Is Will-Power Enough?

Will-Power has value.

I have been a Will-Power Master most of my life.

I make shit happen and I get shit done!

I make a choice about what I am going to do and come-hell-or-high-water I do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Sounds good, right?

Well, it ain’t necessarily so!

Will-Power is like putting blinders on.  All you see is what is right in front of you.  Sure, you are powering through and getting stuff done.  But, at what expense?

Will-Power wears you out mentally, physically and even spiritually.  As you plow through determined to get to the finish line, burning the candle at both ends, not sleeping, not eating properly, not attending to all the other things in your life that needs your attention, what often happens is you find you are actually digging yourself into a hole, and boxing yourself into a corner, with your back against the wall.

And, most times, you are not getting your best work done.  That is, if you even get to finish what you are working so hard on.

Let’s dissect this whole little Will-Power scenario we just walked through.

Tunnel vision (putting the blinders on ) is never the best way to approach a thing.  Sure, you do not want to be distracted by all the stuff going on around you.  But you also do not want to be so deep in a thing that you can not see what is going on around you.  You have to come up for air, and check in with the world.

Burning the candle at both ends, not getting enough sleep, also does not work.  Trudging on even though your body is begging for rest and relaxation affects the quality of your work, if you are even getting anything done by that time.  I can remember times when I would still be sewing way beyond the time I should have stepped away from the sewing machine, falling asleep at the wheel so to speak, and I would be jolted awake when I feel the needle piercing my skin.  Talk about rudeness and a rude awakening!

It’s like when you are reading a book, or writing something, and you find yourself reading the same sentence over and over again, or writing the same thing repeatedly.  You are not being productive.  You might as well hang it up, get some rest, and begin again after you are refreshed.

But Will-Power won’t let you!

Sure, we probably can go without food or drink like Moses for 40 days and and 40 nights and be alright at the end of it.  Moses was on a spiritual journey when he did that.  He was being nourished with the best spiritual food and drink available to mankind.  And, he did that 40 days and 40 night thing two times!

I hate to break the news to you.  You are not Moses!  Moses was not plowing his way through with Will-Power.  Moses was on a much more powerful power!

Our bodies perform best when it is being properly nourished.  Nourishing food, drink, proper exercise, as well as spiritually checking in.

Let me tell you the truth about Will-Power.

Will-Power is driven by fear!

I’ll say that again.  Will-Power is driven by fear.

Yep.  I can hear you say “What you talking about Willis?”

Fear of not meeting that deadline.  Most times you started your project at the last minute even though you knew a month in advance, or even weeks in advance you had a due date to meet.  Fear!  You are now grabbing at straws hell bent on getting that shit done.

Fear of not making that money.  You have an opportunity to be paid for the work you have before you.  It is the answer to your prayers for more money, or even just simply some money.  You might have started the work but some where along the way you kind of set it aside and gave your attention to something else, because you did not feel capable of doing the work.  You started to doubt yourself.  Feat set in.  Then, just like before, the due date is staring you in the face, and you still have all the work to do.  Or.  You do not do the work and you are not getting paid.  You will not be offered that opportunity again when you do not deliver, or, what you deliver is half-assed.

Fear of not having enough time.  Yes.  There is only 24 hours in each day.  Every day.  You are in control of your 24 hours.  Do you spend up all of your time with things that do not move you forward towards what you say you want in your life?  Or, do you invest time in yourself doing those things that allow you to be your best self, having the things you want, and doing everything you choose?

It is hard to make Will-Power work for you.  How much Will-Power do you have when you know you need to lose weight and a plate of cookies, donuts and your favorite kinds of cake are sitting on the table right in front of you?  Will Will-Power stop you from digging in?

Will-Power is driven by fear!

Doubting yourself, lack of time, scarcity, lack of money, not seeing a way out, over, around or above, just plain being scared of whatever, makes you believe youtrust


can use your Will-Power to make things right.

Fear and Will-Power are friends.  They work together to keep you stuck.

Now for the antidote to Fear, disguised as Will-Power.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Trust and Belief in Your Self.

God told Joshua, “‘Be Strong And Of Good Courage, For It Is I Who Fight For You.”

You are filled with the spirit that creates worlds, who fights for you, which makes you a creator.

If you can remember you are a spark of divinity, the next time fear shows up staring you in the face, making you think you have to give in to Will-Power and the struggle, tell Fear called Will-Power “I Got This”.

“Be Strong And Of Good Courage, Trust and Belief in Your Self, Step Into The Spirit Of Ease, Flow, And Abundance Being The Creator You Are, And Watch Your World Change.”

Heart-Based Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine!

Peace And Love!

Do not let fear stop you from leaving a comment or sharing!



Guided Or Commanded?

And the children of Israel did that which God commanded.

Does this mean the children of Israel were guided?

I say yes.

This is my understanding.

When we are beginning our spiritual journey, it makes sense that we should be commanded to do a thing.

As we grow up in our spirituality, we come to know that we are being guided.

When the children of Israel did that which was commanded of them, they were richly rewarded and Blessed in all areas of their lives.

They were being guided.

When they turned away, and did not do the thing commanded, or guided to do, suffering, pain and hurt were involved.

It is not because God did any thing to them.

It is what they did to themselves.

Or, did not do.

They did not follow the instructions.

They did not follow the guidance.

They went off track.

They did not trust and believe in the Guidance.

This is exactly what happens to us today.

Standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai looking up at the mountaintop on fire, with the ground vibrating, hearing the blast of horns, and then the voice of God, is enough to make us pay attention, and cause some of us do what we are told, for our own good.

You Are Always Being Guided!

God is still talking to us.

It is no where nearly as dramatic as standing at the foot of the mount.

But it is just as impressive today when we can hear that small, quiet voice inside that is still guiding us along our path.

I feel like it is even more dramatic to be able to recognize, and hear God’s call among all of the noisiness that is in our lives today.

This is a major accomplishment.

Most of us can’t hear the call in the form of thoughts received.

Those of us who do, often dismiss the thoughts as soon as they come through.

It is a Blessing to be able to capture a thought, and recognize it as guidance coming from our Inner Being, which is God inside of us.

We were being guided at the mount as well.

God never said “I command you”.

God said “Ye (you) shall do this, and this, and this other thing”.

He said, “And if you do these things, this is what you will have”.

God went on to say, “And if you do not do these things, this is what will happen to you”.

From the beginning, we were guided as to how to live our best lives.

From the beginning, it was always a choice.

Do this.

Live your best life.

Do that.

Your life will not be so easy.

This is how we can tell if the thoughts we receive is from God or not.

If the thought has the potential to move you forward you are being guided by God.

If the thought has the potential to keep you stuck, you are not being guided by God.

You always get to choose.

Forward movement, or, stuck.

Guided, or, not.

It seems simple enough.

The people were afraid to hear God talk directly to them.

They thought they would die if God continued talking to them.


I have no idea.

The children (of God) needed someone to hear for them, and then tell them what to do.

They told Moses you go hear what God has to say, then come back and tell us what to do.

So he did.

Moses told them, this is what God commanded.

There is no reason to be commanded.

Guidance is more than enough, and is much more effective.

I, personally, prefer hearing God talk directly to me, which he does in every way imaginable.

I want to leave you with a few suggestions as to how to tap into your own personal Inner Guidance and conversation with God.

  • Set aside a few minutes at the start of your day, before all the busyness begins, to just sit in silence.

That’s all.

Just sit.

  • Pay attention to your thoughts.

Dismiss those thoughts that do not make you feel good.

This is not guidance.

This is the stuff that does not move you forward.

Spend time with the thoughts that do feel good to you.

These thoughts open you up to possibility and new ways of being.

You are being guided.

The people stood before Mt Sinai once.

I encourage you to come to the mount for guidance on a daily basis.

  • You can take a walk.
  • Dance.
  • You can journal and write your thoughts in a book.
  • You can shower or enjoy a bath.
  • You can watch the clouds.
  • Do whatever makes you feel good.

Do any thing that allows you to pay attention to your thoughts.

Guidance is received in the form of thoughts.

Guidance feels good to you.

Otherwise, it isn’t guidance.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.




Out with the old.

In with the new.

This is what we do.

Willingly. Or, not.

Knowingly. Or, not.

New ways of being. New ways of doing the things we do. New reasons for doing the things we do.

No room for stagnancy.

It may not seem like things are changing, but all things are always changing.

Although things might look the same, they are always in a state of changing.

People, places, things, situations, ways of looking at things, feelings, ways of being.

All things are constantly changing.

There is not really much you have to do, because you can’t stop the change.

Life is designed this way.

We fight it. Yes, we spend way more time than is necessary trying to fight the change. Stop the change. Not change. But change you will. Change you are. Change is the name of the living game. And it is good. Good for you. Good for your life. Good for those around you. Good for the world.

And so it is.

What is it about change that is so scary? That makes the hairs stand up on the back of our necks? That makes us want to hold on tightly to what is known, what is comfortable, to that which no longer fits, to that which is, one way or the other, on it’s way out of our existence?

Change is elusive, subtle, often hard to see coming.

That is what shakes us up about change. We don’t always see it coming.

The truth is, we don’t want to accept that things are changing.

We like, and think, we want everything to stay just the way it is.

It won’t!

We don’t wake up saying “things are changing today”.

We don’t think like that, but we should.

If things stayed the same, we would, all of us, remain infants, not ever growing into the wonderful beings we are all destined to be, and become.

That’s exactly what change is.

It is our destiny.

We are here to grow. Evolve. Become more. Be expansive. Build. Create. Change the world, and who and how we are in it.


Out with the old. In with the new is the order of the day.

It sounds good to me.

The thought can be scary, because nothing remains the same.

It’s not meant to be.

Life is comfortable. It gets to be comfortable. Then change shows up and turns everything you have ever known upside down.

Even when you don’t see change coming, it always is.

That being the case, perhaps we can kind of prepare for it by actively thinking a new thought. Making a new choice. Wanting a new thing. Expecting a new thing. Taking control of the fact that since life, my life, your life, our lives are changing anyway, I, you, me, we, us, can use this happening any way, no matter what, phenomenon to our advantage.

Remove the fear out of change and replace it with expectancy.

Think that new thought, expect that new outcome, see the way, the how you have no idea is there, show up guiding you in the change you are always becoming.

Play with it.

Open yourself up to the possibility. The opportunity. The fun. The change. The profit. The richness. The reward. Even the craziness of it.

Change you will. Change you must. There is no way around it. So you might as well, instead of fighting change, embrace it and allow the good things in.

Change is, in the end, always good to, and for you.

Seasons change. It might be winter now but next comes spring. After spring comes summer. After summer comes fall. Fall changes into winter.


Always changing.

That’s change.




Out with the old. In with the new.

It is a natural rhythm.

After the night time comes the day.

Everything, that is life, about life, in life, is always changing.

Even the breath you take.

Let change be as easy as breathing in a new breath of air and releasing, exhaling all that is used up and no longer serving you.

Shedding what no longer works and picking up, putting on all that is making everything about you and your life better.

This is simply a reminder to you, because we often times rarely think about things changing, that change is the name of the game we are always playing. Whether you want it to, or not. Whether you like it or not.

Understanding, knowing and expecting change is what makes change so much easier. Allows you a sense of control about it. And might just light you up along the path of change. Allowing you to roll with change, becoming, growing, evolving, expanding, being better, being all of you, playing with the possibilities, opportunities, with all the things calling, and pulling you forward.

Change is in the air.


And so,

Out With The Old.

In With The New.

Cheers to the breath of fresh air that is change in your life, in my life, in our lives.


Heart. Base. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.





One word.

Tenacity is the power and the ability to hold on, no matter what!

The dictionary says tenacity is:

  • the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.
  • the quality or fact of being very determined; determination.
  • the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.
  • What a wonderful word!

    What a horrible word!

    But tenacious is what we are. You. Me. Us. All of us!

    We hold on tight to what ever it is we are believing in at any moment in time. Nothing can dissuade us from the thing we have chosen to hold on to.

    Hold On Tight! Never Let Go! Be Tenacious


    And it is a good thing.

    This is the power of choice.

    And, we are always choosing.

    There is absolutely no right, or wrong in this because it is personal.

    Personal to you. Personal to me. Personal to each and every one of us.

    I cannot make you let go of the thing you are tenaciously holding on to, nor can you make me.

    How powerful is that?

    How powerful you are!

    Yes. We can be judged for whatever, and even everything we tenaciously hold on to.

    Judgement doesn’t matter.

    When you don’t care about what someone thinks, or says about you, that is true power, and, absolute freedom.

    You will not bend, or break, to mold to any outside force.

    Hold tight to your beliefs. They serve you in whatever capacity you are needing in this moment.

    Tenacity is an awesome ability to develop and strengthen.

    The good thing about tenacity, as in all things, is that we will in time come to know if the thing we are fiercely holding on to is worth our time and energy.

    As the very wise saying goes – YOU WILL NEVER GET IT DONE, AND, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT WRONG!

    This means you will forever grow and evolve.

    So go for it!

    Since we can never truly know what is right or wrong with someone else, do what you do with everything you have to give. In other words, be as tenacious as you can be!

    Give your everything for that which you believe in because you will never get it done, and, you will never get it wrong!

    You will hit the pavement, or, you will soar!

    Either way, you will give all you have to give to living your life.

    There is no life without something to believe in. Something to fully commit to.

    Something to hold as life or death to you.

    Because it is.

    You die trying or you die because you did not try.

    Own your life, be tenacious, and give it everything you have to give!

    Your very life depends on it!

    No judgement.

    You are absolutely free to own every belief, every choice, and every decision.

    There isn’t any other way, and no one can change it, no matter how hard they try.

    Here’s to you, to your tenacity, to holding on to your beliefs, and to being the most powerful, awesome you that you already are!

    Heart. Based. Sharing.

    Heart. Based. Sharing.