Why is it that when “All Systems Are At Go” we feel the most resistance?
What is it about everything being in it’s place, at the desired jumping off point to the next level, that our old friend “fear” we have already said goodbye to, tiptoes into our space again, showing up as resistance?
It is always the “fear” of the unknown that has the power to stop us in our tracks.
We know better than to listen to the False Evidence Appearing Real. He/She/it is so compelling.
So familiar.
Very convincing.
Get over it!
Yes. It can sound easier than it gets to be.
But, that is the point. It does get to be easier than it seems to be in this very moment.
When we look back, it was always easy.
Fear and the mind are best friends. They work together. The mind says, this is too big. I don’t know what to do with this. Fear says, that’s right. You haven’t been here before. You have no idea what you are doing.
You have been at the beginning of a new thing literally thousands of times before. You are always at the beginning of a new thing. New beginnings is what we do. New beginnings is what we are. You’ve been here before.
You know exactly what to do.
Take. The. Next. Step!
Simply take the next step!
That is all you need to do to erase the resistance. That is all that is required to quiet the not serving you in this moment mind. That is all you need to give fear it’s walking papers once again.
Center yourself.
Remember that you’ve done this before.
Look at everything you already have lined up at your fingertips ready for you to use, to get to your desired outcome.
You might get some pleasure from taking on this phrase and letting it work its magic in your life.
I’m all about the things that work to make my life better.
Meaning, whatever is causing me any discomfort, is on it’s way out of my life.
I’m now on The Right Side of it!
I can see the solution.
I am taking the action, moving through the thing, to the other side of it.
To The Right Side of it!
Make no mistake about it.
You always need to take action in every situation.
There might be a time when you feel there is no action you can take.
There is always action.
How can you possibly get to The Right Side without taking action?
You can’t!
So get over that fantasy.
The good thing is that we are already always taking action.
Remember, manifestation, or making something real in our lives begins with a thought.
One single thought.
A thought is an action.
It is the beginning of everything.
It gets everything rolling.
It sets the stage, and the tone, for everything that is coming.
From that thought.
If your thought is that you are facing a hopeless situation and there is nothing you can do to change it.
You have just set the stage for keeping your current bad situation exactly the same. You have given your thoughts the power to keep you exactly where you are.
Do not underestimate the power of your thoughts!
Not if you are wanting to get to The Right Side of the stuff going on in your life.
Negative, defeatist thoughts will never lift you up. They keep you stuck right where you are in the place that is not working for you.
In the pain.
The good news is that you can always think a new thought.
A better thought.
A thought that will set the stage for solutions, and ideas, about simple actions to take that will change, and shift, what has not been working for you.
The new thought is the first action to the other side of the thing.
To The Right Side of the thing.
I know that what we believe, the thought, that I can’t, it’s too hard, it will never work, are very convincing.
Those thoughts are not productive.
Those thoughts make you feel like you are a victim.
Those thoughts keep you powerless.
The only thing these thoughts do is make you think of more thoughts like this.
Believe it or not, but those negative thoughts, those actions, that way of thinking, will bring you even more challenging things to have to deal with.
First is the thought. Then comes the thing.
You’ve heard the expression, when it rains, it pours.
It is true.
But ain’t no body really trying to rain down a river of more problems.
Wouldn’t you rather be on the other side of your problems?
On The Right Side?
I already told you how to do that.
Change your thoughts!
It really is that simple.
It may not seem like it is, but it is.
Think about where you would like to be on the other side, on The Right Side and see the steps to take to get there.
I get it you may need some help with thinking new empowering thoughts.
Read something motivational.
You can watch someone, or something, on YouTube that will inspire you to think a new thought about what you can do.
You can listen to music that encourages you to believe in yourself.
You might need a little pain therapy.
Wear a rubber band on your wrist.
Every time you notice yourself thinking a disempowering, negative thought, stretch that thing and let it go so the sting will remind you to think a new empowering thought.
There is always prayer.
Sit down with God and see what She shows you.
Whatever it takes!
Help is all around you when you are ready for it.
All you need to do to change your life is to think a new thought about what you can have, be and do to get to, and on, The Right Side of your life.
Just before I went to bed last night it started thundering, lightening and raining very hard.
The true order is lightening, then thunder. The lightening always comes first.
This was the kind of lightening that makes you take notice. It wasn’t just a passing flash of light. This thing was around for a few moments, all up in your face.
The thunder that followed the lightening was earth shaking. I felt the vibration under my feet rise up though my body. I was on the second floor in my house. The thunder literally shook the foundations of the earth.
On repeat!
I was thinking, I can’t wait to finally get in bed. This is perfect for sleeping.
I got into bed and closed my eyes.
I could see the lightening through my eyelids it was so bright.
I was not expecting what came next.
The loudest crash of thunder I ever heard in my life scared the mess out of me, causing me to jump up on the bed with my eyes wide open.
Maybe the thunder threw me up out of the bed!
Who knows.
It doesn’t matter.
The end result is the same.
I almost gave myself whip lash, and, I hurt my shoulder!!!!
I thought to myself, it was a good thing I wasn’t driving. I could see myself reacting to the fear this induced in me, and running off the road, or into other drivers.
Not a pleasant thought at all!
Then I thought, there is no place to run to, or to hide.
Where can you run from God and nature?
No where.
Ain’t no place you can go.
And, you certainly can’t fight these natural and supernatural forces.
You can’t run!
You can’t hide!
You can’t fight!
No Fight Or Flight!
There isn’t anything you can do!
After recognizing there wasn’t anything I could do, except lay there feeling the pain in my shoulder and neck, I fell asleep.
Lessons, or things to think about.
The first thing I thought about is that, for the most part, I do not intentionally do any thing to hurt, or harm another person.
God says all he requires of us is justice, mercy and righteousness.
I feel like I am living up to these requirements.
I must be.
I couldn’t Fight Or Flight.
I couldn’t run.
I couldn’t hide.
I fell asleep and I woke up to a peaceful morning appreciative, giving thanks and praise, which is what I do.
Lessons, or things to think about.
It is true we cannot fight, or run, from these natural and supernatural forces.
Every thing else in life is fair game!
If God has your back in all situations where you have no control, like in last night’s explosive lightening and thunder, then you’re good!
This works for me!
There isn’t anything I have to run from, or hide from.
I am supported, protected and provided for by the Creator Herself.
I am created in the image of the Creator Of All Things, so this means Herself to me.
Fight Or Flight!
I don’t have to fight or take flight (run)!
All I have to do is continue being conscious of living in justice, mercy and righteousness.
I will fight the good fight as life comes at me knowing I cannot lose at anything I undertake.
Because I understand the power of words, at this moment, I am choosing to replace the word “fight” with “dance”.
I am not in a fight with life.
I dance with life, which is so much more pleasurable than fighting.
There isn’t anything I have to run from.
Again, being cognizant of the power of words, I am replacing the words “run from” with “run to”.
I get to run to, and towards, all I the things I choose to have, be and do in my life.
Running to is a much better way to live, than running from my life.
God was showing off, again, as usual, last night doing what She do, watering the earth, cleansing, supporting and nurturing everything.
It was dramatic as hell!
Again, “dramatic” is a much better word than “scary”.
Lessons, or things to think about.
There truly isn’t anything to be afraid of.
Be like God.
Shake some things up in your life by watering, cleansing, supporting and nurturing.
Ain’t nothing wrong with just, merciful and righteous drama!
Granted I have been cracked open a lot of times but had no clue.
I have come to find out that it means feeling what is tender and raw underneath the surface.
It is like literally cracking something, anything open.
You get to see what is inside eating at you. You get to see the raw flesh oozing out. Yes, oozing. Pus-like. Yes. I know it sounds disgusting, but that is what cracked open is all about.
It is getting in touch with those real feelings that stay covered up never seeing the light of day. The thing that is never examined, never let free, festers and becomes putrid.
These are the scary feelings you don’t necessarily pretend aren’t there. You just don’t know how to face them. They are hard to look at even though they are never far from your thoughts.
They drive you to do more.
To keep going even when you can’t keep your eyes open.
They give you the fortitude to never quit when all you want to do is to not do that thing.
What happens when you give in to being cracked open is that you set your self free.
You let those pent up feelings ooze out.
Those sticky, taking their time so you can feel them, scary, fearful thoughts you would not allow the time of day get to take all the time they need to ooze right on up out of you.
Raw and real.
You feel every though in a way you have never ever felt before.
You get to examine every one of them. There is no escape.
They hurt. They are in your face and you can’t turn away.
But you know what?
Since you can’t stop the nastiness from flowing what happens next is a cleansing.
There is no more oozing as you come face-to-face with the things you refused to look at. Refused to deal with.
That dark night of the soul falls away and you begin to feel the warmth and the light of for real healing and soothing.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
You just had to look at the monster you thought would stay under the bed.
The monster had feelings that needed to be released, looked at, examined and felt.
Released because you can’t stop it, looked at because it’s time, examined because you have to and felt because you have no choice.
All the stuff you swept under the rug finally gets exposed.
Cracked open, set free, cleaned up, transformed into stuff you needed and can use.
Stuff that sets your heart free.
Stuff that lets you see that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Stuff that lets you know you are firmly on your path and have always been.
Stuff that lets you know all the things you are doing are the right things.
Cracked open to all that is good, right and true to and for you.
Cracked open to yet another new beginning to all that you are.
Cracked open was hard and painful but opened up into joy and peace.
Allow yourself to spend time with the nigglings that keep tugging at your heart and your thoughts. Take a look at the feelings that keep creeping into your thoughts.
When you don’t they grow into a discomfort you eventually can no longer ignore.
They will confront you up close and personal all up in your face.
Set them free.
Set you free.
Let the sludge, the thickness ooze out so the good, the light and the peace can flow in.
Being recognized for doing good work of any type feels good.
It validates, or confirms, that what we do, and who we are being, has value.
It is like a pat on the back.
It is good, but it is not necessary.
What happens if there isn’t any validation?
Does that mean we are not doing good work?
Does it mean what we are doing, or who we are being, does not have any value?
Not at all!
Nothing can be further from the truth.
When we are doing what we are called to do, or even when we are doing that which we have chosen to do, no outside validation is required.
As Creators we do what we do because turning thoughts into things is all the validation we will ever need.
Turning thoughts into things is it’s own reward.
Oftentimes, no one even knows that we are doing any thing at all.
And it doesn’t matter.
Creation has nothing to do with any one else , or with any thing.
Of course, as a Creator, everything we do absolutely does add value to humanity and to everyone.
Just think about it.
Edison toiled away, for years, playing with the thought that he could turn energy into the light that we all cannot live without today, which we mostly take for granted.
To those looking in from the outside, Edison’s labor of love looked like he was working hard, toiling away.
Wasting time.
If you had the opportunity to sit down with this man and talk to him, he would have told you he had a vision of what was possible for him.
It drove him to do the work he did every single day in the direction of that vision, and the many possibilities.
He was committed to the vision.
No validation required.
Often, when someone is committed to their vision, they are the only one with the vision.
Even when we share our vision with others, it cannot be easily understood by those with whom we are sharing.
Instead of receiving validation, what we often get is disbelief, doubt about our abilities, talents, gifts and skills.
People will flat out tell us what we cannot do.
They will tell us it, whatever it is, will not work.
They’ll say no body has ever done this before so you can’t either.
They will ask you what makes you think you can do that?
Just like their validation is not required, their opinions of what you can not accomplish are simply that.
Their opinion.
Not required.
Creation is an inside job.
Your thought.
Your vision.
It is yours, and yours alone.
There is nothing like bringing life to a thought.
And, no one can stop you, or keep you from doing that thing that is in your heart.
Everyone should have a vision, or a goal, or a dream, that fuels their days and their nights.
That fuels their life!
Everyone should have something they cannot wait to wake up to do.
Something to give their life meaning, that gives them joy, that has value not only themselves, but also for humanity.
Be confident in this universal truth that we can, and do, turn our thoughts into things.
We are all Creators.
We are all turning every thought into things, deliberately, consciously, or not.
Every thought.
Every time.
Pay attention to your thoughts, because first comes the thought, then comes the thing.