What Scares You?

What takes you off your course?

What stops you in your tracks?

What keeps you small?

What stops you from shining your healing light in, and on, the world?

I’m willing to bet it’s the very same people you are here to serve that scare you the most.

More accurately, it is those you are not here to serve, who scare you the most.

Set Yourself Free!
Take Flight And Soar!

You wonder what they will think about you, what they will say about you and how this will make you feel.

If they are not your assigned people, you don’t have to worry about them because they are not your problem.

They have problems you can help heal, but they don’t belong to you, so you should not care about their opinion of you.

When you are consumed with what other’s think about you, you set yourself up for a life not fully lived.

Why is this?

We all want to be loved and accepted.

Do we need love and acceptance from just any body?

Absolutely not!

Most of us act, and think, like we need everyone’s approval.

We do not need everyone’s approval!

It is hard being your own authentic self when in the midst of ordinary.

Those sound like fighting words.

Who you calling ordinary?

What I’m saying is that we are all unique.

When your uniqueness does not fit in with the crowd, you are seen as being different.

Different is scary.

Different is the unknown.

The unknown is scary.

No one knows how to deal with you.

They say things and do things out of their own fear.

That, or her, which is unknown, can feel like a threat and is scary.

Ordinary people just don’t know what to do with you.

My grandmother used to call me black heifer.  I was told I was dark and hairy when I was born.  So, she called me a black heifer.

I hope this is not something I internalized and accepted as my identity, as not being like everyone else.

It is true though.

I have always been the different one in my family.

I learned to dim my light at a very early age.

I learned to be invisible and took on that wallflower personality.

I was the shy one.

I will not be seen.

You cannot make me stand out in the crowd.

I did not want to be noticed.  Singled out.

Try as I might, it did not stop me from being the different one.

This kind of worked for me because I often found myself alone which allowed me to explore the world, it’s people, and the things in it.

I found many things to be interested in and I learned all kinds of wonderful things.

I was, and have always absolutely been, the different one.

Yet, I have spent my life making the most effort to blend in.

I never wanted to blend in just to be a part of what I clearly knew I did not belong.

The problem was, where were, and are, the people like me?

In the absence of like minded people, I learned to blend in very well.

Others knew, and I knew, I was still different.

Not offensive.

I’ve never intentionally did anything to hurt any one else’s feelings.

I actually figured out how to go through life not owning,  expressing or allowing myself to know, and own, my real feelings,

I guess this makes me something like a robot.

Or, Alexa. Or, Siri.

Turn the lights on Alexa.  Done.

How do you feel Alexa?

Feel? Huh?

God said “My thoughts are not your thoughts.  My ways are not your ways. “

Meaning, you have no idea.

I know how that feels when nobody has the thoughts I have.  When my ways are not understood.

I fit in because it is easy to do.

Fitting in is easy to do but it drains your soul.

Fitting in does not mean this is where I belong.

But, step outside of ordinary, and shine my light.  That is hard to do.

There does come a time when there is no choice but to see the limitation hiding from your self imposes on your life, keeping your greatness from fully expressing itself.

You can’t stop the greatness.

You can’t not let her be free.

Why is it so hard then to just be you?

You’re too scared of what the people around you will think and say.

The only advise I have is, suck it up, put your big girl panties on, get out of your own way and get the F**k over what anyone else thinks, and says.

That’s not your problem.

It is time to adjust your wings, take flight, and soar!

It is time to Bless the world, and it’s people, with your own special type of healing, as only you can.

Those you are here to serve are waiting for you to show up, be seen, and be visible.

Let your light shine.

Show up!

It’s time!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Co-Creative Dancing!

Do we always have to tear down some shit to build some new stuff?


It most often does require taking stock of where we are, then looking back over the decisions we have made that got us here.

We get to see who, and how, we have been being.

We get to look at what we have been doing.

We get to see where we are as the result.

We only really have to look back as far as last week to get a pretty good gauge of what is really going on in our life.

Last week, did you do what you said you were going to do?

What you wanted to do?

Were you listening to guidance from your Inner Being along the way?

Were you surprised and delighted by what you got done?

Did you get to see forward movement?

Well done!

Life well lived.

Or, was last week just a blur?

Was there any movement at all?

Did one day just blend into the next one without anything worth noting standing out.

Sounds like it is time to tear down some shit to build some new stuff!

This is not about your required work week.

What did you do for you?

What did you do having to do with your dreams?

Are you wanting to build a life out of your dreams?

Yesterday I asked you “What Do You Want?”.

Today I am asking you two things.

1. Do you have a dream?

2.  What is your dream?

Don’t have one?

In order to go someplace you have not been in your life, you have to have  a destination.

A place to go.

An intention.

A dream

A want.

A desire.

A goal.

You’ve got to want something.

So basically, I’ve asked you the same thing today I asked you yesterday.

What the fuck do you really want?

Does what you want scare you?

Does wanting something put pressure on you to do something different?


Does having something different cause you worrisome thoughts like, I don’t know what to do?

Who’s going to help me?

Better questions to ask are are How do I do that?

What do I need to learn?

How do I get started?

These questions allow you to  take ownership of your dream, desire, intention, of what you want.


I can have, be and do this new thing.

It excites me to hold this vision of what I will co-create in my life.

I am the determining factor.

Yes.  We can pray and dream our whole life away without anything changing.

Change takes action on our part.

We have to do something besides wishing on a star.

Whether you believe in God, the Universe, A Higher Power, Your Inner Being, Your Soul, or not, does not mean this power that creates everything does not exist, and is not here supporting you.

I know your parents birthed you, but there is an eternal force that has always been, and always will be,  orchestrating everything little thing in your life, including having chosen your parents.

How to create change.

You will always create the exact things you think about.

Be mindful of your thoughts.

If you say you “want to make more money” but then you  say something to  yourself like “Well if I was going to have more money I would already have had it”, what you are really saying is “I want more money but”.

I want, but……………..

Time to tear down the thoughts holding you back from what you want.

You are not taking responsibility for what you want.

What you are saying you want is merely a wish.

New empowering thoughts to try on.

Wants, dreams, desires, intentions, goals are the destination, the starting point, your jumping off place to creating whatever the thing is.

Destination identified.

You are then required to do something,  other than what you have been doing, to get you to your destination.

You get to take responsibility for your life.

If it means you need to find another job to make more money, then so be it.

You’ve identified a way to get there.

You come up with a game plan.

Inspiration received.

Update my resume.

Apply for jobs until I get a new one making more money.

Go on the interviews.

You are supported and taken care of along the way.

No need to worry.

I still have a job.  My needs are still being met.

I am a Co-Creator.

I say Co-Creator because we are the ultimate decision maker in our lives.

Co-creation is like dancing with God.

Call her whatever you want to.

Even if you say you don’t believe in God, she exists and is always happy to co-creatively grant your wish, dream, desire and goal.

It is all co-creative.

It always begins with a dream, a goal, an intention, what you want.

You take one step.

She takes one, or two steps, setting things up that you don’t even know about, and giving you ideas about what you should do next.

Co-Creative dancing!

Destination identified.


Inspiration given and received in the form of ideas.

Guidance provided every step along the way to the new job, and the money you want.

Keep going until you get there.

Feeling good each day, before you even get the new job and more money, knowing you are the one Co-Creating your new tomorrow.

You will.

Step by step.

Mission accomplished.

Next dream, goal, desire, want!

Co-Creative Dancing.

It doesn’t matter if you are creating a new job, more money, a business, the body of your dream, your ideal relationship, it’s all Co-Creative Dancing.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessing.

Please share the Blessing.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/


It is widely understood and accepted that one must invest a minimum of 10,000 hours at one’s craft before one is considered to be a Master in their craft.

If I am doing my math right this is the same as 27.4 years.

27 years and 4 months!

That is a lot of time!

My youngest son with his 27 years of life can be a real live walking breathing symbol of Mastery.

I must say looking at him, there is Mastery in him just being who he is.  27 years of Mastery.  Done!

This 10,000 hour Mastery formula would have me believing you begin the Mastery quest day one out of the womb before you can utter your first word, or take your first step.

This sounds wonky to me.

No wonder so many of us fall by the way side.

First of all we don’t even know this 10,000 hour formula for Mastery.

Normally when we don’t know the formula for something, we sure are not practicing it.  27 years pass by and we are not any closer to Mastery any where in our life.

We didn’t know the formula!

We dilly dally here and there at this and that never becoming a Master, just because we are unaware there is a formula, so we have not honed our laser beam focus on that one thing, or those few things.

One has to be really passionate about something to enter the ranks of Mastery while not even knowing that’s what we are doing.

Who keeps all these life transforming secrets from us.

Who holds the keys to all the formulas of a life well lived?

Imagine if we just simply had the formulas.

We’d all be Masters in something!

No floundering around trying to figure out all the things we don’t even know we need, to make something out of ourselves.

That’s why everyone we consider at the top of their game is already old.

All the Masters are old!

It’s not that they got a late start.  They were already old when someone told  them about the 10,000 hour rule of Mastery.

This supports the saying that life is wasted on the young.  Or something like that.

I’m pretty sure that when I look at my first 27 and a quarter years of life, I was was all over the place.  I was the perfect example of life wasted on the young.

Shoot, many years later, and I’m still all over the place.

This math can’t be right.

I just had to check it again.  10,000 hours does equal 27.4 years.

That’s why most of those at the top of their game are old.  They had to go find Mastery before they could be considered “good” at what they do.

I’m talking day in, day out, every day for 27.4 years of consistency and unwavering focus.

Who came up with this B.S?

How does anyone get any thing at all done when on the quest of Mastery?

Has any one looked at a 24 hour day lately?

As busy as our lives are, who has time to devote the whole 24 hours to trying to be a Master?

It just kind of boggles my mind.

I certainly feel like I have Mastery in a few areas of my life.

But! If I am applying the formula correctly I am no where close to being a Master.

Oh, woe is me!

I’m sure there is truth and validity to this formula.

Our every day Masters are athletes.

Only 10,000 Hours To Mastery!

We hear the stories of them spending hours and hours practicing their crafts so they can play on the world stages and in the arenas.

Even if I devote 10 hours a day to Mastery that only adds up to 240 hours over 27.4 years.

A drop in the bucket.

Does that just mean that we are all doomed to roam the halls of mediocrity?

Does that mean we’ll never be Masters of our art!  Our craft!  Our life!

God no!

What I take from this study of 10,000 hours equaling Mastery is:

Concentrated focused (they’re the same things aren’t they, which just shows how important concentrated focus is).

Concentrated, focused action is required to be the best you can be in any chosen area, to attain any type of proficiency in what ever the thing is.

Bottom line, don’t let the  numbers thing trip you up.  10,000 hours sounds great, but I am comfortable knowing that time and attention yields Mastery.

Keep investing time, and concentrated focused action to being the Master of your life.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Do We Need To Exercise Everything?

Damn straight Skippy.

Just about every time I turn my computer, laptop or phone on there are messages that updates, optimizations and security scans are ready, and required, to keep these devices running at peak performance.

If non-living devices need constant monitoring, care and attention, what makes you think we can keep going day after day without checking in on our internal, and external, operating systems?

Today we are focusing on our internal system.

We can’t keep running without giving ourselves some kind of check up, tune in and reset.

Yes.  Most of us get an annual wellness check.

Or, we should.

Some of us get our eyes checked each year.

Some of us get our teeth examined and professionally cleaned, if not every six months, then we do it once a year.

What about the daily look inside to take our mindset check up.

What are we thinking?

Do we need to up grade our thoughts and get rid of the ones that are not working?

Are we checking in with our soul and knowing with certainty that we are aligned with the power that creates worlds that lives in, as, and through us?

Are we doing things that make our soul (us) feel good?

Or, are we on the hamster wheel running non-stop simply because we don’t know how to stop the constant turning so we can get off, stretch ourselves and refresh?

The easiest and best way I have found to exercise my mental, spiritual and emotional beingness is to have a daily, yes daily, not every now and then, not when I feel like it, but having a daily practice of loving myself enough to gift myself with less than an hour each day to sit still in quietness, without any distraction for as little as 20 minutes.

Twenty minutes is my number.

Twenty minutes is my sweet spot.

it could be 5 minutes, 10 or 15 minutes for you.

I just sit there feeling peaceful and thankful.

Not every day is a peaceful sitting.

Some days the demons in my mind feel like it is their time to come out and play.

I can’t stop the thoughts that want to unbalance me and take me off my center, so I let them have their say.

I look at them, consider what is being communicated to me and examine what is coming through.

I then get to determine if the nonsense makes any kind of sense.

The non-productive mind chatter is mostly always nonsense.

Unless, we are being shown some things about ourselves we need to give some attention to.

I get to remind myself that I am in charge of my mind and my life.

I get to see if I am still operating on outdated information.

It may be time to let go of the old, no longer serving and functioning thoughts, by replacing them with new strong, empowering, now necessary thoughts.

This so important me time works best for me first thing in the morning, shortly after waking.

Yes, I purposefully get up before I need to kick my regular day into gear, to make this happen for me.


I set the timer on my phone for 20 minutes.

When my 20 minute sitting in stillness, or mind chatter time is up, the next thing I do is press the repeat button on my timer so I can journal.

Journaling wellbeingness!

I write.

That is all journaling is.

I allow whatever needs to come through to come through in writing.

It is another way of touching bases with my operating system that is inside of me  that often doesn’t get any air play once my regular day is underway.

It is therapeutic.

It allows me to remind myself that all is well.

I got through most yesterdays.

I knocked other yesterdays out of the park!

Tuning in and checking up.

Journaling is a multitude of things.

It is a release.

It is a downloading of inspiration.

It is an opportunity to give air time to my soul who often is forgotten about once my regular day gets under way.

It is a time to remember that I and my higher power are connected.

It is a reminder that all is well with me and the world.

Just write.

Don’t give any real thought to what is coming through.

Don’t worry about grammar.

Whatever it is, is what it is!

Just write!

I write for the full 20 minutes until the alarm sounds.

Then I stop.

This is how I re-boot, re-start, tune up and do my mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeingness check of my internal operating system.

It is a daily practice.

I owe my very life to this.

What do you do to make sure you are performing at your peak, and showing yourself some always required self love?

It is okay to respond, engage and talk with me.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Love. Peace. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

What Can A Farmer Teach You?

In our packaged, processed food, all about the convenience, instant gratification, give it to me now life that we live in, what is there any farmer can teach us?

First of all, do we even know what a farmer is, think about farmers at all, or even know that they exist?

I don’t know any one who said I want to be a farmer when I grow up.

There are many, many things we can learn from a farmer – if we choose too.

You do know that everything in life is just a choice.

It is all just a choice.

The power to choose.

The Farmer know without a shadow of a doubt that the tiny, pin head sized seed that he holds in his hand will become a seven foot tall stalk of corn with enough ears on it to feed a family.

Not only will it grow, it will also provide food, one thing we cannot live without.

When we think about food, we think about going to the grocery store, filling our carts with mostly not real food and calling it a day.

Food.  Check.

Now to the lessons to be learned if we choose to receive some learning.

First the tiny seeds that look like little black dots, not resembling anything we can really think of, have to be planted in the earth.

We make an opening in the earth with our fingers an inch or so deep, put a few seeds inside just in case one or two of them are duds and won’t grow, just to make sure we have some live ones in the hole.  We essentially bury them in the dark, hopefully moist earth.

We bury the seed.

Do we then walk away and forget about the seeds we have just planted?

Yes.  And, no.

We can walk away for now.  But we cannot forget our planted seeds.

I’m going to tell you the biggest and most important lesson to be learned right now.

The farmer has faith in the invisible.

What cha talking about Willis?

The farmer not just believes, but knows and trusts in that which he cannot see.

Of course, he has this faith because of experience.  He has gone through this process many times before and knows it yields fruit.  Fruitfull Vine. (I couldn’t help myself).  

Every time.

He knows the process works.

The man just buried a bunch of seeds and expects something to miraculously come up out of the ground that has value for the world.

Is he crazy or something?

I don’t believe nothing until I can see it, is how many of the rest of us feel a lot of the time.

If I can’t see, it, feel it, taste, it, touch it , smell it or taste it, it ain’t real.

It does not exist!

This is just one example of how almost everything is created.

We plant a seed.

We have a thought – planting a seed.

We essentially bury the seed and the thought.

We can’t see anything for sometimes months.

The wise farmer knows the seed is doing what it do.

This is called germination.

A slow process of becoming.


It is in the invisible process of becoming that which it already is.

(Remember.  You already are. Be it!)

So, too, it is with the buried, can’t see what is going on in the ground seed.  It already is.

He is not worried or doubts that it will become a stalk of corn just because he can’t see anything going on beneath the surface.

He waters the dirt.

It’s just dirt.  Ain’t nothing else there.  I sure can’t see anything.

Weeds start coming up.

Bothersome, hard to get rid of weeds.

He has to get down on his hands and knees in the dirt and pull up weeds so they don’t choke the life out of something he knows is going to show up, that he can’t even see it.

He waters and weeds sometimes several times a week.

For weeks.

Then one day he sees something.

Believe In The Unseen!

Something is coming up out of the earth.  Not completely out.   It is just barely breaking through the surface of the dirt.

Oh happy day!

Something’s finally happening.

He keeps watering and weeding.

Hope is building.

Not so much hope because he already knows.

It is more like joy and satisfaction that his diligence and work is paying off.

The seed pushes on through the earth and becomes a sapling.  It’s a real live, living thing.

Fast forward to move this truth on, as time passes on we are now looking at a field of 7-foot tall stalks full of ears of corn.


  •  Plant the seed.  A thought.  An intention.
  • Water the seed.  Pay attention to your thought and intention.
  • Pull the weeds out.  Get rid of the doubt and fear because you don’t see anything yet.
  • Keep putting the work in.  Be diligent.  Take the required action and trust in the power of the unseen.  God.  You must not forget that everything is a Co-Creative Dance with you and the Universe.  You do your part.  God’s got the rest.
  • Enjoy the process and feel satisfaction in knowing it already is.
  • Fruition!  You’ve got corn!  The seed, the thought, the intention you set, nurtured,  paid attention to, and the work you put in paid off and you can now, see, feel, touch, taste, smell and hold the results in your hand.

Trust in the unseen power that is working in your life, trust in the actions you take, have a little patience, don’t give up and what already is will always show up in your world.

Happy planting.

Feedback is welcome.  We are having a conversation.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:   https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/