
How does what once excited you, over time, become clutter?

How does it lose it’s value?

How does it claim permanence in your life space?

It becomes like a fixture you can’t easily get rid of.

It becomes a reflection of dreams, hopes and ideas that you know in your soul you can make magic with.

But you didn’t.


Always hopeful you, still sees the value, even though you haven’t touched some of the stuff in years.

It’s like when your closet and drawers are filled to overflowing with clothes and shoes you haven’t worn in decades.


Literally decades.

They don’t fit any more!

Some of them never did.

But still you keep them.

You hang on to them.


Is it hopefulness?

It’s more often than not, just not facing up to your current reality.

You’ve outgrown the clothes.

The clutter.

Sure they still look good.

But the truth is, they don’t fit you!

There is still value.

Just not to you!

There is no longer any use for what you have been holding on to, especially when you have not touched, them, worn them, used them at all.

How do we release what no longer works?

It ain’t easy!

Especially when you start examining them and your mind fills up with the possibility, the promise of what could be.

Key words.

Could be.

When you’re a glass half full kind of person and you always see what is possible, the dreams and visions you had of what could be come rushing back to the surface.

You start trying things on again to see if they still fit.

They don’t.

You still feel emotionally connected and can’t make yourself move on and get rid of what does not serve any purpose now.



Our mind begins playing games with us telling ourselves that we’ll lose those few inches so we can make the thing fit.

We know we can do it.

Reality check.

The only thing we know is this thing no longer fits.

We’re talking about all of the stuff that no longer fit: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, the people, the places, the situations, the habits, the behaviors.  Everything.

It no longer has a place in our lives.

It has become clutter.

Let her go.

It is taking up valuable space in our life, on our shelf, hanging in our closet, in the bag in the corner, in our drawer where there is now no space for what actually does fit.

How do we accept the fact that it has lost it’s value?

It doesn’t work.

But it still feels comfortable.

But that’s not true.

Every time you look at those piles of paper, you feel heavy because it’s been sitting there so long reminding you of what you have not done yet.

But, there is always yet.

Always hope.

Get over it.

Pick it up.

Look at it.

Ask it, and yourself, how do you fit into my life now?

Often what you will find is just the promise of what it can be one day.

One day is not likely to happen.

Not for this dress.

This information.

This thing.

Let her go.

She has spent more than enough time and space in your life.

She served to get you excited about a possibility about a promise of what could be.

Yet, she just did not fit at the time which is why we carefully placed her aside for safe keeping, where she has sat all this time

All these years.

She still doesn’t fit.

Let her go.

Open up space for who you are now.

For what is working now.

For who you are being now.

Or, for who you really can be now.

Do not allow her to make you feel like you can still make what has not, what will not, work.

You can’t.

You haven’t.

You won’t.

She is a distraction.

She is taking up time, space and energy which does not have a real place in your life.

She was a treasure for a long time.

She is now trash.

It is time to toss the trash.

The beliefs.  The behaviors.  The relationships. Everything that no longer has a place in your life.

Which does not serve you.

Let her go.

Let go of the clutter so you have room and space to breath life into what is working in your life right now.

Let it all go!

Let Go Of What No Longer Works!

Make room for now.

I honestly can not tell you how much more you will accomplish, how much more you will be, because I am right now sitting in the middle of years of clutter, which I know is holding me back from my full greatness, just because of the space and attention it is taking up in my life.

I promise to give you a full report when I can let go of my attachment for all of my what could have been, and just let them go.

Just like the things that are taking up physical space, I just needed to release these heavy thoughts and emotions that no longer serve me, so I can move on.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



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