Well, yes we do.
There is something we each get to do in solving the world’s problems.
It is not by worrying about all the things we see happening all around us that we get to solve the world’s problems.
One key in the sentence above is the word “happening”.
“Happening” is a double-edge sword kind of word.
If we are not careful, happening becomes “happening to me”.
Do not allow that to happen. Pun intended.
Happening to me is a place of victimhood, helplessness and disempowerment.
Happening to me is about giving up control.
Giving up control is never a good thing.
Do not allow what is happening in the world to cause you to forget the power you have in your own personal world.
This is not about not caring about others.
The only way you can impact others in a useful way is to maintain control over the things going on in your own personal world.
Often what you see going on in the world around you is a reflection, actually an expression, of what is really going on in your own personal world.
Do you see chaos, confusion, hard times, lack, scarcity and fear?
Do you see calm, balance, hope, enough and Blessings?
My 8th grade teacher wrote in my keepsake book.
When others around you are losing their head, keep yours.
I realized the wisdom of these words at the time but quickly dismissed the profundity as soon as I left that moment in my life.
Now is the first time this advice has come back into my consciousness.
This simply says, when all hell is breaking loose, don’t get caught up in the stuff you have no control over.
This is not about being insensitive.
This is also not about burying your head in the sand.
This is about reminding yourself of your personal power to navigate, get through, and actually prosper in what many consider to be trying times.
Trying times have the potential to be powerful times.
What are you made of?
Life is always changing in ways you often can’t even imagine.
If you get swept away in the currents of change, your foundation had to be shaky to begin with.
This indicates to me that you put more faith in things outside of yourself, which you cannot control, than you have in your own abilities.
When you spend more time looking everywhere outside of yourself for answers to what is going on in your life, you put all of your power in everyone else’s hands.
Who can know what you need, or are missing, or forgot you already have, better than you?
Who knows what you need to change in your life but you?
The only thing that comes from living your life from the outside in, depending on outside influences to make your life right, is uncertainty, doubt, worry and a whole lot of fear.
Who needeth any of that?
The more meaningful route is to sit with yourself and ask the questions that matter, and that make a difference.
If finances are an issue, know it is never too late to make some changes.
Now is always the time to make all the changes.
It may seem impossible to you that there are things you can, should, could and actually need to do that will make the difference in your life.
I’ve put this out here before, but,
What the fuck do you want in your life?
What are you willing to do about it?
Even today.
Especially today!
When the world around you is topsy, turvy, upside down, all kind of crazy, it makes sense to look inside yourself and get to know what the shit is in your life that is making you feel, helpless, worried, doubtful and just plain scared.
You might want to sit down with someone you trust, and talk through what’s on your mind.
You may want to talk with a counselor, or someone who does not know you, if you are feeling like you will be judged for anything going on in your life.
Major upheavals happen for us. Not to us.
You may have heard the term wake up call.
It is time to wake the fuck up!
The big bang theory says the world was created out of an explosion.
Maybe not
But if we run with that, are these not explosive times in a sense?
Whatever is happening now seems to me to be an opportunity to create a whole new world.
Will you be challenged?
Will it take effort?
Will you want to give up?
You can never give up on yourself!
Will you not know what you are doing?
So what!
Do it any way.
You can never get your life wrong. Just do something!
Bottom line is you have to do some thing.
Upheavals are a wake up call.
The world is not ending today or tomorrow.
The world as you have known it, and how you have been living it, may very well be ending now.
This is a good thing if you have not been living any where near your best life.
This time is a gift to you to let go of the bullshit stories you have been telling yourself which have not served you.
It is time to come up with a new story about who you are, and how you are, and time to create a world you would rather have in your life.
There is a tomorrow.
What do you want your tomorrow to look like?
Regardless of anything happening in the world outside, tend to your own personal world.
Lift yourself up out of the ashes.
The thing is, when you feel like you have no options, is when you have the most options.
You’ve done all the things that got you here to no options, hopelessness, worry, doubt and fear.
Stop doing those things!
Stop doing what you may have thought was working for you.
Remember. What you have been doing up to this point brought you to no options, hopelessness, worry, doubt and fear.
Is this really where you want to be?
You are. We all are, so much more than this.
It all really comes down to making a choice.
Do I continue doing what I have always done?
Or, do I now choose to do something else?
Or, do I now choose to do something else?
Make a choice.
Choose no options, hopelessness, worry, doubt and fear.
Or, choose knowing your have options.
Everything we do affects the world we live in.
Solve the world’s problems by solving your own.
Choose you!
Let’s have a conversation.
Ask me questions.
Tell me what is happening in the world today showing you?
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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