What’s On Your Vision Board?

Do you have a vision board?

It’s a visual picture of your dreams, goals and desires.

It’s a fun way to look at what you have decided your life will look like when you grow up.


When you grow up.

Growing up is all about evolving.

Growing into.

We are always growing and evolving!

What’s on your vision board?

If I had to guess it would be The House.  The Car.   The Man.  The Woman.  The Money.  The Adventures.  The Body.  The Friends.  The Business.

Vision Of Your Life!

All the stuff!

It is a place of dreams.

A reminder to dream.

A way to track where you are in the dream.

Something to look forward to.

A destiny and a destination.  It is also who you are.


You already are!  Be it!

It is fun seeing how you pull who you already are out into the world using a strong piece of paper that holds up to the visual pieces of your life being pasted and glued on to it.

A poster board is ideal for this.

Just the process of creating your visual representation of you encourages you to dream.

It encourages the vision.

It dares you to dream.

It frees you to let what may even be hiding inside of you out for you to look at, and play with.

You don’t even have to do the heavy lifting of creating each image.

You will be creating the easy way.

Grab some of your favorite magazines.

You’ll see why they are your favorite magazines soon enough.

Just flip through the pages and tear out the pictures, images, words, quotes, phrases and colors that catch your attention.

What you will find when you have completed this first step is your life!

You will be amazed that your life is literally and visually sitting in front of you.

They were tucked away in the pages of your favorite magazines waiting to play with you.

The fun is just beginning!

Now you get to set up your life.

It’s like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

This is a good time to simply ask the question, “Who Am I?”

Everything you have selected, which is lying in front of you, is now going to tell you who you are!

You have chose everything that speaks to your Soul.

Let your Soul speak to you and show you things about yourself.

Who you know you are.

What you might not have known, or realized.

What you don’t want to know about yourself.

Talk about self development!

Here is your whole life being shown to you in a fun, playful, easy-to-do-way.

Feel the feelings as your life is being revealed to you.

See the future.

See the path!

Your map from here to there!

Drop in to your life dreams.

This is like playing with paper dolls on steroids.

It doesn’t matter if you have never played with a paper doll.

Choose a ripped out page to begin with.

Grab your paper scissors, and cut out what called to your Soul.

Find a place on your poster board for this piece of your life story.

Don’t glue her down yet.

We have to let the story be revealed.

Your Soul is showing you the way to who you already are.

Let her!

Go through your stack cutting everything out.

See how, and where, everything fits.

When your story has come together, when all the pieces fit perfectly together, lock them into place.

A vision board is also known as, and is also called a story board.

This is the story of your life!

Now is the time to allow your life story to stick.

Glue everything, all the pieces of your life, into place.

You are securing your life story shown as your dreams, goals and desires into your mind, body, Soul, spirit and heart, not just on the piece of paper lying on your workspace.

You have engaged all of you in creating Your Personal Vision of your life!

Let her dry physically on the poster board, and, into your Spirit.

Find a place for her to live, where you can look at her every day.

She will feed you, and guide you along your journey to your dreams, goals and desires!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

My Life Chose Me!

It is hard to imagine not having choices.

With so many options known to us, and available to us today, it seems, to me, hard to imagine not having any choices.

When I was growing up as a young girl in the deep south of L.A., Lower Alabama, I never gave choices a thought.

Of course, there was the random question “what do you want to be?”

I had an answer, or two.

I want to be a nun.

I want to be a seamstress.

I never wanted to be a teacher.

I do realize I’ve been teaching all of my life, outside of the classroom setting.

A nun.

Spirituality has always been a part of who I am.

A seamstress.

I know my way around a needle, some thread and fabric!  And more!

There were not a lot of role models of what I could be in my environment.

What I saw, and had available, have become a part of who I am.

I always felt different in my born into, given environment.

I was different.

I am different.

Given I did not have any real aspirations, or know I needed them, my life chose me.

Given that I am different, and was different, I always did different things.

I did, and do, everything.

And, everything always, to this day, shows up for me.

I’ve only recently realized that I have spent my life exploring the edges.

Life On The Edges Of The Box!

I do not live my life only inside the box.

I live on the edges of the box.

I have always lived on all of the edges of the box, not even just one edge.

All of the edges.

Life has always shown up for me on the edge.

Not knowing there was a box, and not knowing there was anything outside of the box, shaped and formed who I am becoming.

It is always about who I am becoming, because I am always evolving, still exploring the edges.

I did, and do, the inside of the box things.

What everyone else does.

I also always did things others around me never did.  Or do.

This was life choosing me.

From inside the box.

Coaxing me to the edges.

I never felt like I really fit in anywhere inside the box.

Everything, and every one I know, to this day. live inside the box.

I have always been shown other things, and other ways of being.

I have always been guided, even when I had no clue that my life has been choosing me.

I have enjoyed everything I have been called to in my life.

Knowing, now, that I live life on the edge, and that I am being called, helps me understand why I see everything as an opportunity.

There is always more to be, have and do.

This feels good to me.

I actually see possibility everywhere.

In all things.

I am happy living life at the edge of opportunity and possibility.

There is no boredom here.

Mystery and surprises?


Fun and exhilaration?


Growth and evolving?


Comfort and security knowing my life is still choosing me?


My life chose me!

It is only right I embrace, and choose all the goodness, and Blessings that is my life, lived on the edge of all that is becoming.

Thank you life for choosing me!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Guided Or Commanded?

And the children of Israel did that which God commanded.

Does this mean the children of Israel were guided?

I say yes.

This is my understanding.

When we are beginning our spiritual journey, it makes sense that we should be commanded to do a thing.

As we grow up in our spirituality, we come to know that we are being guided.

When the children of Israel did that which was commanded of them, they were richly rewarded and Blessed in all areas of their lives.

They were being guided.

When they turned away, and did not do the thing commanded, or guided to do, suffering, pain and hurt were involved.

It is not because God did any thing to them.

It is what they did to themselves.

Or, did not do.

They did not follow the instructions.

They did not follow the guidance.

They went off track.

They did not trust and believe in the Guidance.

This is exactly what happens to us today.

Standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai looking up at the mountaintop on fire, with the ground vibrating, hearing the blast of horns, and then the voice of God, is enough to make us pay attention, and cause some of us do what we are told, for our own good.

You Are Always Being Guided!

God is still talking to us.

It is no where nearly as dramatic as standing at the foot of the mount.

But it is just as impressive today when we can hear that small, quiet voice inside that is still guiding us along our path.

I feel like it is even more dramatic to be able to recognize, and hear God’s call among all of the noisiness that is in our lives today.

This is a major accomplishment.

Most of us can’t hear the call in the form of thoughts received.

Those of us who do, often dismiss the thoughts as soon as they come through.

It is a Blessing to be able to capture a thought, and recognize it as guidance coming from our Inner Being, which is God inside of us.

We were being guided at the mount as well.

God never said “I command you”.

God said “Ye (you) shall do this, and this, and this other thing”.

He said, “And if you do these things, this is what you will have”.

God went on to say, “And if you do not do these things, this is what will happen to you”.

From the beginning, we were guided as to how to live our best lives.

From the beginning, it was always a choice.

Do this.

Live your best life.

Do that.

Your life will not be so easy.

This is how we can tell if the thoughts we receive is from God or not.

If the thought has the potential to move you forward you are being guided by God.

If the thought has the potential to keep you stuck, you are not being guided by God.

You always get to choose.

Forward movement, or, stuck.

Guided, or, not.

It seems simple enough.

The people were afraid to hear God talk directly to them.

They thought they would die if God continued talking to them.


I have no idea.

The children (of God) needed someone to hear for them, and then tell them what to do.

They told Moses you go hear what God has to say, then come back and tell us what to do.

So he did.

Moses told them, this is what God commanded.

There is no reason to be commanded.

Guidance is more than enough, and is much more effective.

I, personally, prefer hearing God talk directly to me, which he does in every way imaginable.

I want to leave you with a few suggestions as to how to tap into your own personal Inner Guidance and conversation with God.

  • Set aside a few minutes at the start of your day, before all the busyness begins, to just sit in silence.

That’s all.

Just sit.

  • Pay attention to your thoughts.

Dismiss those thoughts that do not make you feel good.

This is not guidance.

This is the stuff that does not move you forward.

Spend time with the thoughts that do feel good to you.

These thoughts open you up to possibility and new ways of being.

You are being guided.

The people stood before Mt Sinai once.

I encourage you to come to the mount for guidance on a daily basis.

  • You can take a walk.
  • Dance.
  • You can journal and write your thoughts in a book.
  • You can shower or enjoy a bath.
  • You can watch the clouds.
  • Do whatever makes you feel good.

Do any thing that allows you to pay attention to your thoughts.

Guidance is received in the form of thoughts.

Guidance feels good to you.

Otherwise, it isn’t guidance.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652


Are All Of Your Eggs In One Basket?

How many baskets of eggs do you have?

I’m looking at a beautiful picture of a bird’s nest woven of a wheat colored straw, with three shiny light blue robin eggs safely, nestled inside.

Build Your Nest. Lay Your Eggs.

I cannot see all of the activity taking place just beneath the surface of the egg shells.

Although, in my mind’s eye, I can see life, growth and evolution going on.

I can’t see any of this taking place.

I don’t have to see any thing that is happening inside the eggs, but I know without a doubt life already is.

I cannot tell when, or how, the eggs will hatch.

Your Ideas Will Hatch

What I know is, they will hatch.

As I sit here looking at this picture, the process that ended up as three eggs in a nest is becoming clear to me.

I wonder if mama robin meticulously built her nest first before becoming impregnated.

Or, was the process of creating new life already under way before she decided to build her nest?

The nest itself is a woven work of art.

Just like the Israelites had to gather straw to make bricks to build the Egyptian pyramids, mama robin had to gather straw, lots of straw, to weave her intricately woven soft, sturdy nest to hold, and support  the eggs she would be laying.

First she had to choose the perfect tree and just the right branch for her nest.

I’ve never seen  a bird sitting on her nest, but I have seen a bird protecting her nest.

There was a nest in a bush planted in my flower bed in front of my house.

The only way I knew the nest was there is because whenever anyone got near the bush, the bird would start circling, somewhat noisily, around the area.

Just like a mother.

Just like a Creator.

Doing whatever it takes to protect her offspring.

Doing whatever it takes to protect her Creation.

Who taught mama robin how to build a nest?

Did anyone have to teach her?

There are so many things we know, innately, on the inside, that no one ever have to teach us.

We, too, are already equipped with all we need to know to prepare for, build and grow our lives, and all that which we choose to have in our lives.

All we have to do is be the bird.

Be who you are.

The robin is not concerned about any other bird.

She is all about her own business.

The other birds are not concerned about mama robin.

Because there is enough space, trees, straw and worms for each of them.

Their world is abundant.

There is no lack, scarcity, fear, worry, or doubt.

They just merrily fly, chirp and sing beautifully, eat worms, build nests, and lay eggs, simply living life, being birds.

Being, and doing, what they came here to be, and do.

They are Creators too, just like us.

We too, are here to be, and do, what we came here to be, and do.

Our world is even more abundant.

There is so much possibility available to us.

We have so many options to choose from.

There are so many nests we can build.

We do not have to put all of our eggs in one nest.

But we sure can put as many eggs in as many nests as we want to.

There are so many things we can breathe life into.

Our work is the same as mama robin.

We know that we must prepare the way for our Creations.

We have to choose our tree.

We have to gather the perfect straws and intricately weave them into a safe, sturdy, supportive, beautiful space to hold and nurture the eggs we are laying.

Lay the eggs.

Give birth to the ideas.

Then know without a doubt that the most important work will take place beneath the surface, in the place you cannot see with your eyes.

But in your mind’s eye you know God is busy working on your behalf, doing her part in the spaces you cannot see,  growing and evolving the creation you have laid the foundation for, and have been carefully preparing for.

You do your part and your art, and God will always do her part and her art.

There it is again.

That Co-Creative Dance with God!

Then we carefully watch over our creations and protect them at all costs, knowing they will birth into new life.

We don’t have to worry about there not being enough of anything, because there is more than enough abundance for each of us.

Let go of any lack, scarcity, fear, worry, or doubt.

Mind your business, and your businesses.

Merrily go about doing the work of being who you uniquely are. doing what you uniquely do, enjoying all that life has to offer you.

Be free, and understand there are no limits to what is available to, and for you.

You get to decide how many nests you have.

You get to decide how many eggs to put into your nests!

Now spread your wings and soar!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/


Find something to be grateful for.



Large and small.

Significant or not.

It is all significant.

What you focus your attention on grows.

It’s a simple formula.

If you are focusing on being in gratitude guess what you are doing.

You are watering and nurturing that gratitude thing in your life.

You are focusing on gratitude.

You are growing gratitude in your life.

Translation:  You are using the Law of Attraction, and since like attracts like, you are bringing many more things to be grateful for into your life.

I think this is pretty good.

It feels so good to have something show up in your life that you are grateful for.

Just the simple act of being grateful for what you have received is exactly what it takes to bring in more of the goodnesses to be grateful for.

And yes, I just made up the word goodnesses simply because I can.

Which is a reminder to me, and hopefully for you that I can do, be and have anything and everything I choose just because I am choosing it.

Choosing is the way to the things you want and desire.

Choose, give it your attention, do what feels like it is taking you in the direction of what you are wanting and before you know it, voila! it shows up in your life.

You do not have to become obsessed with when it will show up, or how it will show up.

That kind of attachment smells like doubt and disbelief.

Instead, I’ll just repeat the simple steps for you.

Choose, give it your attention, do what feels like it is taking you in the direction of what you are wanting and before you know it, voila! it shows up in your life.

This is fully expecting, trusting and knowing the thing will happen.

You do not have to worry about how or when.

Figure out how to just be happy in the process.

Be happy with the work you are doing.

As you give the attention and do some form of work (taking action) you will begin to see evidence of what you are wanting and what you are doing the work for.

Rinse and repeat.

Every day.

Plant Some Gratitude Today!

Just like a seed you have planted in the ground.

Water it.

Make sure it gets enough sun.

Give it your attention.

It will sprout, grow and bear fruit.

Nature is the greatest teacher.

The seed always grows.

So too it is with your desires.

They always come to fruition.

Trust, believe and take small actions every day until the manifestation.

Manifest it must and will.

Be grateful for the process.

See how we started with find something to be grateful for.

It blossomed, and bloomed, into a process for focusing your attention on something so that it will grow.

Gratitude and manifestation go hand-in-hand.

They are partners.

Gratitude is as simple as saying thank you.

Try thank you on for size.

It is not only good for you, it also makes you feel good when you just say the words thank you to anybody for any thing.

I am thankful for my life.

I am thankful for you.

I am thankful for waking up each day.

I am thankful for all the things in my life.

Thankfulness is being in gratitude.

Please find something to be grateful for today.

Please find some gratitude in your life.


It is a big deal and is so easy to do.

Find something to be grateful for.

You will thank me for it!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/