Cracked Open

Do you know what cracked open feels like?

I had no idea what that meant.

Granted I have been cracked open a lot of times but had no clue.

I have come to find out that it means feeling what is tender and raw underneath the surface.

It is like literally cracking something, anything open.

You get to see what is inside eating at you. You get to see the raw flesh oozing out. Yes, oozing. Pus-like. Yes. I know it sounds disgusting, but that is what cracked open is all about.

It is getting in touch with those real feelings that stay covered up never seeing the light of day. The thing that is never examined, never let free, festers and becomes putrid.

These are the scary feelings you don’t necessarily pretend aren’t there. You just don’t know how to face them. They are hard to look at even though they are never far from your thoughts.

They drive you to do more.

To keep going even when you can’t keep your eyes open.

They give you the fortitude to never quit when all you want to do is to not do that thing.

What happens when you give in to being cracked open is that you set your self free.

You let those pent up feelings ooze out.

Those sticky, taking their time so you can feel them, scary, fearful thoughts you would not allow the time of day get to take all the time they need to ooze right on up out of you.

Raw and real.

You feel every though in a way you have never ever felt before.

You get to examine every one of them. There is no escape.


They hurt. They are in your face and you can’t turn away.

But you know what?

Since you can’t stop the nastiness from flowing what happens next is a cleansing.

There is no more oozing as you come face-to-face with the things you refused to look at. Refused to deal with.

That dark night of the soul falls away and you begin to feel the warmth and the light of for real healing and soothing.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

You just had to look at the monster you thought would stay under the bed.

The monster had feelings that needed to be released, looked at, examined and felt.

Released because you can’t stop it, looked at because it’s time, examined because you have to and felt because you have no choice.

All the stuff you swept under the rug finally gets exposed.

Cracked open, set free, cleaned up, transformed into stuff you needed and can use.

Stuff that sets your heart free.

Stuff that lets you see that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Stuff that lets you know you are firmly on your path and have always been.

Stuff that lets you know all the things you are doing are the right things.

Cracked open to all that is good, right and true to and for you.

Cracked open to yet another new beginning to all that you are.

Cracked open was hard and painful but opened up into joy and peace.

Allow yourself to spend time with the nigglings that keep tugging at your heart and your thoughts. Take a look at the feelings that keep creeping into your thoughts.

When you don’t they grow into a discomfort you eventually can no longer ignore.

They will confront you up close and personal all up in your face.

Set them free.

Set you free.

Let the sludge, the thickness ooze out so the good, the light and the peace can flow in.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



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