get the listing when it is a referral.

Please send all the referrals my way!

Thank you!

It was like a $750,000 listing.

It was a custom built house with imported doors, stones and water fountains on the front lawn of this gated property.

Unfortunately, it was over-priced and I could not get it sold for what the seller was wanting.

I guess my purpose for being there at that listing appointment was to have that random encounter with that random woman who had shared my supernatural phenomenon of an experience.

Who knows anything about anything?

I certainly don’t and in the next breath, I certainly do!

Talk about the magic and the magical!

I just had two brand new magical moments last night and the night before.

Totally fantastical!

Kind of unnerving.

Shook me to my core.

Made me run inside to hide.

But, hide from what!!!???

Who can hide from the supernatural?

From the magic?

I’m not ready to share the details.

Until next time!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



There Is Nothing Lazy About Enjoying The Juiciness That Is Summer!

I love bright, sunny, warm, Summer days!

Summer feels like freedom to me.

I love how I feel outside in the Summer time.

For me Summer is all about being outside in the abundance that nature is.

My back yard is my own personal portal to possibility, wonder, surprises and Blessings!

Especially in the Summer time.

It feels like juicy, sweet watermelon juice dripping down my chin.

The watermelon juice used to drip down my chin as I enjoyed eating it as a child.

Enjoy The Delicious Juiciness That Is Summer!

It no longer drips down my chin any more because I dig into the same juiciness now as an adult with fork in hand, but the feeling is the same for me.

It brings me back to the beingness I was as a child.

It feels  refreshing, delicious, satisfying.

Satisfying feels perfect to me.

I feel satisfied and happy.

 I love all the  ripe juiciness Summer feels like to me.

No limits.

No boundaries.

I feel free and expansive like the wide open, clear blue skies.


Filled with possibility and things to explore.

Not just the Summer, but in my everyday beingness.

There was nothing I had to do, as a child, so I did everything!

When I think of the expression “The lazy, hazy days of Summer”, it doesn’t quite feel right to me.

I understand what is trying to be expressed here.

Summer days are longer so we can find more time to just be.

Life is not supposed to be a constant, non-stop to-do-list of gotta get this doneness.

Summer is the perfect time to grab some don’t have to do anythingness.

It allows us to surrender the chase we are always on.

It frees up space in our lives and minds.

There is nothing lazy about time to stop, reflect and relish all the goodness.

In fact, there isn’t anything more important than time to re-connect with all that we are.

Nothing is more important than connecting with the God and Goddesses we are!

There is noting lazy about lounging by the pool, or at the ocean (one of my favorite places!), or taking a stroll, or sitting in the shade enjoying the cool caresses of the breeze.

Summertime is like the Shabbat.

The Shabbat is a weekly day of rest set aside to give thanks and praise to the Creator for all the goodness the week, and your life,  has been filled with.

Grab a book and a cold, almost frozen glass of lemonade and enjoy some of the “full, ripe days of Summer”.

It is expressions like “The lazy, hazy days of Summer” that make us feel wrong about letting go of the reins.

We do not have to constantly be on, at, and about the stuff in our lives.

It is desirable to go sit down somewhere, turn the things off, spend some time looking at the natural wonders around you, and allow God to whisper into your ear, your mind, your Spirit, your heart, and your body.

Summer stillness, not laziness, is the time for re-booting, adjusting and refining our lives.

Let go of the iron-clad control you feel like you have over your life, and let something greater than yourself gently guide you to everything you think you want, in flow and ease.

Let go of the constant push.

Give yourself the abundance and the luxury that is “you” time.

Allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying some of this Summertime juiciness to fill you up in a way that is revitalizing, rejuvenating and filled with inspiration.

You will feel re-charged, energized and ready to go when you get back to the business of being about what you do, and that which you intend to do, now fueled by the ideas and imaginings you received in time and communion with your Higher Power.

Even if you don’t know that is exactly what you were doing.

Bottom line.

Find time for fun simply by letting go of the ever growing To-Do-list that is your life.

Enjoy the simple pleasures that Summertime is filled with like relishing the sweet taste of some juicy watermelon in the Summer sun, or in the shade, if that is your preference.

Thank God for Summer!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



Is Ignorance Bliss?


Ignorance is bliss!

There is so much freedom in not knowing any more than we do.

Life is exactly like you say it is.

When you know more, you are accountable for more.

When you do not know there is more, you are not required to do more.

What you are doing works, and no matter what is going on, even if it does not make you feel good, it is okay, because it is what it is.

It is what it was yesterday, and you can count on life being the same tomorrow.

Granted, nothing is ever really the same from day to day, or even from minute to minute, but it is basically the same when what you know is what you know.

There is predictability and a sense of stability.

We develop coping mechanisms for the turbulence that shows up.

The rough patches.

It sounds like the movie “Groundhog Day” where you wake up living the same exact thing over, and over, and over again, down to the smallest detail.

Abusing Power, Knowing, Is Hurtful!

But that’s okay.

It is okay because you do not know there is any thing else.

Life lived in a rut that you can’t see, so it doesn’t matter.

It is even a good life.

Things are going well.

What happens in the movie “Groundhog Day” is that a man wakes up!

He wakes up every day and life is exactly the same as it was yesterday.

To put it in context, the man was somewhat of an asshole before waking up on this morning.

He wanted what he wanted, how he wanted it, and nothing, or nobody else, mattered.

So he goes through this first day of awakening, and sees the sameness in every person, situation and event.

Kind of weird.

He quickly realizes no one else is aware that nothing, not even the day on the calendar has changed.

Being the person he has always been, he sees opportunity to take advantage.

It is also somewhat predictable that knowing something someone else does not know, makes it easy to take advantage of those who do not share your knowledge.

What a shame.

It is true.

It is also true that the abuse of knowledge is dangerous when you use that power to manipulate people, situations and events.

It is an unfair advantage.

Sort of a home court advantage.

This can seem okay to you for while if you are completely heartless.

In this movie, the man had been looking for something more in his life.

Life was okay, but he could feel something was missing.

He was not even aware that he was looking for something more.

It was just time for his awakening.

Something just didn’t feel right to him.

He felt like he should have had more.

He should have been more.

But he had no idea what any of it meant.

Life, the Universe, God, have many ways to wake you up, for your own good.

Of course in this move,  a love interest shows up.

Developing feelings for someone else, especially someone who cares about others, can cause a callous, insensitive, non-caring person to begin to start asking himself, or herself, some new questions.

It allows this person to start seeing who, and how they have been living, behaving, and treating other people.

This character slowly, but sure, begins seeing the life he had been living was exactly the reason why he had been having those feelings of discontent, like something had been missing from his life.

There is a meaningness to life that comes with genuinely caring for other people, and being helpful rather than being a hindrance, and hurtful, to others.

Life is just better.


Whether you believe it or not, we are our brother’s, and our sister’s keeper.

When you know this, life has purpose.

There is meaning.

You feel good doing, and being good for others and yourself.

He, himself, begins changing who he is day, by day, among the sameness, and starts, over time, to value the people, situations and events in the midst of the sameness, because now, for him, nothing is the same.

He becomes that person who is more, and life becomes more to, and for him.


He even gets the girl, because now he is worthy of the best life has to offer him.

So yes, ignorance is bliss, but life is so much better when you have eyes to see.

When you know better, you do better.


Watch the movie “Groundhog Day” starring Tom Hanks.  I can almost guarantee you will love it!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



How, And When, Do We Stop Being Who We Are?

As a creative person, who loves exploring everything, I am just fully accepting that I have actually had a rather long run being other than who I really am.

I have created many things, and have had so many unimaginably awesome experiences in my life, one would think I would be satisfied.

I am!

But I know how short I have sold myself.

Granted, I have chosen every situation in my life, and I’m not mad about any of it.

Choosing our lives is what we do! 

I do know that I left the fullness of who I am behind, in the process of living of my life.

Now I understand why there are so many unfinished projects sitting around in my life.

I love all I have created, and those in my life, but I literally left me behind in these creations.

Sure I have given myself, and seemingly all that I am, while doing so.

But not really!

Being Unapologetically Me!

Not really because, the whole of who I am has mostly been tucked away never to be seen by any one.

Not even myself.

For too long.

I know that looking in from the outside, I have accomplished things others only dream about.

There are others who can’t even dream about many of my life experiences!

Like I said, I’m not mad about any of it.

But, I know most of my living has just been half-assed living.

This is why I have such a strong distaste for any one who does half-assed work for, and around, me.

It literally triggers me and makes me mad!

That, and the fact that I always trust people to do the thing we have agreed upon.

I pay in advance and feel like I do not have to be there while the thing is being done.

I cannot tell you how many times I have done this and came home to half-assness.

Will I learn?

Will I stop trusting?

Will I not pay in full before any thing is done?


I have no choice but to now put conditions on my trust.

Unfortunately, because I do have so much trust that others will live in integrity.

But, this is not about other people.

This is all about me, and my own integrity to myself, and more importantly, how not in integrity to myself I have been.

Since what is going on inside is always, mirrored and reflected back to us in what we see as our outside world, there is no question that the half-ass results I have received is exactly what I had coming to me.

Since I have been being half-assed to myself, how could I not expect these same results to show up in my life!

How long will I choose to be less than to myself?

Choose, because it is always a choice!

It is a choice even, and especially, when I am not conscious that I am making a choice.

It doesn’t matter that I am making half-ass choices because I am not thinking things all the way through, or even that I am unaware that I am not consciously making my choices.

What I have come to realize is that, in all of these cases, I removed my full, and real self, from the equation.

Where was I when I was making these choices?

My life has been good.

Very good!

I am not complaining.

I am just very aware that because I left the deepest, most real self out of most of my life choices and decisions, I can tell you that all of the reasons for the less than stellar results (most accurately all of the excuses why), don’t mean jack shit!

I am responsible for every bit of my life past, present and future!


Just, and only, me.

How could I not be?

Thank The Lord!

My real life has been waiting for me to catch up.

No regrets.

Always thankfulness!

I see, and feel, visions of the badassery that is unleashing, and coming through me as I now, only, allow myself to be the fullness of all that I AM in my life!

This is my prayer for you too!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



Great Expectations? Remove Them!

What do you do when you expect the world from your friends, your family, or from life, and they don’t deliver?

Let go of the expectation!

There is not one person, thing, or event that can give you what you want.

What you are looking for always, and already exists inside of you.

This means your job is to go inside and explore what is already there.

What you are looking for is the knowledge that any and everything you think you have to “find” , or, “work hard for”, already exist for you inside of your world.

Well, if that is the truth, where the F@#k is it?

We think we are looking for the money.

For the car.

For the house.

For the lover.

Those things, are great to have, and to look for, when they have not yet physically shown up.

The key to almost every thing is, simply, to let go!

Let go of the expectation!

Since our world is a mixture of mind, body and soul – that sacred Holy Trinity! – there is nothing we have to look for.

It already exists in your mind.

What am I talking about?

If you are thinking about the money, the car, the house and the lover, it is only because you have been given the vision of its existence in your life.

So the mind….

We take that thought, that vision, and start obsessing about how to get them into our very open, wanting them right now, into our not really willing to wait for it, little hands.

Now the body….

Well, if I am to have all this stuff, the only thing for me to do is to go get it.

Make it happen.


I agree.

Go for it!

Do what is in your power to make it happen!

You always have a part to play in the manifestation.

What often happens is, we do everything we think we have to do, but it still does not show up.

At least not now, when we are wanting it so badly.

Expectation sets in powerfully.

Why isn’t it here?

I’m working hard.

I can’t stop thinking about it.

There must be something wrong with me.

Why can’t I have it?

Something is wrong with me!

Every body else have every thing they want.

Why is it taking me so long?

It’s probably never going to happen.

The great expectation begins to turn to self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity.

All I want is the thing.

Back off!

This does not mean stop doing the things required.

What this does mean is, let go of the expectation.

Instead, find a way to stop obsessing over the result.

Over getting it.

It will not, and can not, show up in the midst of the self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity that is now blocking the path.

The soul….

Oh, the sweet soul!

We immediately dug our heels in and engaged our body to make all this shit happen now!

Which, by the way, hasn’t yet shown up.

This is not a bad thing.

When we did not see the results we were looking for, in the time we know it should have happened, we become discouraged.

Life is so unfair!

I suggested back off!

Let it go!

Let go of the looking for it.

Let go of the expectation!


It is likely you forgot about going inside, and spending time with the soul, which is the true gateway, the way, to all the stuff.

The body is awesome and does everything we ask of it.

Every time.

But those feelings of self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity, that shows up when we leave the soul out holds the opportunity to  remind us that we are not in this creation dance alone.

For it is not just by our body’s might, and our body’s power, that every thing we want shows up.

It is so easy to forget that it is by My Spirit! says God, that everything is created, and shows up in our lives.

Creation takes mind, body and soul working together.

We engaged the mind.

Actually the vision, the thought, the idea, the thing, was given to us by the soul.

We engaged the body which is driven by the soul.

I’m going to do everything in my body’s might and my body’s power to bring it to life.

Now it is time to engage the soul from whence everything came, and comes.

Let go of the expectation.

Let go of if I do this, then I will get that.

It all already is.

Let it be.

Instead of filling every moment with what I have to doallow it to just be.

There isn’t any thing more you have to do.

Give yourself time and space to re-connect with your soul, and know that every thing always works out for you.

Give up the chase.

The hard work.

The worry.

The self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity.

Let it all go and remember all that you already have.

Give thanks and appreciation for what already is.

Relax and know you have done all you need to do.

Stop letting it be hard.

Connect the dots and see how all the parts are coming together.

Without expecting it to, notice how the person showed up.

See that doors are opening.

Trust in the process.

You are on your path.

See that you are being guided though, and to, the vision and the thought.

To the things.

Allow the stress to dissolve.

In fact, take a walk.

Get a massage.

Do something that makes you feel good now.

Let go of the expectation.

This is what the gap in time between the vision, the thought, and the thing, is for.

To remind you that it already is.

You are being guided right to the stuff.

Go here.

Do this.

Call her.

Let your soul guide you and show you the way.

Mind. Body. Soul.

Mind, Body, Soul Manifestation Dancing!

Dancing gracefully, almost effortlessly, together in the manifestation process.

Before you know it, as if magically, you are driving the car.

Spending the money that is now sitting in your checking account.

Moving into the house.

Having fun with the lover.

All these things and more.

Mind. Body. Soul. Creation.

The easy way.

Or, just do it on your own.

The hard way.

Your way.

By just engaging the body.

Every thing is always your choice.

Flow and ease.

Or, the hard way.

Let go of the expectation and let the things in.

Let the how, the way, and the things “drop into your lap.”

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.