What do you do when you expect the world from your friends, your family, or from life, and they don’t deliver?
Let go of the expectation!
There is not one person, thing, or event that can give you what you want.
What you are looking for always, and already exists inside of you.
This means your job is to go inside and explore what is already there.
What you are looking for is the knowledge that any and everything you think you have to “find” , or, “work hard for”, already exist for you inside of your world.
Well, if that is the truth, where the F@#k is it?
We think we are looking for the money.
For the car.
For the house.
For the lover.
Those things, are great to have, and to look for, when they have not yet physically shown up.
The key to almost every thing is, simply, to let go!
Let go of the expectation!
Since our world is a mixture of mind, body and soul – that sacred Holy Trinity! – there is nothing we have to look for.
It already exists in your mind.
What am I talking about?
If you are thinking about the money, the car, the house and the lover, it is only because you have been given the vision of its existence in your life.
So the mind….
We take that thought, that vision, and start obsessing about how to get them into our very open, wanting them right now, into our not really willing to wait for it, little hands.
Now the body….
Well, if I am to have all this stuff, the only thing for me to do is to go get it.
Make it happen.
I agree.
Go for it!
Do what is in your power to make it happen!
You always have a part to play in the manifestation.
What often happens is, we do everything we think we have to do, but it still does not show up.
At least not now, when we are wanting it so badly.
Expectation sets in powerfully.
Why isn’t it here?
I’m working hard.
I can’t stop thinking about it.
There must be something wrong with me.
Why can’t I have it?
Something is wrong with me!
Every body else have every thing they want.
Why is it taking me so long?
It’s probably never going to happen.
The great expectation begins to turn to self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity.
All I want is the thing.
Back off!
This does not mean stop doing the things required.
What this does mean is, let go of the expectation.
Instead, find a way to stop obsessing over the result.
Over getting it.
It will not, and can not, show up in the midst of the self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity that is now blocking the path.
The soul….
Oh, the sweet soul!
We immediately dug our heels in and engaged our body to make all this shit happen now!
Which, by the way, hasn’t yet shown up.
This is not a bad thing.
When we did not see the results we were looking for, in the time we know it should have happened, we become discouraged.
Life is so unfair!
I suggested back off!
Let it go!
Let go of the looking for it.
Let go of the expectation!
It is likely you forgot about going inside, and spending time with the soul, which is the true gateway, the way, to all the stuff.
The body is awesome and does everything we ask of it.
Every time.
But those feelings of self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity, that shows up when we leave the soul out holds the opportunity to remind us that we are not in this creation dance alone.
For it is not just by our body’s might, and our body’s power, that every thing we want shows up.
It is so easy to forget that it is by My Spirit! says God, that everything is created, and shows up in our lives.
Creation takes mind, body and soul working together.
We engaged the mind.
Actually the vision, the thought, the idea, the thing, was given to us by the soul.
We engaged the body which is driven by the soul.
I’m going to do everything in my body’s might and my body’s power to bring it to life.
Now it is time to engage the soul from whence everything came, and comes.
Let go of the expectation.
Let go of if I do this, then I will get that.
It all already is.
Let it be.
Instead of filling every moment with what I have to do, allow it to just be.
There isn’t any thing more you have to do.
Give yourself time and space to re-connect with your soul, and know that every thing always works out for you.
Give up the chase.
The hard work.
The worry.
The self-doubt, bad feelings, lack and scarcity.
Let it all go and remember all that you already have.
Give thanks and appreciation for what already is.
Relax and know you have done all you need to do.
Stop letting it be hard.
Connect the dots and see how all the parts are coming together.
Without expecting it to, notice how the person showed up.
See that doors are opening.
Trust in the process.
You are on your path.
See that you are being guided though, and to, the vision and the thought.
To the things.
Allow the stress to dissolve.
In fact, take a walk.
Get a massage.
Do something that makes you feel good now.
Let go of the expectation.
This is what the gap in time between the vision, the thought, and the thing, is for.
To remind you that it already is.
You are being guided right to the stuff.
Go here.
Do this.
Call her.
Let your soul guide you and show you the way.
Mind. Body. Soul.

Dancing gracefully, almost effortlessly, together in the manifestation process.
Before you know it, as if magically, you are driving the car.
Spending the money that is now sitting in your checking account.
Moving into the house.
Having fun with the lover.
All these things and more.
Mind. Body. Soul. Creation.
The easy way.
Or, just do it on your own.
The hard way.
Your way.
By just engaging the body.
Every thing is always your choice.
Flow and ease.
Or, the hard way.
Let go of the expectation and let the things in.
Let the how, the way, and the things “drop into your lap.”
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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