What’s On Your Vision Board?

Do you have a vision board?

It’s a visual picture of your dreams, goals and desires.

It’s a fun way to look at what you have decided your life will look like when you grow up.


When you grow up.

Growing up is all about evolving.

Growing into.

We are always growing and evolving!

What’s on your vision board?

If I had to guess it would be The House.  The Car.   The Man.  The Woman.  The Money.  The Adventures.  The Body.  The Friends.  The Business.

Vision Of Your Life!

All the stuff!

It is a place of dreams.

A reminder to dream.

A way to track where you are in the dream.

Something to look forward to.

A destiny and a destination.  It is also who you are.


You already are!  Be it!

It is fun seeing how you pull who you already are out into the world using a strong piece of paper that holds up to the visual pieces of your life being pasted and glued on to it.

A poster board is ideal for this.

Just the process of creating your visual representation of you encourages you to dream.

It encourages the vision.

It dares you to dream.

It frees you to let what may even be hiding inside of you out for you to look at, and play with.

You don’t even have to do the heavy lifting of creating each image.

You will be creating the easy way.

Grab some of your favorite magazines.

You’ll see why they are your favorite magazines soon enough.

Just flip through the pages and tear out the pictures, images, words, quotes, phrases and colors that catch your attention.

What you will find when you have completed this first step is your life!

You will be amazed that your life is literally and visually sitting in front of you.

They were tucked away in the pages of your favorite magazines waiting to play with you.

The fun is just beginning!

Now you get to set up your life.

It’s like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

This is a good time to simply ask the question, “Who Am I?”

Everything you have selected, which is lying in front of you, is now going to tell you who you are!

You have chose everything that speaks to your Soul.

Let your Soul speak to you and show you things about yourself.

Who you know you are.

What you might not have known, or realized.

What you don’t want to know about yourself.

Talk about self development!

Here is your whole life being shown to you in a fun, playful, easy-to-do-way.

Feel the feelings as your life is being revealed to you.

See the future.

See the path!

Your map from here to there!

Drop in to your life dreams.

This is like playing with paper dolls on steroids.

It doesn’t matter if you have never played with a paper doll.

Choose a ripped out page to begin with.

Grab your paper scissors, and cut out what called to your Soul.

Find a place on your poster board for this piece of your life story.

Don’t glue her down yet.

We have to let the story be revealed.

Your Soul is showing you the way to who you already are.

Let her!

Go through your stack cutting everything out.

See how, and where, everything fits.

When your story has come together, when all the pieces fit perfectly together, lock them into place.

A vision board is also known as, and is also called a story board.

This is the story of your life!

Now is the time to allow your life story to stick.

Glue everything, all the pieces of your life, into place.

You are securing your life story shown as your dreams, goals and desires into your mind, body, Soul, spirit and heart, not just on the piece of paper lying on your workspace.

You have engaged all of you in creating Your Personal Vision of your life!

Let her dry physically on the poster board, and, into your Spirit.

Find a place for her to live, where you can look at her every day.

She will feed you, and guide you along your journey to your dreams, goals and desires!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/

Women’s Day!

Good morning to all the Women In The House!


What a wonderful thing it is to have a Women’s Day!

If you ask me, and I know you didn’t, every day is Women’s Day!

Why you ask, because where there are no women, there too, is no world.

There is a play called Day of Absence.

In this play, Black people disappear from the face of the earth for a day leaving the largest void one could imagine in the lives of the people who were left behind to fend for themselves.

It was a gigantic day of awakening.

How does a dismissed people, who were absent from your conscious life on a daily basis suddenly become visibly missing from your physical life, all of a sudden, one day?

The premise here is the same.

What would your world be like when Women, who serve your every need, selflessly day in and day out without your conscious appreciation suddenly, and without notice, disappear for one day?

I am pretty sure, it too would be a day of humongous reckoning creating an irreplaceable void in what you consider life to be.

No mama. No wife. No lover. No cook. No teacher. No nurse. No confidante. No one to kiss your wound. No one to take care of you, love you, nurture you, make your life what it is.

Gone. Just gone from the face of the earth!

Just like that!

In an instant, in the blink of an eye!

Can you even imagine such a thing?

Many Women feel invisible every single day in spite of everything Women bring to, and into, life.

And, that just should not be!

Women are precious jewels.


Each, and every Woman, should be cherished, protected, loved and taken care of Every.Single.Day.

So, I end where I began.

Every day should be Women’s Day!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/


The Dollar And The Dream

What if it were true that as long as you have a dollar the dream is always available to you, and for you?

No matter what happens in our capitalistic world, we always manage to have a dollar.

I am not at all saying put your faith in the “Almighty Dollar” as it is often referred to.

What I am saying is that no matter what, we always have a dollar!

If you are looking for motivation let The Dollar motivate you to keep The Dream.


The dream is always there too. She ain’t going no where! Just like the dollar.

So why not let the two be partners – The Dollar And The Dream – so you do not give up on the dream.

Think about it. Can you ever think of a time when you did not have a dollar?

Even in our cashless society where more and more we use digital currency. Even with our debit cards, our credit cards, our digital wallets, our money transfers, our Venmo, CashApp, Paypal, our bill pay, all the stuff, somewhere, somewhere you have a Dollar you can pull out. It might be in coins, but you can count out a dollar.

In our make the world happen, do all the things life we are living, too busy for everything, gotta get this done and that, the dream is always there, somewhere in the midst of everything. She is always there, and, always will be. Patient. Kind. Waiting for you. Always.

It is never too late to play with the dream. It is always the right time to have a relationship with the dream.

She may be folded up tightly and stuffed in a pocket in your heart like the dollar you might have forgotten about stuck in the corner of your billfold, or in the bottom of your bag, but there they both are waiting for you to rediscover.

The Dollar And The Dream!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/


When is the last time you asked yourself “What do I want”?

When is the last time anyone has asked you what you want?

Think about your answer to this question.

Is what you want truly what you want or is it what someone else has decided you should want?

Is what you think you want what your children want for you? Is it your spouse’s desire for you? Is it what your friends think you should want? Is it what your parents told you would be best for you when you were young?

Do you find yourself lost in visions of living the rest of your life engaging in this want that lights up your life and your world?



  • Is there something you think about all the time?
  • Do you find yourself talking about this want often?
  • Does just the thought bring a smile to your face?

Chances are, you may really want this.

  • Or, do you feel any type of discomfort at the very thought of this wanting?
  • Do you feel a sense of obligation just thinking about this “want” you have?
  • Do you feel like if you do not do this “want” you will be letting others down?

YOU may not really want any thing to do with this “want” you believe is yours.

Any thing you feel like you want to do, be or have should be your desire.

So, again, let me ask you….


Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings!

JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/783186216094652

FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/yaminah.yisrael/