What Now?

Are you on track with the promises you made to yourself?

Most people entering into a new calendar year make all kinds of promises to themselves.

What about you?  Did you make any promises to yourself that you planned to begin on January 1, 2022?  How is that going?

Did you take some time out to look back over your accomplishments last year from January 1, 2021 all the way through to December 31, 2021?  What things made you proud to be who you are?  What did you decide you need to change about yourself?  What no longer serves you?  How have you grown?  What were your challenges?  Who have you harmed in any type of way.  What has hurt you?  Have you been compassionate and caring?  Did you reach your goals, or resolutions, that you made on January 1, 2022?

If not, why not?

Did someone or something prevent you from doing the things you promised yourself you would do?  You do know that nothing, and no one can, prevent you from doing anything you choose.  Things and others can be handy excuses for why we don’t honor the commitments we make to ourselves.

Commitment.  Commitment is a very big word.  Not in terms of how many letters it contains or how many syllables it has.  A commitment is more than a promise we make to ourselves.  A commitment is like a contract.  A contract is legally binding.  An unfulfilled or broken contract usually comes at a hefty cost to us financially, mentally, socially and sometimes physically.  It is the same with an unfulfilled or broken commitment we make to ourselves.  We do not get to reap the rewards we envisioned having when we do not honor or keep our commitments.

Some time the reason we do not keep our promises to ourselves is because we do not feel we deserve anything better than what we have going on in our lives right now.  We are so used to things being exactly as they are that we just can’t figure out how to make the changes we say we want to make.  Change does not always come easily.  We often have to give up what is familiar to be able to step into the unknown.

Maybe we don’t how to reach our goal.  Maybe you shared your goal with a dream killer who said you can’t do that, or you don’t know what you are doing.  And you believed them.

You can reach your goal!

Here are six tips to help you.


You have to know what you want.  Take some time to think about what is really important to you and why you want this.


Put it on paper.  Write down exactly what you want and why you want it.  Write down everything you can think of about what you want.  How will you feel when you have it?  What does it look like?  What will you do with it?  How will it help you?  Will it help others?  What color is it?  How big will it be?  See the big picture.  Set your intentions.


What action do you need to take?  Will you do what ever it takes for as long as it takes?  Break the big picture down into the steps you need to take.  Add your steps to what you have already written about what it is you want in the second step.


Start now!  Take consistent action.  Dedicate five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, or an hour a day, or a week to work on making what you want a reality.  Taking action is where you commit to yourself.


Find an accountability partner.  Share your dream with someone you trust who can help you stay on track when you need someone to talk to.  Just make sure you have not chosen a dream killer.


Have fun!  Really go for it and enjoy the process.

One more tip for good measure:

Don’t never stop!!!  Don’t give up.  If you can dream it, it you can achieve it.

Take these steps and turn your dream into your reality.

What Now?

Which of these steps speak loudest to you?  Tell me about it in the comments below and don’t forget to share.

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Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness! 

As the United States is knee-deep in celebrating “Independence Day – The Fourth of July”, it seems only fitting to examine “these truths that should be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!”

This is what is written, and memorialized, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776.

In and of itself, these carefully crafted words present many powerful concepts, and truths given to “the people” over 243 years ago.

Have you ever even looked at these words or thought about what this means to you and to your life which, in my opinion, means so much more than all the hot dogs, hamburgers and steak you can grill and eat, and all the alcohol you can consume celebrating the 4th of July!

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!

Let’s look at this.

These truths.  I certainly agree and acknowledge the truth in these words.  Although this original declaration was about separating oneself as young nation states from rule by a government which did not have their best interest at heart.

This self-evident truth is that you are created equal and are endowed by your Creator with every unalienable Right.  

Since I am breaking this concept and these words down, let me do exactly that.

Self-evident truth!

Self means you.  Evident means what you see in your life.  Self-evident.  You can tell a thing is true by what is going on in your life.  This is self-evident truth.

Bear with me.  I am not at all saying you do not know or understand any of this.  I’m just, as I said, breaking these words and concepts down the way I see this in my self-evident truth.  We all have our truths and we are all entitled to our our truth.  The Declaration of Independence told this to the world more than 243 years ago!

So on with my truth, which you are free to adopt as your own, just as you are free, and encouraged, to identify, and claim your own truth!

You are created equal!

What could be more true than this?

You are created equal!  No one is more than you.  You are not less than anyone.  We are all equal in every aspect.  You may have allowed yourself to believe you are less than equal.  You are not!  If you take some time to look carefully and honestly at what is going on in your life (self-evident truth) you should be able to see that you are created equal.  You are the one in control of your life.  You are in control of all the good, the bad, and the ugly.  It’s all you.  Every one of us is created in the image of God!  You are.  I am.  We are.  There is one God.  We are all pieces of this one God.  We are all equal.  Which leads me to the next point.

And are endowed by your Creator!

Endowed by your Creator?  Can you feel the power in this concept.  You are created equal in the image of your Creator.  You are endowed!  Endowed means given to you.  Given to you!  Freely given to you.  Your God, your Creator, gave you every thing.  Your Creator gave you every quality, ability and asset.  You have everything you will ever need to be, have and do any, and everything, you choose.  Any and every thing!  Can you feel the power in this?

With every unalienable Right!

Unalienable means unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor (you!).  No one can take away your God-given Awesomeness!  You can’t even give your God-given Awesomeness away.  Your power can not be taken away nor can you even give your power away.

Yet, we walk around acting like and thinking we are powerless!  There is no truth in any of us being powerless!

One thing I have to add about the power of our unalienable right.  Your power is over yourself.  You have no power over anyone but yourself!  You have power over your Life, your Liberty And The Pursuit of your own Happiness!  

There is so much more I can share with you about what Celebrating Independence Day means to me.  Truthfully, I Celebrate Independence Day Every. Single. Day!  It is my inalienable Right!

It is yours too, if you so choose.

Any way, just a little Heart-Based Sharing here at Fruitfull Vine.

Please share the love.

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I am all about New Beginnings.

Opportunities to begin anew abound.

The most available opportunity to begin again is tomorrow morning when you wake up.  You get the opportunity to make a New Beginning the moment you open your eyes.  It is actually the ideal time to start over.  You’ve just slept through the night and whatever was not working as best it could yesterday has not yet had a chance to fill your mind.  It is very likely that you may have a solution now that you did not have before.

This is why first thing in the morning is the best time to meditate before all the gunk you left behind yesterday starts clouding up your thinking.  First thing in the morning is like a hugh reset button.  It is a Do Over!

Even if there is no gunk to clear out, when you take a few minutes to give thanks and appreciation for another day of life and bask in the quiet time available to you, you may find yourself coming up with new ideas, answers to questions, or just realizing how great your life actually is.

After writing that the most available opportunity for New Beginnings is tomorrow morning, I realize you do not even have to wait until tomorrow morning.  Now is always available.  When you find yourself caught up in a situation that is not working for you, give yourself a time out and walk away from what ever you are dealing with that is causing you some discomfort.  Stepping away may be just the thing you need to do to change the energy you are feeling.  It could simply be a matter of taking the time out to count to ten and focus, really focus, on the counting.  One.  Two.  Three.  All the way to ten.  Focusing on counting each number gives you the chance to have your mind think about something else.

I mentioned changing the energy.  How you are feeling is how you know if it is time for a New Beginning.  If you are feeling hot and bothered, it is an indication that something needs to change.  You need, and are ready, for a New Beginning.  If you are feeling frustrated and like nothing is working out, it is a signal that something could be changed.  It could be time for a New Beginning.  It does not mean you have to do a complete 360 and change everything about yourself in this moment.  Just noticing how you are feeling right now is the first step and the most important thing you can do.

Most times we are on auto-pilot and are just repeating what we always say and do.  We are reacting to the same things the same way we have always done.  Now is the perfect time to change that shit up.  You cannot just run away from a thing.  You have to look at whatever is happening and ask yourself “What would make me feel better right now?”  “Is there something I can do differently the next time I am in this place, with this person, or when I am doing this thing?”  If you ask the question, you will likely be given the answer.  Just try reasoning with yourself.

Yes, you have to notice how you are feeling.  You have to ask yourself the questions.  You have to be willing to try the thing or things you come up with.  It is totally and completely about you and it is totally and completely up to you.

The only person you can ever change is yourself.  You have no control over anyone else and you cannot change anyone else.  What you are able to control is how you choose to deal with others going forward.  Will you continue to do the same things and say the same things you always did?  Or, will you choose the New Beginning you came up with for a different, and better, outcome?

New Beginnings are always available to you and are always up to you!

Tell me in the comment box below what is one thing you have been thinking about changing up?  What New Beginning are you looking forward to making?

Peace and Love!

Heart-based sharing for you here at Fruitfull Vine!

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What Did You Eat Today?

What did you feed your mind, body and soul today?

Did you even give any thought to what you were consuming?  Or, were you on auto-pilot as you went through your day?

We often give some thought to what we put into our mouths, but what about your mind and your soul?  Did you think about what you were putting into your mind or your soul?

We have to nourish our body with fresh, real food, preferably from the earth to keep it healthy, trim, toned, fit and sexy. Yes. Who doesn’t want a sexy body?  We have to hydrate our body in the summer and the winter, all-year-round to keep it functioning properly.  The body does not thrive on soda, or a steady diet of ice cream, donuts, and potato chips.  We all know this so we try to find that balance of foods that works best for our bodies.  We are all different and our bodies require different things from us.  A distance runner may need more carbs  than a body builder.  Someone who does not exercise at all have even different needs.

This brings me to movement.  Our bodies are designed to move.  We, as a society, have settled into a lifestyle where we  hardly have to walk any more.  We take the elevator and don’t give stairs the slightest thought.  We park our cars as close as we can to the entrance to the store.  We ride the escalators up and down.  It is no wonder we feel tired all the time.  We have all kinds of aches, pains and diseases which provide us with the best excuses why we cannot exercise.  We are overweight, can’t sleep, dependent on medicines which often doesn’t heal what we have, and we really believe we don’t have any options.  We were not designed to sit our lives away.

Pay attention to what you are eating, drinking and how much you are moving your body.

What about your mind?

What did you treat your mind to today?  You are in control of your thoughts?  Did you expand your mind in any kind of way today?  What did you read?  What did you listen to today?  What did you watch?  Did you do anything which made you have to concentrate, focus or think?  Did you nourish your mind with something that increased your knowledge?  Or, did you kind of do a sleep-walk through the day not concerned about what you allowed into your consciousness.  Entertainment is plentiful and is a good thing.  Sometimes we need a little more.  Remember, our thoughts become our actions which show up as the life we are living.  If we want to create anything specific in our life we have to give the thing, or things, some thought which will lead you to the action that will then become your reality.  I think it is a good thing to spend a little focused time with your thoughts, especially if you are trying to make some things happen in your life.

Pay attention to what you are allowing into your mind.

Okay.  Your soul needs daily attention too.  This gets to be a little tricky.  You don’t have to be religious.  You don’t have to be a saint.  You can live your life and have a good time doing whatever you choose.  You soul can be looked at as that breath of life that gives you life.  Your soul is that God-space inside of you.  We all have it.  There isn’t one person living that does not have that something that allows you to be here, that supports you, and gives you everything you need.  When your soul leaves your body, your body dies.  End of life.  You no longer exist as the person you have come to know as yourself.

Did you give any thanks for your life today?  What are you grateful for?  What do you appreciate about the world you life in?  How do you feel about the people in your life?  Did you give thanks for the food you ate today or for what you drank?  Sure, you bought the stuff from the store, but if the Creator did not love us enough to create this earth and everything in it for our enjoyment, there would be nothing for you to buy.  Who gifted you with the breath of life which is why you are alive right now?  You are Blessed beyond measure.

Simply saying thank you to that life force that is greater than you fills your life with everything you need and want.

Just a little something for you to think about that adds to your life.

So, I ask you again, What Did You Feed Your Mind, Body And Soul Today?

Does any of this mean anything to you?

What are your thoughts?

Tell me what’s on your mind in the comments below, and if there is anyone you want to share this with, go ahead.

Heart based sharing here at Fruitfull Vine.

Peace and Love.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Are You Keeping It One Hundred Percent?

How many times did you twist the truth a little bit today??

Did you leave something out that you should have included in the work you did?  It was only one small detail that made a hugh difference.   If you did that, you did not keep it One Hundred Percent.

It wasn’t a lie but it was not the entire truth either.

How did you feel afterwards?  Did you feel like crap, or did you just keep it moving without a thought?

The answer to “How Did You Feel” tells a lot about who you are being and how you are being.

I know personally when I leave that one vital piece of information out, I feel like crap.  I am not being honest with myself or whomever I am dealing with.  I find that before I take that dishonest action, which it is, I toss it around quite a bit in my mind.  This is a Soul conversation and connection going on.  I come up with all the reasons why what I am choosing to do or say is okay.  I gather up all of my evidence to present my “facts” which may be a fact, but does not include the facts that count.

The other person involved may accept what you are presenting at face value, but more often than not something just does not seem right, and nine times out of ten, you’ll have to ‘fess up about knowing something you did not reveal.  You can make it seem like an “honest” mistake.  Go ‘head, make that lie real.  Your intention was to be less than One Hundred Percent.  Your credibility goes right down the drain.  You can’t blame anyone for giving you that side eye.

Then you have to go find a way to build up the trust you just lost.  You can no longer be depended on.  Not leaned on, but depended on.  There is a difference which we’ll talk about another time.

If you have any kind of relationship with your Soul, or God, or the Universe, or whatever you call that life-giving force that is inside of you, you got some explaining to do with yourself.  Like I said earlier, at the time you were manufacturing and making up your less than One Hundred Percent version of your non-truth, you were already in that Soul conversation.  You might have been connected, in alignment, of one accord, on the same page with God when you started.  But when you choose to be less than truthful, you loose that connection.  Disconnect big time.

You know you have disconnected yourself for the time being from your source of all good things, again, like I said before, because you don’t feel as good as you did just moments before.  What you feel when you disconnect by not keeping it real are those fear-based feelings.  You might wonder “will they find out?”  All the negative thoughts come out to play, and things that were going well just seem to take a turn for the worse.  Rightly so.  That’s the playground you chose to play in.  So there you are splashing around in the mud getting all dirty.

If what you did bothers you, it’s a good thing.  It means you do have a conscious and it is letting you know you could have done better.  You could have kept it One Hundred and stayed in that feel good place where things just work out because you are keeping it real.

This means you can fix the thing you did that was not in anybody’s best interest.  You can man up, put your big girl panties on, stand up straight, and go make things right.  If you have to re-do the work you intentionally half-assed, go do it.  Preferably without having to be told to do it.  If you have to stand face-to-face with the person you just deceived, go give them the rest of the information.  You will be more relieved than they are, because your Soul has been kicking your ass and you have been feeling like shit.  You haven’t been able to think about any thing else besides how low you feel about not keeping it One Hundred.

Now, on the other hand, if lying, being dishonest, not caring about anything or anybody else is your thing, so be it.  Sorry for you!  Since like attracts it’s own kind, it is unlikely our paths will cross.  I don’t have to worry about you.  The other side of that coin is that you will certainly attract those like you who you cannot trust, and your life will be filled with being lied to, cheated, mistreated, and misfortunes.  Sorry for you!

Keeping it One Hundred Percent is being in integrity.  You will be known for keeping your word.  You do what you say you are going to do, and you do the best you can with every thing you do.  These are God-like qualities.  You reflect God’s goodness, and good things show up in your life.  Life is good simply because you kept it One Hundred!

We don’t have to do gigantic, impossible things to be a righteous person, just meaning someone who takes the higher ground, is honest, cares about others and is about being our best self.  It’s the simple things like these that makes for a pleasant, Blessed life.  It doesn’t take much to Live The Good Life.

So, I ask you again.

Are you keeping it One Hundred Percent?

Your Best Life Depends On It!

Heart-Based Sharing here at Fruitfull Vine.

Peace And Love!

What does Integrity mean to you?

Let’s have a conversation here.

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