
Yesterday was the Hebrew (Jewish) High Holy Day of Yom Kippor.

The day of atonement.



This day has been set aside as a unique opportunity to come before the Creator to confess, yes to declare, how you have not lived up to your potential in the past 365 days.

It is a time to recognize, and declare, how you have fallen short in your words and actions.

It is a designated time to look at who, and how your have been, as well as who, and how, you have not been.

It is a time of reflection

It is historically a time to ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed in the past year.

It is a time when your sins are forgiven.

It is a time when your sins are forgiven.

What it really is, is a time to celebrate all that you may have forgotten that you really are!

It is A New Beginning.

God knows how I love A New Beginning!

Yom Kippor, the Day of Atonement, At-One-Ment, is the one day in the year when you get to spend special time with the Creator of all things. The One who created you, me, the world, the universes and everything in them.

It is a day of fasting.

Not eating.

Not drinking.

Letting everything that would turn your attention away from being At-One with the Creator go.

No distractions.

Looking inside.

Seeing what you are really made of.

Getting to know you.

Know The Truth About Who, And What You Are – Created In The Image Of God!

Giving thanks for everything.

Having appreciation for all that is given to you.

Do we ever really look inside?

Do we have any notion of who, and how, we are?

We live our lives like we are powerless.

Like there are things we cannot do?

We live fearful lives.

We are scared of our power.

We are scared of the awesomeness we are.

We are afraid of each other.

We live our lives so far from being At-One with the only thing that ever matters, which is Being At One with God.

Life becomes so much easier, and so much more fun and enjoyable, when we know where we come from, and who we are.

We are each individual pieces of God.

We are God manifest in our bodies here in the earth.

We are Godly Beings.

That which God is, is that which we are.

We are not separated from God.

God is not out there somewhere.

God is who, and what, we are.

Our one, and only real sin, is not knowing and believing we are separated from God who created all things including you, and, me.

Being created in the image of God, knowing this, and believing this, gives us the key to the Kingdom.

Owning this truth in our heart removes all fear, doubt, lack, scarcity, unworthiness, which translate into hating ourselves and each other.

It removes violence, stealing, lying, killing each other, cheating, greed, gluttony, distrust, not loving ourselves, jealousy, over indulgences, under achievement, poverty. All the negatives.


Yom Kippor, The Day of Atonement, At-One-Ment, At-One, is the gift of letting all the negatives go. It is the gift of pressing the re-set button. It is the gift of being forgiven of all the un-Godliness we have engaged in. Forever!

It is a new start.

A New Beginning.

It is the Beginning of the rest of your life.

Your New Life!

A life of joy, freedom, power and abundance.

You deserve, are entitled to, and have been promised your heart’s desires.

Every thing, everything, has been created just for you!

Created in the image of God means you have all the power to be, do and have any, and every thing you can imagine, and even that which you can not even begin to imagine.

You. Me. And everyone else.

There is more than enough of everything for all of us.

There is no competition.

No one can ever have what is meant for you!

There is no lack in the world when you are At-One with the Creator.

When you Atone.

When you are At-One.

When you are At-One-Ment.

I pray that your Yom Kippor, your Day Of Atonement, Your Day of being At-One brought peace into your Heart, your Spirit, your Being.

I pray you felt way more thankful than you felt less than and not good enough.

You absolutely are good enough!

I pray you felt way more Blessed than you felt in need of Blessing.

Even if you were not aware of this special window of opportunity to get your act right, you are still Blessed, and worthy of all life is here to offer you.

Turn inward and see that you are the same stuff God is.

There is nothing sinful in God which means there is nothing sinful in You!

Look inside yourself and see and know without a shadow of a doubt how Blessed, Powerful and Free you are to Be, Have and Do all that is good inside of you!

Be At-One with all the Godliness that you are!

Be At One with all the goodness that you are!

Peace. Love. Blessing.

Heart. Based. Sharing.




When we get off track, that is what we do.

Forget the we. I am talking about myself!

It is hard for me to believe I have not written a post to share in a while. It is days away from being three months!


How could this be?

It gives me so much pleasure sharing what comes through me.

Pure Joy!

Yes. what I get to share with you comes to me, for me, and through me, as it is for you as well.

Why would I not want to be this vessel through which good things flow?

Many things come to mind. None of them are valid, or mean anything, except that they do.

Who am I to think what I have to share is valid? There is much value here!

What will people think about me? Who gives a royal Fuck?

Of course there is my fear of being seen. Fear of allowing my light to shine. Guess what? I CAN’T TURN THE LIGHT OFF!

Excuses out of the way!

So! Here I am!

Let the good times roll!

I am so happy to be here with you. To share with you From. The. Heart!

From. My. Heart!

It is the thing I do every day, all day, in every moment.

No matter what!

We can hide. Keeping it real. I can hide, or I think I can, but truth, my truth be told, there is no place I can run to. No place I can hide.

When you have been assigned a job to do, you will do the job, no matter what!

So showing up each day, allowing that day’s message to flow to me, for me and through me, for you, is the thing I get to do. Is the thing I can’t not do. Trust me I have tried to not do this work assigned to me. I can’t not do it. So do it I will!

There is value in what flows through me. To you. And, for you.

There is value in being a light in the darkness, in the chaos, in the uncertainty, in the fears. Real and imagined fears.

All fears, no matter how real they feel and seem, simply are False Expectations Appearing Real.

We breath the life into our fears.

We give fear the power to rule our lives.

There is no fear if we do not feed it.

Every one of us really and truly are Free. Powerful. Abundant. Beings.

This is the message I have to share with you.

I will never feed into the fear, giving it life, or power, because that is not our truth. Not your truth. Not my truth.

Some may want you to live in fear.

Not me.

I want you to live in the power that you are. The power you can’t not be.

Right about now I can hear some of you saying “What The Fuck Is This Crazy Woman Talking About?”

Why should wanting you to know how powerful you are make me seem like a crazy woman?

Bottom line here though, is that your fear based, irrational thoughts and opinions do not matter, don’t count, are not real, and that is not the party we are having here.

That is somebody else’s party!

The only thing going on here is motivating, inspiring and lovingly lifting you up!

Every day. All day!

It feels so good being back doing the thing I can’t not do!

Back At It!

Sharing. From. My. Heart.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



In The Zone

When the mind takes over how do you make it stop?

Why would you want to?

There is a place inside of each of us that brings us to where everything is. It is the place we hunger to find. It is the holy land within where there isn’t anything but replenishing and fulfilment. It is that quiet place where we are not having to figure all the stuff out.

It is true, the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

But sometimes, we have to step outside of the mind because it lives in overdrive.

Gotta do this.

Gotta do that and it’s all got to be done now.

Going beyond the mind is like a vacation from everything we know.

It is beyond the words.

Beyond thought.

What is it like to find that peaceful, quiet, not frequently visited place? The place beyond.

The place where everythinng is.

The watering hole.

The quiet, sweet place.

Why is letting the message be the message so scary?

The mind says, what are you talking about?

The mind has too much control.

Its job is to keep you safe.

When you stretch beyond the every day, the norm, you run the risk of being seen as abnormal.

Why do we feel safety in being just like everyone else?

Being different is not an easy thing to do, or place to be.

Being guided is not an easy thing to submit to.

It is even more difficult to share. To try to explain.

What is the point?

Test the limits.

Dare to follow the call.

Dare To Take The Road Less Traveled! Dare To Be Different!

Dare to open yourself up to what can only be described as the unknown.

Dare to see where the yellow brick road leads you.

Are you brave enough?

Or, is there safety in being just like everyone else?




I have no idea where any of this is going.

Just let it flow.

Be in it.

Do I dare press the share button?

Some things cannot be explained.

Not everything has to be.

Let it flow.

Be in the flow.

Let go and let life.

Being in control at all times ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Do you answer to a higher power? To a call you can’t identify?

Do you dare show what can only be seen as the crazy unless you are in this dance too?

My mind was racing off the chart.

I had to find my way out of the non-stop, incessant rapid-fire push to the limit, never ending barrage of what?

More of the same.

How to keep up with the norm.

What the hell is normal?

This is just a test to see if I will follow the instructions, no matter the perceived consequences.

Dare to be different.

I see that is what this is all about.

Do I dare to be different?

Do you?

Living in conformity leaves no room for genius, for creativity, for what we came here to be.

Do this and do not worry about the fall-out. About the consequences.

Do I dare follow the call and let what it is be exactly what it is without explanation?

We will see!

This is just a test!

And so it is.

Sharing. From. The. Heart. (of a mad woman?)

Peace. Love. Blessings.




I know there are times in my life when I have been so busy, yet, I could not see the results of all the activity.

I think back when I was in High School.

I had a full schedule of classes every day.  I went to class (when I went, to be honest) every day.  I did my class work and got all of my homework, and projects done.  I had time to hang out with my friends and do extra curriculum activities.  There was time for everything, and time left over at the end of the day.

Focused Consistent Scheduled Activity Leads To Success

What this shows me is that scheduled, consistent, focused, activity is what made this work.

Classes had a fixed schedule.

Homework had to be turned in every day which meant you had to do it.

Every day, for each of the minimum of five classes per day.

Projects were assigned, and had due dates, so they had to be done.

Focused energy as opposed to scattered energy.

I know I am that person who has to have some structure in my life to keep on track.

Otherwise, being the open to everything kind of person I am, my energy is prone to being scattered all over the place.

I’ve often pondered how I could be so busy, and yet, not get much of any thing done.

It is because of scattered, unfocused energy, and not following my schedule.

I am like a laser when I am focused.

I am in my zone, and get lost in time, doing the thing at hand.

As we become adults, our schedule loosens up.

It is not that we do not have as much to do, we just are not time bound the same way.

Going to work is the one big non-negotiable for most of us.  We have to do it.  Whether we want to or not.

Everything else?

All negotiable.

I’ll get to it when I have time.

When I feel like it.

After my nap, for those that nap.

I understand that consistency is key to achievement.

Focused, consistent, scheduled activity in the direction of that which you are desiring.

The desire is awesome.

The focused activity is the way.

Desire without action is a dream no matter how much you “say” you want the thing.

So, use high school as a success tool model.

You were successful every day.

You knew what had to be done.

Your activities were scheduled.

You focused on the tasks at hand.

Every thing, plus, got done.

Incremental, ongoing success was your result.

This is how we create the same success now in our lives.

Know what it is you want to achieve.

Decide what activities it takes to get to the desired outcome.

Schedule these activities.

Write them down on a calendar, or, use the calendar on your phone.

Focus on completing one task at a time for the time you have allotted to it.

Then move to the next task.

Then the next one, as you move through your day, and night.

Incremental, ongoing success will be your result.

You’ve got this!

Now, go forth and be fruitfull!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace.  Love. Blessings



The Power To Be Your Best Self

Who gives you the power to be your best self?


Only you.

We all say we believe in God.

Well, some of us do.

Who do you believe in?

What do you believe in?

No matter what you are thinking in your mind, there is a Higher Power that is the orchestrator of all that is, all that was and all that will be.

This Power has already filled you with The Power To Be Your Best Self.

Have you ever heard the expression “Created In The Image Of God!”


There you have it.

The secret.

Whatever God can do, you can do.




Not at all.

The power to create?


You were born with the power to create.

You have been creating, and becoming, from day one!

Think about it.

Did you just plop out of the womb and sit there all these 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or more years?

Absolutely not!

You are a mover and a shaker, even if you don’t believe in your power.

It is time to learn to believe in you, who you are, and who you came here to be.

You are the creator of your life.

You are that same Creative Power we all come from.

You were given life to express your creativity.

From day one!

You have never just sat there like a lump of clay.

You Mold And Shape Your Life!

You have been molding and shaping your life all this time.

Mostly by default, which makes you believe your life has happened to you.

Because, who in their right mind will create lack, scarcity, doubt and unwanted drama, on purpose?

Purpose is key here.

Purpose is like a navigational system.


We all use our GPS to get to the place we are going.

When I want to get someplace I have never been to, I put my destination in, follow the directions, and trust my GPS will get me there.

This simple analogy shows you “The Power To Be Your Best Self”.

  1. I want to get someplace I have never been to

What is your purpose?  Your someplace?  Your destination?

Is it to amass wealth, or, just more money than you currently have?

Is it to improve your relationships?

Is it to start a business?

Is it being a healthier you?

You have to identify, and choose, your purpose.

The thing you have to remember about purpose is, there are many purposes, and, they are always changing, so it doesn’t matter what you choose.

You’ll always be choosing.

Now you have your purpose.  Your destination.

You have chosen what you want.  Your purpose.  Your destination.


2.  I put my destination in

Put your destination in.

Put it where? you might ask.

Put it in your mind.

In your thoughts.

Put it in writing.

Put it in your heart.

Let it fill your Spirit.

Meditate on it.

Think about it.

Why do I want this?  Do I really want this?  What am I going to do about this?

3. Follow the directions

Your mind, your thoughts, your heart, your Spirit, God!, will show you how to get to your purpose and your destination.

Stay in step 2, putting your destination in, until you see can see your path.

You are always being guided by your higher Power.

Are you listening?

Go here.

Do that.

Call her.

Go the other way.

Follow the directions to your best self.

4.  Trust my GPS will get me there

If you have never had trust in yourself, God or the world you live in, you will have to develop this trust.

There isn’t any other way to cultivate “The Power To Be Your Best Self”.

There is no purpose strong enough to get you where you want to be if you just do not trust, and believe, in your Self.

Think of your GPS as God-Purpose-Self!

GOD knows your PURPOSE and believes in your SELF!

Do you?

God does create the miracles, but does not force anything on you, or, into your life.

There is no miracle without you!

You are the most important part in miracle creation.

You Are The Power To Be Your Best Self!

You have to trust and believe in yourself.

In the Power that you are.

Trust your thoughts, your instinct, your gut feelings, knowing you are being guided to your destination, and your purpose.

You are always being guided!

Whether you listen or not!

Whether you following the instructions, or not!

Being aware of the instructions, and following them, is the dance with God, and life, that I talk about.

Trust that you have this guiding relationship with God, and trust yourself to follow the guidance.

This is the most important relationship you will ever develop.

5.  My GPS will get me there

Trust and believe, or not, that you are always being guided to being the best Self you can possibly be, in any given situation.

Be your best Self on purpose.

You are always molding and shaping your life.

Be purposeful in creating what you want in your life.

You Are The Power To Be Your Best Self!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings