Humble Beginnings!

Take what you have been given and work the hell out of it!

This is who we are as a people and how we do the damn thing!

From our beginnings as sons and daughters of slaves without a voice, to President of the Mother Fucking United States of America!

How is that for Humble Beginnings!

There was a time we were not told ” Son. Daughter.  You can become President of These Here United States of America”.

Today.  It is a given.

Hold up!

Wait a minute!

I would be wrong not to remember, and celebrate, The Miss Shirley Anita Chisholm, the first black candidate in 1972 to run for President of The United States of America!

Not only the first woman ever! but A Black Woman!

Hell yes, I voted for her!

She was the first Black Woman Elected To Congress!

She served seven terms as Congresswoman before running for President of These Here United States of America!

Descendant sons and daughters of slaves, your beginnings may be humble but you are an amazing, fearless, spirited, Blessed, extraordinary people!

And don’t you ever forget it!

Taking it back even further, your beginnings were not ever humble.

You Are Sons And Daughters Of Royalty!

You have always been sons and daughters of Royalty.

Your fore parents were Kings and Queens throughout the lands of African and what was formally known as Canaan, now known as the land of Israel, which originally started out as one land.

Ain’t nothing humble about you my people!

When you know where you come from, and you embrace the power you have always had in your genetic make up, you will never be defeated no matter how many times you might fall down.

Just get the fuck back up and keep on going!

We have never been quitters.

That is not a part of who we are.

It is not what we do.

There is no need to mention athletes or entertainers here.

We excel in every area of life imaginable!

Always have!

Always will!

When we look around us, it can be easy to forget who we are.

It is easy to forget who I am.

Where I come from.

How I got here.

All I have accomplished!

It is so much easier to see what I have not yet done while forgetting all of the many accomplishments I have already made.

It is much easier to marginalize our successes than it is to celebrate them.

It is because we know we are designed for greatness.

Feeling less than, in any area, can derail us and take us off our course.

Only for a moment.

Sometimes shit needs to happen so we can sit the fuck down and take a look at who and how we have been being.

You may have stumbled onto a path that doesn’t feel as good as it should, to make you think about, and remember your not as humble as you think beginnings, and who you really are.

My people!

There is not any thing you cannot be, do and have.

Let us rise up, fix our sight on our desire, and go get it.

We do this day, in and day out any way.

Do it with intention.

Do it with purpose.

Do it for a reason.

Do it because it feels good.

Do it because you simply can not, not do it.

So much for Humble Beginnings My People!


Royalty and greatness runs in your blood and is who you are!

Heart. Base. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings.




This is how I’m feeling right now.

I feel like the road I am embarking on is going to be the ride of my life.

Nothing is set in stone, yet all of it already is.

The mystery of it all is intoxicating.

I’ve been on all of my journeys a very long time, so embarking on may not be the best way of describing what I am feeling and talking about.

That’s the thing.

I know it all is.  I see and feel the excitement and the electricity of it all, and even though I’ve been on the path all along, this shit is lit!

Literally lit!

I know you can’t see from the outside looking on, but it’s getting real up in my life.

Change is everywhere.

Nobody can escape the changing landscape we are all living in right now in this moment.

Embrace the change.

Change is happening for you too right now.

Change is not just on the horizon.

This change already is.

Do not allow yourself to get tossed around not knowing how to navigate these winds of change.

You either jump on into this vibration of change or get left behind shipwrecked,  washed up on the shore of something you cannot stop, or control.

There is always an element of control, but it is mostly uncontrollable.

But not to worry!

Everything you have been doing up to this point has been grooming and preparing you for this exact moment in time

The Winds Of Change Are Blowing!

Raise your sails and let the winds of change take you to that place you have been wishing for, dreaming of, praying about, and chasing with fervor.

I am not historically the visually excitable type.

The jumping out of my skin type of excited person.

I’ve really always considered myself a quiet storm type of person.

Beneath the surface of my calm is the raging storm of all the emotions I am feeling about the change that is taking place in my life and the world.

You can’t see what I’m feeling.

But this thing right here. this change, is exciting to me.

All the thigs are not just ready, but have already taken root.

The only thing left to do, is to jump on board, and ride this baby, as it presents itself to you.

It is a presentation.

A gift.

Your gift!

if you choose to accept it!

I can’t name it, or explain it for you, but if you are paying attention, you can connect the dots.

You can see how what you did yesterday was the exact thing that was required for what is showing up in your life for you now.

This is that creative dance I talk about.

Dancing with the Creator.

One step.

Two steps.

Back and forth.

You and the Creator.

Riding the winds of change together.

This is your dance.

No need to explain any thing to any one.

They can’t see your dance.

They don’t have to!

All that is required, although nothing is really required, is to be aligned, open to, allowing yourself to receive and be guided, as you activate expansive manifestation.

Those words right there are some of the most powerful words to have in your life and spirit right now.

I know and understand the power of words.

Marinate in, and on, these words.

I suggest sitting down with these words, turning them over, examining them, and seeing what they offer up to, and for you.

Don’t get left behind.

Don’t be shipwrecked by change.

Be the captain of your ship and hang on for this exhilarating ride!

Change is not just coming.

Change already is and is swirling all around you.

Jump on board!

Hang On For The Ride!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings




I felt something trying to creep up in my mind about telling the world “LIFE FEELS SO GOOD TO ME!”

This is MY TRUTH!”

And. It. Feels. So. Good!

I have no regret for any decision I have ever made.

I’ve made tons of decisions.

I look forward to every decision coming.

My life has been exhilarating in every moment, even in what could only be described as the dysfunctional times.

Every thought.

Every moment.

Every decision.

Every action.

Are the ingredients that have combined to make the savory stew that I am.

Life Is A Savory Stew!

Slow simmered, filled with all the good things of life, nourishing, nutritional, finger licking goodness.

The dysfunction has evaporated in the steam.

Life will keep coming at me.

I drop the dysfunction into the stew and transform that shit!

I am pleased to know and understand that I at my core, have always been exactly who I am.

My life has always been filled with magical stuff in all the parts of my living up to this point.

I’m all about the woo-woo if that’s what you want to call what I am talking about because that’s where the magic comes from!

I have always had a relationship with the Creator.  The Most High.  Yah.  God.  My Inner Being.

The woo-woo.

I remember falling asleep every night saying my prayers as a youth.

I  still fall asleep with prayer in my heart, mind and being.

Prayer used to be about asking for things.

Asking for help.

Asking what should I do. 

Mature prayer is all about giving thanks and praise for the goodness that life is.

Thank you.

I am appreciative.

Life  is good.


I am honestly thankful, and appreciative that my life is good.

Every need I have ever had has always been provided for.

Every need!

I have had varying versions of what I have wanted.

I say varying versions because we always receive that which we are ready for at any given time.

We always get what we want.

We always get what we are capable of receiving.


It does all start with a dream.

Or many dreams.

A need.

A desire.

An intention.

All sides of the same coin.

When you are ready to have and hold the dream in your hands and in your bank account, the universe will bring the things to do, the people required for the things, the situations , the money, THE THING!



Because I am now intentionally allowing myself to receive all the things.

Better yet.

I am now capable of receiving so much more!

I’m sure I’ve said before, I have let go of the struggle, the striving, to make things happen.

Now I can see the pieces coming together flowing easily into my life.

I give thanks, praise and appreciation daily, and then I grind.

No struggle.

No striving.

I just take the next step in the direction of my intention.

More accurately, today in my life I know that I am always being guided to, and shown my next step.

The only thing left for me to do is take the step shown to me.

I take the next step.

I grind.

I get shit done!

I do my part!

The good stuff shows up.



Not because of the stuff coming to life.

Because it feels good knowing, and witnessing, being guided every step along my journey.

Living in the magic.

I’m not mad about it.


Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings



Choices. Choices. And, More Choices!

Why is it that when you make a decision another equally valuable, exciting opportunity shows up on it’s heels causing you to second guess your first decision?

Make A Decision!

It’s all about that old expression, when it rains, it pours.

Why is this?

It happens to me all the time.

I know it happens to you too.

How many times have you accepted a job, then all the other job offers come rushing in?

I’m not complaining.

It is so good having options.

Do not let having multiple options cause paralysis.

There is another expression called analysis paralysis.

This is when you just have to have all the answers about everything before you can make a move.

You’re stuck because you cannot choose to move forward until you have all the facts

What if you will never have all the facts.

Or, what if you won’t get the facts until you start taking action.

I’m just saying, make a decision and then take the required actions.

There is no use making a decision about anything if you do not then follow your decision up with action.

You can choose everything, but nothing will work until you do.

So bottom line is make a decision.

Know that the decision you make is the right one.  Then take the appropriate actions so you will get the outcome  you made that decision for.

For the over achiever, maybe both opportunities are meant for you.

They complement each other.

You just have to be able to give the right amount of attention to each choice.

Both are taking you to where you have chosen to be.

I think back to when I was in High School.

I had at lease five different classes each day.

Sometimes seven classes.

I got all the work done.

All the homework.

All of the assignments.

Done, and turned in, on time.

There was never any question about whether I would get everything done.

Life after Hight School can work the same way.

There are many aspects to our adult lives.

They all require our attention and time.

How do we get it all done?

The thing that helps me is having a calendar.  A place to organize all of the different parts of my life.

What we do with a calendar is basically called time-blocking.

Give each thing a day and a time that you schedule into your life.

Be careful though.

You have to then use the schedule.

Sometimes, after I get all of my stuff scheduled in, I do not then always follow my schedule.

I’m not talking about being flexible, which is important.

I’m talking about, I may not even look at my calendar to see what I have scheduled and end up not doing the thing which I have already scheduled in.

Nothing can knock you off track like not following your schedule.

Just don’t throw out your schedule because you failed to use the tool you created for yourself.

Remember, the righteous fall seven times and always get back up and in the saddle.

This is called being human.

Get back on track and keep going.

The other thing you can, and should do, when more than one opportunity presents itself to you, is to keep a running To Do list to park those babies someplace safe so you can get to them in their time.

Remember this too.

There is a time and a place, and a season and a reason, for everything.

There is value in all of the things that show up in your life.

Jotting the insights, known as opportunities, and Blessings, down someplace allows you to come back to activate the next one you then get to choose.

There is always going to be choices to be made.

Make a choice, take the actions called for, and see where it takes you!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings



Settling Into A New Way Of Being!

So, what do you do when what you have been looking for begins showing up in your life?


Stuff shows up.

It doesn’t happen in a moment.

Then again.  It does!

You got that phone call out of the blue.

You did not do anything to cause it to happen.

But you did.

Years ago.

You did something and made a thing happen.

You started a relationship which you then did not nurture.

That relationship gave you a referral.

You ran with the referral and made some other things happen.

Then you promptly moved right along.

No relationship nurturing.

But the thing you did way back then was  a good, valuable and profitable thing you did for that relationship all those years ago.

So even though they were not necessarily thinking about you, they were called to call you!


They were called to call you!

How about that!

Everything was already done.

All the action steps had been taken.

Done deal.

There were a few check in phone calls.

An email or two.

Transaction closed.

You don’t even have to attend closing.

You get paid!

It is even better than you getting paid.

You received the gift!

It was absolutely, without a doubt, gifted to you.

And, they gave you another referral who hired you sight unseen!

Blessings literally falling into your lap!

Settling Into A New Way Of Being!

You Don’t Have To know!

How exactly does one settle into a new way of being?

I don’t know!

That’s the answer!

I don’t have to know!

Just keep being you doing what you do.

But what is it you are doing?

I’ve shared this before.

  • Have a daily practice where you spend time with your Self and Your Higher Power.

Errrr day!

Sit in the stillness and the quiet.

Sit in the random thoughts which you cannot stop.

  • Follow this meditative/reflective practice with journaling.

Put pen to paper.

Now is the time to sort through what ever came up in your meditative reflections.

Or, this can simply be a brain dump space.

I call this Stream Of  Thought (or, Stream of Consciousness) journaling.

Just write whatever pops into your mind.

No filtering.

Nothing planned.

Nothing structured.

Just write whatever flows through you, and the pen in your hand, onto the paper you are writing on.

You never even have to read what you wrote.

There is a bonus for your if you do decide to go back and read what came through.

  • Know without one doubt, trust with everything in you, that your needs are always being met.  This gets to be easy to do because you are the living proof that every single one of your needs has already been met. And, always will be.

Why should now be any different?

  • Don’t worry about how any of it will happen.

You are always being shown the way.

You are always being guided along your path, whether you know this or not.

Life is magical when you know this.

  • Take the steps being shown to you.

Do the damn work!

It doesn’t have to make sense to you.

You may be like “what the”!

“Do what”?

Do it any way.

Remember, your thoughts are not my thoughts.  My ways are not your ways.  Said by the Creator of all things!

Do you feel like your human as fuck self knows the Creator’s thoughts?

You don’t!

What you know is all of the I don’t know stuff you have rolling around inside your mind.

But that’s okay, because you don’t have to know.

God knows how!

She is always lovingly, excitedly, guiding you to your next place and to your next Blessing.

  • Open up to, and allow yourself to be guided!

There really isn’t anything you have to do.

Just be open for what shows up.

  • Have a moment by moment practice of being thankful and appreciative.

Just allow yourself to feel good about yourself, your life, the people in your life that love you, and every Blessing that already fills your life.

Sounds simplistic?

It is.

Bottom line is, you don’t have to know shit.

You don’t have to do shit.

Give up the need to have to do all the heavy lifting.

You really can let go, and let God.

But….there will always be action you get to take.

Not have to do.

You get to do your part and take the action shown to you, to allow the magic and the Blessings in.

You will still have the negative mind chatter trying to tell you what you cannot be, do or have.

That’s why coming up with a daily practice, preferably first thing in the morning, is so important to help ground you in the truth that you are so much more than the negative stuff you have been believing about yourself.

You fortify yourself with what is good about you and your world, so you can thank Negative Nan for doing what she does to keep you safe.

And small!

Kiss Negative Nan.  Give her a hug then send her on her way.

Life is happening for you.

Not to you.

This is God working in your life.

I like the feeling of Settling Into A New Way Of Being!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings