The First Few Minutes

Have you ever noticed that when you wake up early in the morning and look out of the window that it often looks cloudy, overcast and cool?

I usually go outside after I open my blinds just to say good morning to the Power That Is.

It is still cloudy, overcast and cool.

The First Few Minutes Are Beautiful

Almost minutes later before you know it’s happening the clouds disappear, it is no longer overcast and the sun is busy warming up the earth?

As above.

So it is below.

Meaning, when you wake up and your thoughts are cloudy, overcast with doubts and insecurities, and it feels like things should be better, just hang tight.

Step into your day in spite of how you are feeling.

You may find that almost minutes later your thoughts are clearer, you are feeling more confident, and you know things are always working out for you.

Just hang tight.

The First Few Minutes of anything are almost always challenging.

Taking action is the cure and the answer.

Just like the sun is doing what it do rising over the horizon until we can see and feel it, so it is with you.

Just do what you do, taking action, so you can see your way through those First Few Minutes and feel your well beingness.

You might even want to step outside for a moment and breath in all the goodness life has to offer you.

There is something about being out in nature that makes us feel better.

It could be because nature is perfect.

So are you.

Nature does not worry about anything.

It just is.

Worry never changes any thing.

It certainly does not make any thing better.

You might have to look at a thing and analyze it a little bit.

Ask the questions.

What the f^*k is this?

What does it mean?

Why is it here?

Then put on your problem solving hat and ask the real questions.

What am I going to do about this?

What will I do first?

What do I need to change?

How will I begin?

When will I start?

How long should it take?

All of these are action steps.

Remember, taking action is the cure and the answer.

The first action is thought.

In this case we are replacing those thoughts that do not feel good with more empowering thoughts.

Do not forget.

Thoughts are the first step in Creation.

Our thoughts absolutely and always turn into things.

We don’t want to hold onto stormy thoughts that show up as unwanted drama in our lives.

Let your first action be to think of new, better feeling thoughts that will show up as the things you do want in in your life.

The first few minutes may feel and seem a little rocky, but hang tight and don’t loose your shit.

Take a few breaths and steady yourself as you step into today.

You know things always work out for you simply because you woke up to this new day.

Yesterday is what it was.

Tomorrow will get here when it does.



This moment.

Is all that matters.

Seize the moment.

Take this moment into your hands and do with it what you will.

This moment is your gift.

Treat it like a gift and enjoy making it the best moment ever.

And then do the same with the next moment.

And the next moment.

Then the next one.

Life is good.

Your life is good.

The First Few Minutes may just be what you need to remind you that you have what it takes to make the next moment your best one yet.

Every moment counts.

Enjoy your moments.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings




Out with the old.

In with the new.

This is what we do.

Willingly. Or, not.

Knowingly. Or, not.

New ways of being. New ways of doing the things we do. New reasons for doing the things we do.

No room for stagnancy.

It may not seem like things are changing, but all things are always changing.

Although things might look the same, they are always in a state of changing.

People, places, things, situations, ways of looking at things, feelings, ways of being.

All things are constantly changing.

There is not really much you have to do, because you can’t stop the change.

Life is designed this way.

We fight it. Yes, we spend way more time than is necessary trying to fight the change. Stop the change. Not change. But change you will. Change you are. Change is the name of the living game. And it is good. Good for you. Good for your life. Good for those around you. Good for the world.

And so it is.

What is it about change that is so scary? That makes the hairs stand up on the back of our necks? That makes us want to hold on tightly to what is known, what is comfortable, to that which no longer fits, to that which is, one way or the other, on it’s way out of our existence?

Change is elusive, subtle, often hard to see coming.

That is what shakes us up about change. We don’t always see it coming.

The truth is, we don’t want to accept that things are changing.

We like, and think, we want everything to stay just the way it is.

It won’t!

We don’t wake up saying “things are changing today”.

We don’t think like that, but we should.

If things stayed the same, we would, all of us, remain infants, not ever growing into the wonderful beings we are all destined to be, and become.

That’s exactly what change is.

It is our destiny.

We are here to grow. Evolve. Become more. Be expansive. Build. Create. Change the world, and who and how we are in it.


Out with the old. In with the new is the order of the day.

It sounds good to me.

The thought can be scary, because nothing remains the same.

It’s not meant to be.

Life is comfortable. It gets to be comfortable. Then change shows up and turns everything you have ever known upside down.

Even when you don’t see change coming, it always is.

That being the case, perhaps we can kind of prepare for it by actively thinking a new thought. Making a new choice. Wanting a new thing. Expecting a new thing. Taking control of the fact that since life, my life, your life, our lives are changing anyway, I, you, me, we, us, can use this happening any way, no matter what, phenomenon to our advantage.

Remove the fear out of change and replace it with expectancy.

Think that new thought, expect that new outcome, see the way, the how you have no idea is there, show up guiding you in the change you are always becoming.

Play with it.

Open yourself up to the possibility. The opportunity. The fun. The change. The profit. The richness. The reward. Even the craziness of it.

Change you will. Change you must. There is no way around it. So you might as well, instead of fighting change, embrace it and allow the good things in.

Change is, in the end, always good to, and for you.

Seasons change. It might be winter now but next comes spring. After spring comes summer. After summer comes fall. Fall changes into winter.


Always changing.

That’s change.




Out with the old. In with the new.

It is a natural rhythm.

After the night time comes the day.

Everything, that is life, about life, in life, is always changing.

Even the breath you take.

Let change be as easy as breathing in a new breath of air and releasing, exhaling all that is used up and no longer serving you.

Shedding what no longer works and picking up, putting on all that is making everything about you and your life better.

This is simply a reminder to you, because we often times rarely think about things changing, that change is the name of the game we are always playing. Whether you want it to, or not. Whether you like it or not.

Understanding, knowing and expecting change is what makes change so much easier. Allows you a sense of control about it. And might just light you up along the path of change. Allowing you to roll with change, becoming, growing, evolving, expanding, being better, being all of you, playing with the possibilities, opportunities, with all the things calling, and pulling you forward.

Change is in the air.


And so,

Out With The Old.

In With The New.

Cheers to the breath of fresh air that is change in your life, in my life, in our lives.


Heart. Base. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



Second-In-Command BUT ALWAYS FIRST!

Certain white folks rose up in the world’s face as a gang breaking into “their” White House feeling full of themselves, showing who they are as a power hungry you-can’t-stop-me-I rule-the-world, less than, scared people.

I was engrossed in the display as well as the lack of response as I watched the clip being shown repeatedly of the lone black police officer running in fear from the angry mob up the stairs inside the White House.

An unarmed National Guard was deployed way too late in the game against a people I’m sure were armed, and ready, in their frenzied out-of-control in-your-faceness.

Nothing is surprising in the lack of response from what is considered the most powerful authority in the United States – the White House.

It is a fight to keep the perceived power in the hands of a morally, unethical, spiritually corrupt people, by their version of by-any-means-necessary in an environment that is turning their world upside down.

The tide is changing right before our very eyes.

A Black Man and his family graced, governed and ruled the White House eight years for the entire world to see, and to marvel at.

When he chose, yes, he chose to step down from the most prominent position in the United States, things appeared to go back to their normal place.

The past four years was a desperate attempt to reclaim and assert the power base of the Good ‘Ole Boy mentality in the world.

It has been four years of blantantly terrorizing and trying to bring a strong, proud, powerful people to their knees into forced subservience.

I understand the fear.

A real governing Higher Power has set the stage for the White House to again be housed and governed by not just another Black Person, but by a Black Woman!

Yes, the United States and the White House is being graced with, governed and led by a Black Woman!

My personal opinion and view of this situation is that she is Second-In-Command, BUT ALWAYS FIRST BLACK WOMAN (Vice) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Two monumental, in your lifetime, firsts.

First The Black Man!

Now The Black Woman!

What has the world come to?

It’s rightful place!

This is what the uproar is all about!

My people, you have always been Royalty and you always will be.


No matter what it sometimes looks and feels like.

Stand up and wear your crown proudly.

Own your power and your place as the light in the darkness.

Second-In-Command, BUT ALWAYS FIRST!

Heart. Base. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.




Every achievement, every accomplishment is a win!

Celebrate every victory no matter how small you may think it is.

A win is a win!

It is evidence that the step you were brave enough, strong enough, courageous enough, disciplined enough, scrappy enough to take was the right aligned step for you to take.

It gives you the strength to take the next step.

When you stop to look at the win you just had, take a moment to see how you felt in the doing of the thing. You might find that it was a joyful time for you.

There was no worry or doubt in doing the thing. It more than likely was fun for you.

Someone I consider a mentor says “the work is the cure”.

You may have had some fear in the form of resistance, or were hesitant, which is also fear, at the thought of moving forward with the action which you knew was what you had to do, and you did it any way.

You found joy in doing the thing and felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of the activity.

“The work was the cure”.

Taking the next step was the cure.

Doing the thing is the cure.

What you found out was that the unreal fear’s only purpose was to keep you small.

Was to keep you where you were, doubting your ability to be great.

What you found out was that you are so much bigger than the always unreal fear!

And you always are.

Celebrate your win over fear!

That is hugh.

Celebrate your wins!


Your wins give you life.

You are always ready, and prepared, for all the wins.

Which is simply the next step.

The moment you receive the thought, the idea.

The moment you look at it, and consider it, and think about it.

The win is yours.

The win is inevitable.

Usually what happens though is that doubt, a form of fear, starts creeping in because fear is afraid of growth. It likes being comfortably where it has always been. It is trying to keep you safe.

Don’t fall for the okey doke.

Staying the same, being in your comfort zone, is not safe.

When you are not growing, unfortunately, you are not truly living.

Embrace the butterflies in your stomach, the uncertainty you are feeling, and understand it is not fear, but growth!

It is the feeling you get when you are about to break through to the next level of being who you are meant to be.

Then, take the step you have been prepared for, and, preparing for.

And, don’t forget,

Celebrate your Wins!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.




It is with genuine love that I write this Love Letter to YOU!

All of YOU!

I just want to let you know your free ride on my back has ended.

Your weight on my shoulders have been a heavy burden to bear.

I no longer care to put up with your insolence, persistence and determination to have your way in my space.

It was never welcomed as your intent was to be the thorn in my side for the long haul.

You were never welcomed, and with gladness, I bid you farewell.

I do not wish you on anyone, but you will find someplace else to make your presence known.

It will not be here!

You will never be approved and admitted into this space.

Pack your bag and move along!

If only you were worthy.

You are not!

You had your way and your fun.

I hope it was good for you.

But to the end of this road you have come and it fills my heart with joy.

Fare thee well and GOODBYE!

Love Letter To Those That Matter!

You will not be missed.

What I will remember from you, and hold as lessons learned, is:

  • Never be deterred from your intention
  • Which is to say, never give up
  • Hold fast to the dream
  • Be persistent
  • Be determined
  • Always show up
  • Keep trying
  • Know you will always prevail
  • Keep doing the work
  • Thank you for the lessons you came here to teach me.

    Lessons learned!


    Now, message to those who do belong in this space, to those who are here to be lifted up, empowered, loved on, encouraged, inspired and to be reminded of who and how powerful you are – YOU DO BELONG IN THIS SPACE!


    These lessons learned are powerful and are also meant for you.

    Take another look at them.

    Spend a little time with them.

    See how these attributes serve you in your life.

    Know that the things which seem like hurdles, obstacles, stumbling blocks and just a plain royal pain-in-your-ass have value when you can see past the hurt inflicted.

    Learn the lessons they are here to show you, lift your head up, stand up straight and keep on keeping on!

    Heart. Based. Sharing.

    Peace. Love. Blessings!