Choices. Choices. And, More Choices!

Why is it that when you make a decision another equally valuable, exciting opportunity shows up on it’s heels causing you to second guess your first decision?

Make A Decision!

It’s all about that old expression, when it rains, it pours.

Why is this?

It happens to me all the time.

I know it happens to you too.

How many times have you accepted a job, then all the other job offers come rushing in?

I’m not complaining.

It is so good having options.

Do not let having multiple options cause paralysis.

There is another expression called analysis paralysis.

This is when you just have to have all the answers about everything before you can make a move.

You’re stuck because you cannot choose to move forward until you have all the facts

What if you will never have all the facts.

Or, what if you won’t get the facts until you start taking action.

I’m just saying, make a decision and then take the required actions.

There is no use making a decision about anything if you do not then follow your decision up with action.

You can choose everything, but nothing will work until you do.

So bottom line is make a decision.

Know that the decision you make is the right one.  Then take the appropriate actions so you will get the outcome  you made that decision for.

For the over achiever, maybe both opportunities are meant for you.

They complement each other.

You just have to be able to give the right amount of attention to each choice.

Both are taking you to where you have chosen to be.

I think back to when I was in High School.

I had at lease five different classes each day.

Sometimes seven classes.

I got all the work done.

All the homework.

All of the assignments.

Done, and turned in, on time.

There was never any question about whether I would get everything done.

Life after Hight School can work the same way.

There are many aspects to our adult lives.

They all require our attention and time.

How do we get it all done?

The thing that helps me is having a calendar.  A place to organize all of the different parts of my life.

What we do with a calendar is basically called time-blocking.

Give each thing a day and a time that you schedule into your life.

Be careful though.

You have to then use the schedule.

Sometimes, after I get all of my stuff scheduled in, I do not then always follow my schedule.

I’m not talking about being flexible, which is important.

I’m talking about, I may not even look at my calendar to see what I have scheduled and end up not doing the thing which I have already scheduled in.

Nothing can knock you off track like not following your schedule.

Just don’t throw out your schedule because you failed to use the tool you created for yourself.

Remember, the righteous fall seven times and always get back up and in the saddle.

This is called being human.

Get back on track and keep going.

The other thing you can, and should do, when more than one opportunity presents itself to you, is to keep a running To Do list to park those babies someplace safe so you can get to them in their time.

Remember this too.

There is a time and a place, and a season and a reason, for everything.

There is value in all of the things that show up in your life.

Jotting the insights, known as opportunities, and Blessings, down someplace allows you to come back to activate the next one you then get to choose.

There is always going to be choices to be made.

Make a choice, take the actions called for, and see where it takes you!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings



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