Co-Creative Dancing!

Do we always have to tear down some shit to build some new stuff?


It most often does require taking stock of where we are, then looking back over the decisions we have made that got us here.

We get to see who, and how, we have been being.

We get to look at what we have been doing.

We get to see where we are as the result.

We only really have to look back as far as last week to get a pretty good gauge of what is really going on in our life.

Last week, did you do what you said you were going to do?

What you wanted to do?

Were you listening to guidance from your Inner Being along the way?

Were you surprised and delighted by what you got done?

Did you get to see forward movement?

Well done!

Life well lived.

Or, was last week just a blur?

Was there any movement at all?

Did one day just blend into the next one without anything worth noting standing out.

Sounds like it is time to tear down some shit to build some new stuff!

This is not about your required work week.

What did you do for you?

What did you do having to do with your dreams?

Are you wanting to build a life out of your dreams?

Yesterday I asked you “What Do You Want?”.

Today I am asking you two things.

1. Do you have a dream?

2.  What is your dream?

Don’t have one?

In order to go someplace you have not been in your life, you have to have  a destination.

A place to go.

An intention.

A dream

A want.

A desire.

A goal.

You’ve got to want something.

So basically, I’ve asked you the same thing today I asked you yesterday.

What the fuck do you really want?

Does what you want scare you?

Does wanting something put pressure on you to do something different?


Does having something different cause you worrisome thoughts like, I don’t know what to do?

Who’s going to help me?

Better questions to ask are are How do I do that?

What do I need to learn?

How do I get started?

These questions allow you to  take ownership of your dream, desire, intention, of what you want.


I can have, be and do this new thing.

It excites me to hold this vision of what I will co-create in my life.

I am the determining factor.

Yes.  We can pray and dream our whole life away without anything changing.

Change takes action on our part.

We have to do something besides wishing on a star.

Whether you believe in God, the Universe, A Higher Power, Your Inner Being, Your Soul, or not, does not mean this power that creates everything does not exist, and is not here supporting you.

I know your parents birthed you, but there is an eternal force that has always been, and always will be,  orchestrating everything little thing in your life, including having chosen your parents.

How to create change.

You will always create the exact things you think about.

Be mindful of your thoughts.

If you say you “want to make more money” but then you  say something to  yourself like “Well if I was going to have more money I would already have had it”, what you are really saying is “I want more money but”.

I want, but……………..

Time to tear down the thoughts holding you back from what you want.

You are not taking responsibility for what you want.

What you are saying you want is merely a wish.

New empowering thoughts to try on.

Wants, dreams, desires, intentions, goals are the destination, the starting point, your jumping off place to creating whatever the thing is.

Destination identified.

You are then required to do something,  other than what you have been doing, to get you to your destination.

You get to take responsibility for your life.

If it means you need to find another job to make more money, then so be it.

You’ve identified a way to get there.

You come up with a game plan.

Inspiration received.

Update my resume.

Apply for jobs until I get a new one making more money.

Go on the interviews.

You are supported and taken care of along the way.

No need to worry.

I still have a job.  My needs are still being met.

I am a Co-Creator.

I say Co-Creator because we are the ultimate decision maker in our lives.

Co-creation is like dancing with God.

Call her whatever you want to.

Even if you say you don’t believe in God, she exists and is always happy to co-creatively grant your wish, dream, desire and goal.

It is all co-creative.

It always begins with a dream, a goal, an intention, what you want.

You take one step.

She takes one, or two steps, setting things up that you don’t even know about, and giving you ideas about what you should do next.

Co-Creative dancing!

Destination identified.


Inspiration given and received in the form of ideas.

Guidance provided every step along the way to the new job, and the money you want.

Keep going until you get there.

Feeling good each day, before you even get the new job and more money, knowing you are the one Co-Creating your new tomorrow.

You will.

Step by step.

Mission accomplished.

Next dream, goal, desire, want!

Co-Creative Dancing.

It doesn’t matter if you are creating a new job, more money, a business, the body of your dream, your ideal relationship, it’s all Co-Creative Dancing.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessing.

Please share the Blessing.



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