Change Is Constant!

Change Is Constant!

Anything not changing is dying!

Change is growth!

Opportunities abound in change.


Do we see the opportunities?

We see opportunities when we let go of trying to control all the things.

I find that I let go of the need to control every aspect of everything when I am being in gratitude for all the things.

The need to control by running, jumping, clawing, screeching, biting the bullet, holding on for dear life no longer serves me.  She has served me well.  I am thankful for arriving in this always new place in my life, with her help.

Change Is Constant!

Be grateful for your Blessings!

Gratitude opens you up to seeing possibilities every way you turn.

It is so much better to receive than it is to control.

It is a good thing to be able to let go of the need to control everything in this day, week, month of always change.

Letting go of control is hard.

It’s what we do.

We make the stuff happen.

There is a way to put in as much energy and make things happen without all the effort.

Do you believe in a power that created you and all things?

Is your faith as big as a mustard seed?

Have faith in, and trust, that you are loved, supported, nurtured and protected.

Just take a look back and see how your needs have always been taken care of.

Have faith in, and trust, that your needs are always being provided to you.

Make space to check in with yourself every day.

Quiet Time!

First thing in the morning is best.

Get to know you again.

It is fun looking at yourself connecting the dots from who you were to who you are.

The paradox is that although you are always changing, you have always been the same.

You have never not been who you are.

The problem is that we see the flaws that do not exist instead of the beauty we are.

Having a first thing in the morning check in with your inner being, your soul, your higher power, you, is a good way to tap into and remember all that is good and right with you.

Sacred Me Time grooms us for Constant Change.

You can’t control change.

You always make it to the other side.


Change Is Constant!

Heart Based Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



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