Settling In To Who You Are

Settling in to who you are is not an easy thing.

We live in a world where things move fast, and, never stop moving.

So  we don’t stop moving!

            Settling Into Who I Am

We feel like we have to attack, conquer and finish all the 1,000 things on our To-Do list.  Every day!

It is no wonder we cannot make the space to do the things we love.

We always put what we think we should be doing in front of our desires.

That’s when we start feeling like that hamster running in circles on a wheel that never stops.

My suggestion:


You do not have to keep up with the Joneses.

Life is so much more rewarding when you begin your day settling into who you are.

You are unique, amazing and chosen.

You are not a carbon copy of any one else.

You move to your own rhythm.

At least you should be dancing to your own music.

That cookie cutter approach to living is why so many people are stressed out the way they are and do not feel good.

We move so much we never stop to check in with our OWN DAMN SELF.

We are not machines.

We are creators!

So….about checking in with yourself.

The moment the alarm clock goes off in the morning, most of us jump straight up, and take off running like our hair is on fire straight into the business of stuff.

I promise there is so much more value in easing into your day.

In checking in with yourself!

In Settling Into Who You Are.

My suggestion:

Decide to make you the most important item on your To-Do List.

Make you your number one priority.

I would devote my first 30 to 40 minutes to myself.

Yes.  I would set my alarm clock to go off 30 to 40 minutes before I have to begin the rest of my day and start with Settling Into Who I Am.

We do have to  make time for what is most important to us.

What could be more important than you?

You take care of everybody and everything.

When do you take care of you?

Who can be more important than you?

Self-care is how to live a rewarding, peaceful, centered, balanced, healthy life.

There are many ways to incorporate self-care into our always busier lives.

The most powerful and effective form of self-care, as I have suggested, is to invest your first 30 to 40 minutes of each day to Settling In To Who You Are.

What should you do with that time?

I’m glad you asked!

Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes.

I would begin with meditation.

Meditation is the practice of connecting with God, with The Universe, with Your Inner Being, with your Spirit, with your Self.

Sit comfortably for these 15 or 20 minutes and  consciously let go of all thoughts.

You know the thoughts never stop.

They’re usually thoughts about all the stuff we need to do.

Outside thoughts.

Settle In To Who You Are.

It might help you to focus on breathing.  You can’t really focus on breathing and on the outside thoughts at the same time.

You might want to use this meditation time acknowledging your Blessings by giving thanks and appreciation for all the things you have in your life and for all the things that are working out for you.

I feel like you can fill 15 to 20 minutes giving thanks and expressing your appreciation.

Did you wake up this morning?

Start by giving thanks for another day of life.

You may even want to use this meditation time to ask for answers to questions you have.

But be careful, this is not a strategy session!

What we are doing here is opening ourselves us to connecting with our higher power.

Meditation, as simple as it is, ain’t easy at all.  To me.

I’ve been meditating for years and I still can’t consistently keep the thoughts away!

That’s okay.

Even if you connect with the quietness, with God, with the divinity inside your self for only one minute, you reap the benefits of well-being in your life.


Every time.

Meditation is a powerful practice.

It is still a practice for me.  And I do it every day.

When your alarm goes off signaling the end of your meditation, I would re-set it for another 15 to 20 minutes and use this time to journal.

You can use a $1.00 Composition book from your nearest office supply store.

There are several journaling techniques you can use.

I do a combination of these techniques.

I do what I (and many others) call Stream Of Consciousness Journaling.

Just start writing.

Don’t work about grammar, neatness, or if it makes sense.

Just write.

Many times, especially after coming out of meditation, you will receive answers you have been looking for.  Ideas come through in your writing,  Maybe you explore how you have been feeling.  This is a sacred space to let go and release if you need to.

You can do a Purposeful Meditation.

Bring your agenda here.

Write about what ever is on your mind.

You are free to use this as a strategy session if you choose to.

These are some of the ways I jump start my day.

I make myself my own priority first thing every morning.

I Settle Into Who I Am.


Every day.

Peace, Love And Blessings!

Heart-Base Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine!



Be Strong And Of Good Courage!

Be Strong And Of Good Courage!

Be Strong And Of Good Courage!

Be Strong And Of Good Courage!

These few words should be emblazoned in our hearts, across our foreheads and be the words we hear, on repeat, in our thoughts moment-by-moment.

These are the words, not only the words, but the instruction God gave to Joshua when he became the leader of the Hebrew Israelite people, and was given the responsibility of leading the people up out of the wilderness into the promised land.

Joshua was already fearless and a warrior.


Joshua was a Godly man.

He was well prepared and had been groomed for this work as a leader.

Are you aware that you too, when these words reach you, as they are doing today, you too, are being instructed and commanded to Be Strong And Of Good Courage.

You too are leading a people up out of their own personal wilderness into a new promised land.

Do not allow yourself to be fooled into believing that what you think, say and do does not affect, and impact, those around you.

Stand up and be the leader you have been groomed to become.

You may not feel like you have anything to offer to any one else.

Know that all you have lived and experienced up to this very moment is a shining light to those coming up behind you.

You light the way for others!

Believe it or not.  Like it or not.  You are a leader.

So again, I offer these words, and this command to you.

Be Strong And Of Good Courage!

You have done good works, even amidst the challenges and struggles.

Are you not looking at those times, and situations from the other side?

There is value in your journey.  You are always making an impact on someone elses’ life and journey.

This brings me to the second part of God’s commandment after being told to Be Strong And Of Good Courage!


Do you feel the power in this?

God has got your back.

In everything.

In everything.

You can never lose.  At anything!


Kind of makes you wanna think about some things, and see some things in a new, and different light.

No matter what you are going though, and how things are looking right about now, you have already seen some things and gone through a whole lot of other things, and you are looking at them from the other side.

Even if you did not know, you did not have to do most of the heavy lifting by yourself for IT WAS GOD WHO WAS FIGHTING FOR YOU!  

Remember you are being groomed to be the leader you already are, as you travel along your journey to being the best version of who you already are.

Everything you think you could ever need, or want, is already available, and here for you as you step into the fullness of who you are.

The earth and the fullness thereof was created for your enjoyment.

Enjoy your gift!

So now, go play in the earth, and have a good time living your life as the leader you have always been..

I leave you once again with this reminder, instruction, gift and command:


Peace, Love and Blessings!

Heart-Based Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine!

Be the leader and share Fruitfull Vine with someone you love!



It’s A Brand New Day!

It’s A Brand New Day!

What kind of thoughts do you wake up with?

Are you an It’s A Brand New Day! kind of person? who, as they say “hits the ground running?”

Are you excited by all the possibility lying just in front of you and around every corner?

Can’t wait to get to yesterday’s unfinished project?

Ready to begin something new?

If you spend any amount of time with me you will know that I absolutely love new beginnings.

That being the case, I consider myself It’s A Brand New Day! kind of person.

I feel like every day is a new opportunity to push the reset button – New Beginnings!

….Make some new choices.

….Do something new.

….Release what no longer works.

….Do something a different way.

….Learn something new.

….Pick up where I left off.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sleeping in as often as I can.  There is nothing quite like waking up on your own, feeling well rested from a good night’s sleep, in your own time.  Nothing beats easing into your day.

But once you’re up, what’s on your mind?

Did you plan out today’s actions last night or at the beginning of the week?

Or, do you want to hide under the covers and never want to get out of bed?

Why would you not want to get up?

Could it be you are not going to bed early enough so you get enough rest?

This seems like an easy fix.

Look at what’s going on in your life and see what things are keeping you up when you should be sleeping.  Is what you are doing worth not getting enough rest?  If, so, I guess you keep on doing what it do!

If not, you may have some decisions to make.

It may be you hate what is in your life, and what you do, and find it hard to get your day started?

This seems like a wake-up call to me.

This too is fixable, if you want to fix it.

If you do not like what you see around you in your life, the first thing I need you to do is, Take Responsibility For Your Life!

Everything going on in your life has you stamped all over it.  Not me.  Not your mate, not your parents. Nobody. Nada.  Nothing.  Not even God!

It’s all you!

Nobody but you is responsible for what you’ve got going on in your life.

Don’t like it?

Change it!

Take Responsibility For YOU!

Take an honest look at your shit!

So this won’t be an overwhelming task for you, just choose one thing that is not to your liking in your life, to reflect on.

What is the one thing right now, that if your could find some way to change it and make it better, you would?

Good.  We’re making progress.

Pick that shit up and turn it around in your mind.  Look at it from the top to the bottom.  Look all around it.  Look from left to right.  Inside of it and outside of it.

Trace what you are holding in front of you back to it’s roots, where it all started from, and really examine that shit!

What is it?

How did it get here?

Was it a choice you made that led to this situation, event, thing?

Or, did you not make a choice, or a decision?  You do know that even when you do not make a choice, you still did choose by default?

A choice made by default, by not making a choice, usually always end up being the worst choice imaginable with the worst possible outcome.

Just about every thing in our lives is here because of a choice we made – or – did not make!

Now, the next step after doing this investigation is to determine who created this shit!


If you are ready for A Brand New Day! feeling, and experience today, and for the rest of your life, get real serious here and tell me whose name is stamped all over this big ball of shit you just finished examining?

If you can recognize yourself as the reason  why this thing is in your life, you creative genius, you are well on your way to beginning to create some magic!

You now know what choice, or series of choices you made to bring what is now unwanted into your life.

You now hold the power to change it all up.

Make a new choice, or series of choices and create some new possibilities.

Speaking of magic, do you know the legend of the great wizards who were able to transform (change) iron, brass or any base metal  into gold?  These great magicians were also known as Alchemists.

Making new choices puts you right up there with these great Alchemic Wizards.

Let’s go alchemize (change) some shit into Gold!

One other thing I want you to know is that fertilizing our land, and the things we grow, gives them strength, vigor and produces a bountiful harvest.

Do you know what fertilizer is?  It’s manure.  It’s SHIT!  Usually cow shit.

Out of the nasty comes beauty and new life.  Out of the shit!

Out of the chaos and confusion comes peace and Blessings.  Out of the shit!

You now have the ability to take all the shit you have in your life, stomp merrily all over it, and transform that shit into the fertilizer you need to feed your mind, body and soul with the strength and vigor you require to produce great harvests in your life!

Did somebody say magic?

I feel like, getting started on this process of transforming shit into a life you desire, is enough to begin living your life like It’s A Brand New Day!

Heart Based Sharing.

Peace.. Love.. Blessings.



Did The World Stop For YOU?

Did the world stop for YOU? 

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you can stop running?

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you can get off the merry-go-round that was not stopping.

Did the world stop for YOU?

Did it all come to a screeching halt For YOU?

To give you space.

To shake things up?

To change everything?

Did the world stop for YOU?

To bring you peace knowing you are supported.  Protected.  Blessed.  Loved.  Nurtured.  Guided.

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you could hear the small voice inside?

Your Inner Being.


The Creator.

The Universe.

It is power that can not be described.

And is in everything and every one.

Did the world stop for YOU?

For Self Care?

So you can count your Blessings?

So you can give thanks!

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you can think about what you want?

What you really want now matters.

What do you want?

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you can see the vision of that which you desire?

Where you know what you see in your vision is available to you and exists for you.

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you could remember you are created in the image of that which creates worlds?

Did the world stop for YOU?

So you could remember you are Creative?

You Create Your World.  

It is all a choice,

Creation is a choice.

Every time.

The one thing you have absolute control of is choice.

Did the world stop for YOU?

To make a new Choice?

Did the world stop for YOU?


What comes up for you?

Like.  Share.  Follow.

Heart Based Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



Change Is Constant!

Change Is Constant!

Anything not changing is dying!

Change is growth!

Opportunities abound in change.


Do we see the opportunities?

We see opportunities when we let go of trying to control all the things.

I find that I let go of the need to control every aspect of everything when I am being in gratitude for all the things.

The need to control by running, jumping, clawing, screeching, biting the bullet, holding on for dear life no longer serves me.  She has served me well.  I am thankful for arriving in this always new place in my life, with her help.

Change Is Constant!

Be grateful for your Blessings!

Gratitude opens you up to seeing possibilities every way you turn.

It is so much better to receive than it is to control.

It is a good thing to be able to let go of the need to control everything in this day, week, month of always change.

Letting go of control is hard.

It’s what we do.

We make the stuff happen.

There is a way to put in as much energy and make things happen without all the effort.

Do you believe in a power that created you and all things?

Is your faith as big as a mustard seed?

Have faith in, and trust, that you are loved, supported, nurtured and protected.

Just take a look back and see how your needs have always been taken care of.

Have faith in, and trust, that your needs are always being provided to you.

Make space to check in with yourself every day.

Quiet Time!

First thing in the morning is best.

Get to know you again.

It is fun looking at yourself connecting the dots from who you were to who you are.

The paradox is that although you are always changing, you have always been the same.

You have never not been who you are.

The problem is that we see the flaws that do not exist instead of the beauty we are.

Having a first thing in the morning check in with your inner being, your soul, your higher power, you, is a good way to tap into and remember all that is good and right with you.

Sacred Me Time grooms us for Constant Change.

You can’t control change.

You always make it to the other side.


Change Is Constant!

Heart Based Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings