When we get off track, that is what we do.
Forget the we. I am talking about myself!
It is hard for me to believe I have not written a post to share in a while. It is days away from being three months!
How could this be?
It gives me so much pleasure sharing what comes through me.
Yes. what I get to share with you comes to me, for me, and through me, as it is for you as well.
Why would I not want to be this vessel through which good things flow?
Many things come to mind. None of them are valid, or mean anything, except that they do.
Who am I to think what I have to share is valid? There is much value here!
What will people think about me? Who gives a royal Fuck?
Of course there is my fear of being seen. Fear of allowing my light to shine. Guess what? I CAN’T TURN THE LIGHT OFF!
Excuses out of the way!
So! Here I am!
Let the good times roll!
I am so happy to be here with you. To share with you From. The. Heart!
From. My. Heart!
It is the thing I do every day, all day, in every moment.
No matter what!
We can hide. Keeping it real. I can hide, or I think I can, but truth, my truth be told, there is no place I can run to. No place I can hide.
When you have been assigned a job to do, you will do the job, no matter what!
So showing up each day, allowing that day’s message to flow to me, for me and through me, for you, is the thing I get to do. Is the thing I can’t not do. Trust me I have tried to not do this work assigned to me. I can’t not do it. So do it I will!
There is value in what flows through me. To you. And, for you.
There is value in being a light in the darkness, in the chaos, in the uncertainty, in the fears. Real and imagined fears.
All fears, no matter how real they feel and seem, simply are False Expectations Appearing Real.
We breath the life into our fears.
We give fear the power to rule our lives.
There is no fear if we do not feed it.
Every one of us really and truly are Free. Powerful. Abundant. Beings.
This is the message I have to share with you.
I will never feed into the fear, giving it life, or power, because that is not our truth. Not your truth. Not my truth.
Some may want you to live in fear.
Not me.
I want you to live in the power that you are. The power you can’t not be.
Right about now I can hear some of you saying “What The Fuck Is This Crazy Woman Talking About?”
Why should wanting you to know how powerful you are make me seem like a crazy woman?
Bottom line here though, is that your fear based, irrational thoughts and opinions do not matter, don’t count, are not real, and that is not the party we are having here.
That is somebody else’s party!
The only thing going on here is motivating, inspiring and lovingly lifting you up!
Every day. All day!
It feels so good being back doing the thing I can’t not do!
Back At It!
Sharing. From. My. Heart.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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