What happens when you pour your heart and soul into someone and it does not turn out the way you want it to?
In that moment of time.
It may not ever turn out the way you want it to, but you did all you could do.
When what you want involves another person, what you have to remember is that, although you have some influence, you are never in control of that other person.
And, you can’t change that.
Tho it tears at your heart, you have to step out of their way and allow them to be the captain of their own ship, even as you watch them falling off of a cliff.
You have to figure out how to be okay not being in charge of that situation.
The expression, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink your Kool Aide” is true.
Be alright with that.
Setting the other person free is best for everyone involved.
They have things they have to work out.
Without you being the safety net holding them up!
It will be hard to watch unfolding.
But, you have to let go.
Cut the cord.
You are not in control of anyone else.
But, you are in control of the energy you allow into your space.
Toxic energy is toxic energy.
It doesn’t matter who that toxic energy is attached to.
Although you can usually maintain your balance and go on about the business of controlling the one thing you can actually control – you! – life will be so much sweeter for you on the other side of this people situation you cannot completely control.
You can control how much of the toxicity you will accept.
You can control how to clean up your space.
Give up control of the uncontrollable.
Or, stay stuck in a loop that has historically shown you it will not change under the current circumstances.
We all have our own destiny, which will be fulfilled, one way, or another.
We each have our own path to navigate.
Sometimes you have to move out of the other person’s path so they can move forward.
Be okay with that.
Get back on your own path so you can continue moving forward.
You’ve done all you can do for that person in this moment.
Take a deep breath knowing things always work out for you.
For them.
For everyone.
Your path is yours.
His path is his path.
Her path is her path.
Stop standing in the middle of someone else’s path.
Set them free!
Set yourself free!
They will thank you for it later.
Or, not!
And that’s okay too.
There is another expression you are familiar with.
“Live and let live!”
Lick your wounds.
Let them lick their own wounds.
Because things are always working out for you.
Because things are always working out for him.
Because things are always working out for her.
So there isn’t ever any thing you, or him, or her, have to worry about, when you know things are always working out.
Get out of the way!
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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