Second Guessing

Second Guessing a decision already made only really serves to remind us that the thing we knew was actually the thing we knew.

Rather, it was the thing we were guided to do.

We start looking at the evidence, what has already unfolded and decide that what we thought was not good enough.

It was the thing we were guided to do!

How could it not be good enough?

Because we have not completely trusted in our Inner Guidance long enough, we feel like we know better.

So we change our mind.

If we allow ourselves to step away, if only for a few moments, what we find out upon our return is what we originally “knew” was the thing we should have trusted in.

“My ways are not your ways” says The Lord.

How could we possibly know what The Most High has planned for our good.

We can only know by trusting in that still, small, voice that is always guiding us.

Forget about trying to figure it out.

Our way.

It is a good thing to learn how to relax into our beneficial relationship with The Creator Of All Things.

The Creator Of All Things.



In all things.

There isn’t anything God does not know about us, our intentions, desires, wants and goals.

God knows the best path to get us to them and guides us in the best direction that will take us there.

We are guided.

We get the idea, the intuition, the path shown to us and we, most times, promptly move in the opposite direction.

Second guessing ourselves.

Thinking, it can’t possibly be that simple. There has got to be more to this.

Allowing ourselves to be guided by our Inner Being is not easy.

It requires trust!

Trust is not the easiest thing to cultivate.

We feel like life has to be hard because we have to figure everything out for ourselves.

The thought that is given to us, the guidance, doesn’t always make sense to us because we are always looking at the evidence right in front of us.

What we forget is that the evidence we are looking at now is yesterday’s old news.

Nothing is ever what it looks like on the surface.

What we see today is a result of yesterday’s thoughts and actions.

What we are looking at today is what has already been done.

Hopefully, they were actions that moved us forward that we can then build on.

Which is actually a good thing.

When what we are looking at today pleases us, we took the right actions and can, and should, confidently take the next right actions.

We, in our brilliance that we are, think we are the ones guiding the ship.

We are.

It’s who, and how, we were created.

We are the master crafters of our lives.

Every thought and every action makes our lives what it is.

But since we are not in this alone, why not trust The Creator Of All Things who told us “My ways are not your ways”?

I know trusting is not easy to do.

We trusted him.

We trusted her.

We trusted that.

Things did not always quite work out.

Trusting in things outside of ourselves rarely work out the way we want them to.

There are too many variables involved.

Things we have no way of controlling.

We do not know what someone else’s motivation is.

Hopefully, it is one of service, that is beneficial for you.

Most times others are looking for some benefit for themselves.

It is a marketing truth 101.


Translation: What’s In It For Me.

Can you honestly tell me you do not think about what you will get when you are thinking about helping some one out.

We all do it.

If I do this, or say that, then I will get this.

Kind of tainted isn’t it.

Not quite as pure as it could be.

This is not always the case.

Just something to think about when we are looking outside of ourselves to others for help, guidance and to show us the way.

This is especially true when we pay someone for their help and advice.

Most gurus and experts will “give” you just enough to keep you coming back for more, so you can pay them more and more.

It cultivates dependency.

We need them, and what they have to give.

So, as long as we trust in them, we will be guided, and they will have the benefit of being paid for our trust in this outside source.

I speak from experience.

I’ve trusted in many outside sources, and paid handsomely for trusting in them.

Sometimes my expectations were exceeded.


Not as much!

We must trust ourselves to know what is best for us.

Trusting in ourselves, in our Inner Guidance, is ultimately the place we want to be.

A way to know if we are following Inner Guidance is by noticing how a thought makes us feel.

Does the thought excite you?

It may not make any real sense to you, but it does make you feel good.

It could even scare you a little.

It is normal to be a bit hesitant about going into something new.

A new direction.

A new opportunity.

But you are still excited about the possibilities.

It is likely you are being guided by Your Higher Power.

Inner Guidance Makes You Feel Good. No Second Guessing Required

If the thought causes you to want to pull away, to contract, it may be something you are trying to make happen, at any cost, that will likely take a long time, a lot of work and effort, and may not yield the desired results.

We often do not second guess the hard way of doing something.

We always want to second guess the thoughts that seem easy.

But, does the easy thought make you feel good?

If the thought feels good, just imagine how the manifestation, the result, will make you feel.

Step into the “feel good to me” guidance and see where that takes you.

Step into the ease and flow guidance to experience the good life is offering you.

Stop second guessing Inner Guidance.

No worries though.

We are always being guided.

It is never too late.

Start where you are right now.

The best is always calling you forward.

Pay attention to the call.

You are being guided to it.

Cultivate your personal dance with the Creator to all your desires, intentions, wants and goals.

Just recognize if the thoughts make you feel good.

Even if it feels a bit scary, but still exciting, just hang on for the good ride to the life of your dreams.

Stop second guessing the good stuff!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



Self knowledge!

How is it that we always know what is true, and good, and right for us, but we live out our days like we don’t have a clue about what we are here to do?

Yesterday I shared about second guessing ourselves.

Not trusting ourselves and our Inner Guidance.

It could all be so simple, but we make life so difficult.

Could it be we love the rush of going against the tide, and then coming out, and up, from underneath?

Is it just our ignorance?

Our people truly do die for lack of knowledge.

Self knowledge!

It really is not about a lack of knowledge.

Deep down inside we always know.

Self Knowledge is Power!

Is the knowledge, and our truth, buried too deep, underneath all the bullshit we act like we believe.

I honestly don’t know what it is.

But then again, I do, because we always know.

It is not applying the knowledge.

Self knowledge!

It’s about not understanding what makes you and your life better.

It is about not applying the knowledge consistently.

Some things I know about myself.

I do not let laziness be more important than discipline.

Sometimes, to get started with a thing, in the beginning, I have to rely on discipline.

Discipline is not easy, but is very necessary.

Discipline will get me up out of bed when all I would rather do is pull the covers up over my head.

Let discipline be your friend.

At least in the beginning.

Especially, in the beginning.

Use discipline to get you going when your mind is telling you to snooze the alarm and roll over.

You do know that once you get started with a thing, you are good.

It becomes your new normal.

You begin looking forward to doing the thing.

Malcolm said it best when he said “by any means necessary”.

Do whatever it takes.

I feel like using another word for work is useful.

Self knowledge!

When I approach what I do, even that which I am choosing to do, from the place of “having to do the work“, I almost automatically want to shut down.

My mind subconsciously has a problem with “having to do the work“.

As I look at this, I see there are two parts to this equation.

“Have To Do” and “Have To Do The Work”.

I love doing everything.

But do not ever tell me what I have to do!

I have always been a hard worker.

I never give up.

I grind to the finish because I choose to.

But do not tell me what I “have to do”!

Even when you think it is for my own good.

Now about “Have To Do The Work”.

Work is such a loaded word to me.

It is full of resistance.

Who wants to go to work or have to do the work?

Not me!

Self knowledge!

I am all about getting it done!

And, therein lies my secret sauce.

I get to do the things.

I get it done.

I would much rather “get to do the things” than “have to do the work”.

It is just how my mind works.

Self knowledge!

I’m glad I understand the difference, for me, between getting to do the stuff and the things, and having to do the work.

Getting to do something brings me joy.

Having to do the work is a chore.

Simply substituting one, or two, words make a powerful difference in making my life work.

Self knowledge!

Understand the words that inspire you.

Let the words that trigger you go.

Say thank you. Job well done. Word, I now set you free.

Self knowledge!

Self knowledge helps me understand what is true, and good, and right for me, and allows me to be about what I am here to do.

Self knowledge lets me get shit done!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



What Are You Chasing?

“In the absence of clarity around our soul purpose, we cannot distinguish between a distraction or an opportunity”.

We are always looking for something.




There is no shortage of things to explore.

This is good, and, bad.

Good because there are many opportunities.

Bad because there are too many distractions.

What are you chasing?

Are you bouncing from one thing to the next like a boat caught in a rapid, being tossed this way and that?

Or, are you sailing smoothly down the river in your intended direction?

Are you stuck on the shore feeling like life has left you behind?

There is one common thread in each of these scenarios.


Soul Purpose.

What’s your purpose?

What are you here for?

Knowing what you are here to do makes all the difference in how life feels to you.

Knowing what you are here for is like that lighthouse guiding you safely along your path in the raging storms of life.

Knowing your soul purpose allows you to choose the opportunities while ignoring the distractions showing up at your door.

There are plenty of both.

Distractions and opportunities.

No real worries though.

You will get to where you are destined to be.


Or, purposefully.

Either way, you will arrive.

Clarity, knowing your soul purpose, what you are here for, is the most delightful way to where you are going.

The path is a little bit bumpier when you don’t quite know where you are going.

This does not mean you will not enjoy yourself along the way.

It just means your route will not be the most direct path.

In the absence of knowing what you are here for, your soul purpose, you may have to climb over more rocky mountains, tear down some formidable walls, and tip toe around some tricky mine fields that can blow you further off track.

It doesn’t mean you won’t get there, it will just take more time and energy.

We always get where we are going.

Better to get there in flow and ease.

Flow and ease really is a thing.

Flow and ease does not mean without effort.

Effort will always be required.

Flow and ease does not mean without challenges.

Challenges just mean you have some things to figure out.

Challenges mean you have to figure out how to uncover the opportunity that is tucked away inside the challenge.

Purposeful challenges do not knock you completely off course.

They tend to bring you back into alignment, on path, when you have veered a little to the left, or to the right.

They bring you back to your path.

When you are not clear about who you are to be, have, or do, a challenge can take you out of the game for a while, or, for a very long time.

The already unclear path becomes even more difficult to navigate.

But again, not to worry, you will get to your destination.


It will be a big benefit to give some thought to the things that come easy to you. The things that you like. The things that make you happy.

These usually are the things others will quickly, and strongly, tell you you cannot, or should not do.

Do not let anyone convince you to not listen to your Soul showing you who you are.

These things you like, that are easy for you, lead you to your purpose work. To what you are here to be, have and do.

No one, but you, can decide what is best for you.

Those who love us think they are taking care of us, and keeping us safe, when they discourage us from doing the things that feel right to us.

There is nothing safer than being who you are meant to be.

Maybe your desires seem too big for you.

You feel like who are you to want the things that are being shown to you by your Soul.

Having the desire is your indication it is meant for you.

Do not give in to the fear of the bigness.

It is your gift.

It is yours.

It is what will light your life up, make you happy, and how you will impact the world.

Being happy is your biggest clue to your soul purpose, that which you are here to be, have, and do.

Choose those things that make you happy.

Do you not know that your soul purpose is to be happy here on this planet earth?

Find your happy!

Let happiness show you your way to your soul purpose.

This is the clarity you are looking for.

It is this clarity, this happiness, that which is your soul purpose, that allows you to see and accept the opportunities flowing into your life.

Be happy and live the life you are meant to live, in clarity, and on purpose!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



How’s Your Year Going?

I wrote this September 3, 2020.

It is still relevant today December 25, 2022. Six (6) days before 2022 ends and 2023 begins!

Here it is. September 3rd, 2020.

We are at the beginning of the 9th month of this year.

There are three more months left to this calendar year.

How’s your year going?

Have you stayed true to your resolutions?

Keep Your Promise To Yourself!

Resolutions are the big thing for January 1st of every year.

Most times resolutions get left behind before January ends.

Did this happen to you?

Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself?

If not, why not?

Many things can derail us, and take us off course.

Being off course does not mean we have failed at our goals.

It could be that our goals need some refinement.

Some tweaking.

Not twerking, but tweaking!

Sorry. I could not resist that.

Ain’t nothing wrong with a little twerking every now and then.

Back to tweaking and refining….

Have you looked at where you are standing right now with the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

What do you need to change about your goal?

Are you willing to make the changes?

Are these still goals that you want to pursue?

If so, have you made them your priority?

Are they getting enough of your time and attention?

Have you let other things that are not moving you in the direction of your desire have most of your time, attention and energy?

You might have to decide if what you claimed for yourself at the beginning of the year is truly the thing most important to you. Or not.

Do you still want this?

If you do, your tweak may just be letting it be important enough to you so you will give it your undivided attention.

As you look back over these past 9 months, you may realize that the other things may have been fun, but they were actually a distraction.

There is nothing wrong with having fun.

But, there is a time and a place for everything.

If having fun is more important to you, it may be that your goal may not be the thing you actually want to see become your reality.

There is nothing wrong with that either.

But! Be honest with yourself!

With three more months left in this year, there is still time to breathe life into your desire, your intention, your goal, your resolution.

If you want it, you can still have it.

Find the fun in moving forward with your desire. Find the satisfaction in taking action every day in the direction of your desire. Feel the pleasure in seeing your thoughts and actions taking shape, and shifting into what you say you want in your life.

No one can make you commit to you.

Show yourself some love, and do what is required of you to achieve your intention.

You are the only one who can do this for your!

If it is what you want.

You can do it!

You can have the things you say you want to have.

All of it, and so much more.

Choose you!

Give yourself the chance to see how great you are.

You have everything you need to be, have and do all of the things that will make your life better.

Be your best self.

Again, it does require your commitment to yourself, your time , your attention and your effort.

As you apply yourself, it will quickly begin to feel more like a labor of love, instead of a requirement.

It will begin to feel fun to you seeing your desires coming to life.

Give yourself the opportunity to have this experience.

You can do it!

Let these be the best three months of your life.

For those of you who have been crushing this year, keep the momentum going!

You already are reaping the rewards of your commitment to your self, your time, your attention and your effort.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



Get Out Of The Way!

What happens when you pour your heart and soul into someone and it does not turn out the way you want it to?

In that moment of time.

It may not ever turn out the way you want it to, but you did all you could do.

When what you want involves another person, what you have to remember is that, although you have some influence, you are never in control of that other person.


And, you can’t change that.

Tho it tears at your heart, you have to step out of their way and allow them to be the captain of their own ship, even as you watch them falling off of a cliff.

You have to figure out how to be okay not being in charge of that situation.

The expression, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink your Kool Aide” is true.

Be alright with that.

Setting the other person free is best for everyone involved.

They have things they have to work out.

Without you being the safety net holding them up!

It will be hard to watch unfolding.

But, you have to let go.

Cut the cord.

You are not in control of anyone else.

But, you are in control of the energy you allow into your space.

Toxic energy is toxic energy.

It doesn’t matter who that toxic energy is attached to.

Although you can usually maintain your balance and go on about the business of controlling the one thing you can actually control – you! – life will be so much sweeter for you on the other side of this people situation you cannot completely control.

You can control how much of the toxicity you will accept.

You can control how to clean up your space.

Give up control of the uncontrollable.

Or, stay stuck in a loop that has historically shown you it will not change under the current circumstances.

We all have our own destiny, which will be fulfilled, one way, or another.

We each have our own path to navigate.

Sometimes you have to move out of the other person’s path so they can move forward.

Be okay with that.

Get back on your own path so you can continue moving forward.

You’ve done all you can do for that person in this moment.

Take a deep breath knowing things always work out for you.

For them.

For everyone.

Your path is yours.

His path is his path.

Her path is her path.

Stop standing in the middle of someone else’s path.

Stop Blocking Their Path!

Set them free!

Set yourself free!

They will thank you for it later.

Or, not!

And that’s okay too.

There is another expression you are familiar with.

“Live and let live!”

Lick your wounds.

Let them lick their own wounds.

Because things are always working out for you.

Because things are always working out for him.

Because things are always working out for her.

So there isn’t ever any thing you, or him, or her, have to worry about, when you know things are always working out.

Get out of the way!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.