Fight Or Flight!

What happens when you can’t run and hide?

Just before I went to bed last night it started thundering, lightening and raining very hard.

The true order is lightening, then thunder.  The lightening always comes first.

This was the kind of lightening that makes you take notice.  It wasn’t just a passing flash of light.  This thing was around for a few moments, all up in your face.

The thunder that followed the lightening was earth shaking.  I felt the vibration under my feet rise up though my body.  I was on the second floor in my house.  The thunder literally shook the foundations of the earth.

On repeat!

I was thinking, I can’t wait to finally get in bed.  This is perfect for sleeping.

I got into bed and closed my eyes.

I could see the lightening through my eyelids it was so bright.

I was not expecting what came next.

The loudest crash of thunder I ever heard in my life scared the mess out of me, causing me to jump up on the bed with my eyes wide open.

Maybe the thunder  threw me up out of the bed!

Who knows.

It doesn’t matter.

The end result is the same.

I almost gave myself whip lash, and, I hurt my shoulder!!!!

I thought to myself, it was a good thing I wasn’t driving.  I could see myself reacting to the fear this induced in me, and running off the road, or into other drivers.

Not a pleasant thought at all!

Then I thought, there is no place to run to, or to hide.

Where can you run from God and nature?

No where.

Ain’t no place you can go.

And, you certainly can’t fight these natural and supernatural forces.

You can’t run!

You can’t hide!

You can’t fight!

No Fight Or Flight!

There isn’t anything you can do!

After recognizing there wasn’t anything I could do, except lay there feeling the pain in my shoulder and neck, I fell asleep.

Lessons, or things to think about.

The first thing I thought about is that, for the most part, I do not intentionally do any thing to hurt, or harm another person.

God says all he requires of us is justice, mercy and righteousness.

I feel like I am living up to these requirements.

I must be.

I couldn’t Fight Or Flight.

I couldn’t run.

I couldn’t hide.

I fell asleep and I woke up to a peaceful morning appreciative, giving thanks and praise, which is what I do.  

Peace And Calm After The Storm

Lessons, or things to think about.

It is true we cannot fight, or run, from these natural and supernatural forces.

Every thing else in life is fair game!

If God has your back in all situations where you have no control, like in last night’s explosive lightening and thunder, then you’re good!

This works for me!

There isn’t anything I have to run from, or hide from.

I am supported, protected and provided for by the Creator Herself.


I am created in the image of the Creator Of All Things, so this means Herself to me.

Fight Or Flight!

I don’t have to fight or take flight (run)!

All I have to do is continue being conscious of living in  justice, mercy and righteousness.

I will fight the good fight as life comes at me knowing I cannot lose at anything I undertake.

Because I understand the power of words, at this moment, I am choosing to replace the word “fight” with “dance”.

I am not in a fight with life.

I dance with life, which is so much more pleasurable than fighting.

There isn’t anything I have to run from.

Again, being cognizant of the power of words, I am replacing the words “run from” with “run to”.

I get to run to, and towards, all I the things I choose to have, be and do in my life.

Running to is a much better way to live, than running from my life.

God was showing off, again, as usual, last night doing what She do, watering the earth, cleansing, supporting and nurturing everything.

It was dramatic as hell!

Again, “dramatic” is a much better word than “scary”.

Lessons, or things to think about.

There truly isn’t anything to be afraid of.

Be like God.

Shake some things up in your life by watering, cleansing, supporting and nurturing.

Ain’t nothing wrong with just, merciful and righteous drama!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings



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