What in the world?

Like a turtle out of water????!!!!

Boy was I surprised!

I was taking a walk a few months ago mid-morning and I came across this turtle just in front of me at the corner of the intersection I was going to cross.  I had not seen it as I was approaching the corner.  He was just there.

I’m guessing he saw me because he wasn’t moving.  He was just there.  

Of course I leaned down to get a closer look, thinking what the heck is this guy doing here?  He seemed like a dude to me, so he is this guy.  We kind of looked at each other for a while.  He must have felt my spirit and figured out I was not going to kick him or something, and after a while he continued on his journey.  I have no idea where he was going.

I do have an idea where he came from.  Looking at this picture, if you stepped over him, you would be crossing a pretty busy street with an island separating this side of the street from the other side of the street.  Which I crossed after he had moved on a bit.  When you get to the other side and take a left, which is the direction I was going in, after a while, there is a sort of pond on your right side.  I’m pretty sure this is where The Turtle Out Of Water came from.

For me, this distance is maybe an 1/8th of a mile.  Google says an 1/8th of a mile is 660 feet and 0.125 mile.  I’m thinking in Turtle Miles this guy had to have walked what should have seemed to him like no less than 20 miles for him to get to where I saw him.  He was a long way from home!

It has been hot as hell! here in North Carolina for quite a while now.  This day was no different.  It had to be at least 90 degrees and there was no water around for this turtle.  He was truly a Turtle Out Of Water.

Nature never ceases to amaze and delight me.  You can tell I was impressed.  It’s been a few months and I can’t stop thinking about this turtle.

I learned a lot about strength of character, persistence, trust, faith, patience and a bunch of other stuff as a result of this very random encounter.

Here’s this turtle waaaaay out of his comfort zone.  He was alone.  He didn’t have a phone.  He could not phone home, or call a lifeline.  I cannot imagine he planned his trip ahead of time.  Something made him swim out of the water, to the edge, walk up on the grass, out onto the sidewalk, down the street and then cross the street without getting run over, to where I saw him, which was just a stop along his way.  I can not tell you where he was going, or where he ended up.

He was not in a rush.  He wasn’t worried.  He wasn’t scared.  I was hot and starting to sweat when I finished my walk.  He did not have a bottle of water to drink.  He was not concerned that he was no where near water.  He was not afraid.  He just was.  He was completely carefree.

When is the last time you were carefree?  When is the last time you were not worried about EVERYTHING?

I. Want. To. Be. Like. This. Turtle. Out. Of. Water. When. I. Grow. Up.

I want a well developed strength of character which is about being on purpose without even know what my purpose is.

I want to be persistent and never give up on whatever is important to me.

I want to trust that all things always work out for me.

I want faith that I can be, do and have every thing I choose and desire.

I want the patience to know I will reach my destination.

I want to know that I don’t have to plan every detail, or even have a plan at all.

I want to be unafraid of everything, even random encounters with the unfamiliar.

I just want to be comfortable being exactly who I am, exactly as I am.

I want to be completely carefree.

I want to not worry about anything.

I want to know I am called, and more importantly, that I follow the call.

I want to know it is okay and safe to be waaaaay out of my comfort zone.

I am so glad this turtle crossed my path and made me realize, and know, that I too, am supported and nurtured by an unseen, very real spirit and power that calls to me and directs my path every step along my journey of life.


Hell Yes!!!!  

Heart-based sharing here at Fruitfull Vine!

Peace and Love!

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.



This Land Was Made For You And Me!

I was listening to the news this morning and it was announced that H. Ross Perot passed on, yesterday.  (We’ll have a conversation about passing on another time.)  Mr. Perot was a self-made multi-billionaire.  It is said he “borrowed” $1,000 from his wife to build his first business.  He later ran for President of the United States as an Independent, neither Republican, or Democratic.  It was said he was a very generous man both publicly and privately.  During a radio show he hosted someone was talking about music.  About songs.  Mr. Perot said the only song that mattered to him was “This Land Is Your Land.  This Land Is My Land.  This Land Was Made For You And Me!”  I remember this song from a long time ago.

There are a lot of life lessons in just this snapshot of Ross Perot’s life.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve never heard of him.

I’d like to start with the song.

“This Land Is Your Land.  This Land Is My Land.  This Land Was Made For You And Me!”

Like I said, I remember this song.  It was just a song.  It didn’t mean anything to me back then.  The lyrics were words.  I sang the words.  The song was, and is fine.

But when I heard those words today, they took on a whole different meaning to me.

This Land, Earth, is a gift to mankind from God.  To you, to me, to all of us.

The Creation Story says the earth was unformed and void.  Unformed.  It had no shape.  And void.  It was empty. It was nothing.  There was darkness.  There was water.

God created light (night and day), then separated the water and put heaven in between.  Then he separated the waters below the heaven and let the dry land called Earth appear.

Next he made grass, herbs and fruit trees grow out of the earth.  (Vegetarian delights!)

Next came the sun, moon and stars. 

Then sea life, birds and creepy, crawly things.

After that came cattle (food for meat lovers!) and beast of the earth.

Finally, when everything was all set up for us, God created man in his/her very own creative image.  God is creative energy and is not a man.  Never was and never will be.   So I can call God Him or Her.  Or Power.  Or Universe.  Or Source.  Or Creator.

This land was created for you and me.  It is our gift!

Imagine that!

Earth was created just for us, and it is supplied with everything we need to thrive, play and create in.

Why are so many of us not thriving?

Could it be we are waiting for somebody, anybody to give us something?  Anything?

We’ve already been given everything including, and especially, God-like creative energy and power.

If we look at Mr. Perot’s example, he did not wait for anybody to give him anything.  His first job was delivering newspapers from the back of a pony.

We usually don’t start at the top.  We do always start right from where we are.  And that is fine.

He “borrowed” $1,000 from his wife.  He did not look for anyone to give him any thing.  Not even his wife!  He was not born with a silver spoon, or a gold one.  I know some of us feel like we did not even have a plastic spoon.  But none of that matters.

We all have everything we need to be, do and have everything we choose.  You just have to have a vision.

Know what you want.

Choose to do what ever it takes, for how ever long it takes, until you achieve your desire.  We are creative beings.  We are created in the image of God.  God gave us everything we need to be our best selves, and continues to do so today, and will always hold us up and support us.

You have just got to want it.  And, you have to do your part and take one step in the direction of your desires.  Then, take the next step.  Every thing you want is possible.  It is do-able.  All of your dreams already exist for you otherwise you would not have that dream, desire and vision.  They just need you to do what you need to do, to catch up to them.

Oh, one more thing about Mr. Perot is that he was known to say “It’s just that simple”.  I wholeheartedly agree.

Start a business.  Be generous.  Help other people.  Live your best life!  Be happy.  Enjoy living in paradise right here in heaven on earth.  This is your legacy.  Health, wealth, abundance.  The good life!  Claim your birthright. 

If you have any questions about how to step up and out in your life, simply ask.  “It’s just that simple”.

Heart-based sharing for you here at Fruitfull Vine!

Peace and Love!



I Don’t Have Enough Time !

I don’t have enough time is single-handedly the biggest dream killer of all time.

It actually has the power to stop your life.

How many times, and in how many situations, can you remember saying those five dangerous words to yourself or, to someone else.

I would but, “I don’t have enough time!”

I want to but, “I don’t have enough time!”

Dream killed.

Brakes put on life itself.

We all have exactly 24 hours each day.  No one has more time.  No one has less.  You get to do it all, or you get to do nothing that counts, in your 24 hours each day.  You get it done.  Or, not.  There are no do overs in today’s 24 hours.  Of course you get a new 24 hours to play with tomorrow.  But you cannot do today over again.

If you do not get done today what is required, and due today, too bad, too sad.

If today is the absolute last day you have to pay that bill you’ve been putting off paying, and you feel like you don’t have enough time to pay it today, not only will you eventually pay it, you will have to pay that late fee too which you have just earned for yourself.

What does “I don’t have enough time” even mean?

What it means is that whatever the thing you don’t have time for is really not important to you, or you would have already done it.

Most times, when we don’t have enough time to do something, it really is about not believing you can do the thing.  Not trusting in yourself.  You have no idea what you are capable of doing if you do not even give yourself the opportunity to try.

I know there are too many people way too happy to tell you what you cannot do.  DON’T LISTEN TO THEM!  I’ve said it before, and I will always say it, YOU CAN BE, HAVE, AND DO ANY, AND EVERYTHING, YOU CHOOSE!

I know it is hard to believe and trust in ourselves when often we have are surrounded by people who don’t believe and trust in themselves.  Therefore they cannot encourage you to believe and trust in yourself.

Some say we are products of our environments.  That’s not true either.  We are all unique individuals.  We don’t have to follow any crowd to nowhere.  Do you.  Be you.  Life your life.  Even when those around you are not about living theirs.

We may have similar thought to others, but none of us think exactly alike.  Heck, even our own bodies are not symmetrical.  Things on the left side of our body may be noticeably different from the things on our right side.  Some people won’t even take a picture, or selfie, if you are not getting their “good side”.

What I am saying is that just because you may be in a situation that is not the most encouraging, you can still make your dreams come true.  You don’t need any one’s approval.

What you do need to do is to make the most use of that time you have been saying you don’t have.

Trust me.  I understand about not having enough time.  I have piles of “I don’t have enough time” stacked up in my workroom, my bedroom, my bathroom, in my laundry room, in my mind, and in many other places.

Yes.  I said in my mind because, that is where that nonsense about not having enough time really lives.

You get to know what is important to you by what you say you don’t have time for.  If there is something you say you want, but you don’t have time to do anything that will move you in the direction of that thing, you don’t really want it.  If you did you would make time for it.  You would do what ever it takes, for however much time it takes, to get it done.

It is simple to change up “I don’t have enough time.”  All we need to do is commit to five minutes today.  Tomorrow we may give ourselves ten minutes.  Next week we might allow a half hour to our dream.  Next thing you know, we’ll work our way up to one hour.  Two hours.  We start seeing our dream take shape and come alive!

We are changing our lives!

You will find yourself bending time.  Bending time is the same as being in flow, or in our zone.  Being aligned.  That happens when we get so involved in what we are doing that we loose track of time.  Time no long exists for a while.  We have hit that sweet spot where we cannot pull ourselves away from what we are doing.  When we do look up, it is hours later, and we wonder where the time went.

You know how time flies when we are having fun!

And if you don’t.  Making time for your dreams is how you get to have this experience.

“I don’t have time” is really fear trying to keep you from your dreams.

Fear is not real.  It is make-believe.

Fear shows up as procrastination, where we keep putting whatever we say we want on hold, and just can’t seem to make ourselves start doing what needs to get done.

If it is important to you, you might put watching that movie on hold, so you can breathe some life into your dream.

The next time you catch yourself saying “I don’t have time” ask yourself “why not?”

And, if it really is something you want to see in your life, I challenge to to find five minutes to give your dream a chance.

Make the most of your 24 hours each day, and give some of your time to make your dreams come true!

We have all the time we need for creating our best life!

What dream would you like to give five minutes of your time to?

Heart-base sharing for you here at Fruitfull Vine!

Peace and Love!



Dream Deferred? – Not!

Last week I went Skydiving.

Dream Deferred? — Not!

More than 20 years ago after seeing a friend’s pictures after she had gone skydiving, I decided I was going to do it myself.  At that time, I was convinced I did not have the money, I didn’t have the time, I didn’t have the this, I didn’t have the that, so I never did go skydiving.

I actually forgot about that choice I had made.

I forgot about the dream.

Here it is 20 plus years later.

Another friend shared the pictures from her skydiving experience back in January of this year.  I got excited.

Dream Deferred? – Not!

We agreed to go skydiving together.

We did!

It was exhilarating, breath-taking, indescribably delicious (sorry Mounds Bar).  It was everything!

What I am here to talk about today though, is dreams deferred – or not!

When you come up with an idea, a dream, a wish, a goal, it is yours forever.  It has been given to you by God, The Universe, Your Higher Power.  It is ready for you to have, to hold, to experience.

What often happens, as it did to me that long time ago about skydiving, is that although the dream was mine, was in fact given to me and was ready for me at the time the dream-seed was planted, I was not ready for it.

Looking back I was living in a fear-based reality and I was not able to give the dream wings and expression at that time.  It is not easy to see and know when we are living in fear.  Life was good.  I was good.  Things were working in my life.  What fear????

You have the dream and the very next and first thought is “yeah, but”, “what about”, “this will never work”, I can’t”.  Or, we allow those around us to influence us with their version of caring about what is best for us.  “You can’t do that”, “be realistic”, “that’s crazy”, “nobody does that”.  And the list goes on.  The dream takes a back seat, never gets thought about again, and then quickly gets lost in that place where all the other lost dreams get placed.

This is fear-based living.  Living inside the land of scarcity, doubt, lack, disbelief, negativity, and the disillusion of reality.  These un-real thoughts guide and direct all our decisions, seemingly keeping us safe and living small lives.  Living neatly inside the lines of the box not allowing ourselves to explore beyond the boundaries of the ordinary.  Never mind we are getting along, doing well as a matter of fact, and to those looking at us, our lives are actually inspiring.  Yes, we are living a version of a postcard type of life.

Is your life safe and secure? Or are you really living in fear?  Fear of the unknown?  Fear of being all of you?  Fear of living your best life?  Fear of what others think about you? Fear of going after your dreams?

The good thing about dreams is they wait patiently until you are free from the fear, scarcity, doubt, lack, disbelief, negativity and false views of reality.  The dreams knock at your door and present you with another opportunity to come play outside the box, expand, evolve and receive your Blessings.

Remember, dreams are gifts given to you, are for you, and are always there waiting patiently for you to enjoy.

Sometimes it may take 20 years to catch up to our dreams, to grow, evolve and step into our best selves.

No worries.

Paraphrasing what the legendary, wise King Solomon said thousands of years ago, there is a time and a place, and a season and a reason for everything under the sun.

So there is no reason to worry about anything.  What is meant for you will always be for you and your season will surely come.

Are dreams deferred? – Not!

Heart-Based Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine!

Love, Peace and Blessings!



Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

One day I was walking out of a building and I held the door open for the woman behind me.  Something we should all be doing anyway!  (Holding the door for each other)

She thanked me for holding the door for her, then said “it’s going to pour down!

I said “it’s nice and sunny right now, so I’m going to take a walk”.

When we got outside it was sunny, warm and very inviting weather for a walk which is, in fact, what my intention was, and what I did.

When she walked outside, it was as if the sun did not exist and all she could see were some clouds way off in the distance.

Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? Is your life sunny or cloudy?

Is your glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

How you see things and look at life is all about perception.

It is very likely with her Half-Empty view of the world around her, that she did run into some rain as she went on her way that day.  It did not literally have to physically rain on her wherever she was, or in whatever she was doing.  Since she only saw the worse, something not so pleasant probably happened to her.

Seeing the day, and time, and space, from a Half-Full view, I had a lovely walk enjoying myself, and the things I happened to see, and experience along the way.

In the attraction-based world in which we live, like certainly begets like.  It’s like that saying that “birds of a feather flock together”.  What you think about attracts people, situations and things that match your thoughts.

If you generally think the worse, the light will turn red as you approach it, and you are already late as it is.  You might have even left your wallet at home and couldn’t pay for the stuff you filled your cart with, after spending half an hour in the store shopping.  When your mind is filled with Half-Empty, non-productive thoughts, too many of your experiences reflect the less than ideal  things that show up for you.

When your thoughts are light-hearted, and more often than not, there is a song in your heart, all the lights are green for you.  You get the best parking spots.  Your experiences are usually joyful, and you appreciate all the things going on in your life.  Your life and your glass are Half-Full with plenty of room for more delightful experiences to show up.

I’m not saying the glass Half-Full crew does not have things to deal with. We all do.  What I am saying is, it is all a matter of perspective.  It’s all about how you feel about things.  It is about what you see through the lens you look through.

You do not have to be knocked down by what is going on in your life, or by the things you see.

One way to put the Half-Empty glass down is to stop and think about all the things you have already gotten through.  It might have seemed like whatever those things that seemed so hard to you at the time, were never going to work.  But now, you can look back at them from the other side, where you have already probably pretty much forgotten about them, and how worked up you were about it at the time.

Surely, you’ve heard the expression “This Too Shall Pass”.  All of the stuff does pass into into yesterday, last month and last year.

Life is so much better when your glass is Half-Full.

Every thing in life is a choice.

Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Heart-Based Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine.

Peace and Love!