And the children of Israel did that which God commanded.
Does this mean the children of Israel were guided?
I say yes.
This is my understanding.
When we are beginning our spiritual journey, it makes sense that we should be commanded to do a thing.
As we grow up in our spirituality, we come to know that we are being guided.
When the children of Israel did that which was commanded of them, they were richly rewarded and Blessed in all areas of their lives.
They were being guided.
When they turned away, and did not do the thing commanded, or guided to do, suffering, pain and hurt were involved.
It is not because God did any thing to them.
It is what they did to themselves.
Or, did not do.
They did not follow the instructions.
They did not follow the guidance.
They went off track.
They did not trust and believe in the Guidance.
This is exactly what happens to us today.
Standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai looking up at the mountaintop on fire, with the ground vibrating, hearing the blast of horns, and then the voice of God, is enough to make us pay attention, and cause some of us do what we are told, for our own good.
God is still talking to us.
It is no where nearly as dramatic as standing at the foot of the mount.
But it is just as impressive today when we can hear that small, quiet voice inside that is still guiding us along our path.
I feel like it is even more dramatic to be able to recognize, and hear God’s call among all of the noisiness that is in our lives today.
This is a major accomplishment.
Most of us can’t hear the call in the form of thoughts received.
Those of us who do, often dismiss the thoughts as soon as they come through.
It is a Blessing to be able to capture a thought, and recognize it as guidance coming from our Inner Being, which is God inside of us.
We were being guided at the mount as well.
God never said “I command you”.
God said “Ye (you) shall do this, and this, and this other thing”.
He said, “And if you do these things, this is what you will have”.
God went on to say, “And if you do not do these things, this is what will happen to you”.
From the beginning, we were guided as to how to live our best lives.
From the beginning, it was always a choice.
Do this.
Live your best life.
Do that.
Your life will not be so easy.
This is how we can tell if the thoughts we receive is from God or not.
If the thought has the potential to move you forward you are being guided by God.
If the thought has the potential to keep you stuck, you are not being guided by God.
You always get to choose.
Forward movement, or, stuck.
Guided, or, not.
It seems simple enough.
The people were afraid to hear God talk directly to them.
They thought they would die if God continued talking to them.
I have no idea.
The children (of God) needed someone to hear for them, and then tell them what to do.
They told Moses you go hear what God has to say, then come back and tell us what to do.
So he did.
Moses told them, this is what God commanded.
There is no reason to be commanded.
Guidance is more than enough, and is much more effective.
I, personally, prefer hearing God talk directly to me, which he does in every way imaginable.
I want to leave you with a few suggestions as to how to tap into your own personal Inner Guidance and conversation with God.
- Set aside a few minutes at the start of your day, before all the busyness begins, to just sit in silence.
That’s all.
Just sit.
- Pay attention to your thoughts.
Dismiss those thoughts that do not make you feel good.
This is not guidance.
This is the stuff that does not move you forward.
Spend time with the thoughts that do feel good to you.
These thoughts open you up to possibility and new ways of being.
You are being guided.
The people stood before Mt Sinai once.
I encourage you to come to the mount for guidance on a daily basis.
- You can take a walk.
- Dance.
- You can journal and write your thoughts in a book.
- You can shower or enjoy a bath.
- You can watch the clouds.
- Do whatever makes you feel good.
Do any thing that allows you to pay attention to your thoughts.
Guidance is received in the form of thoughts.
Guidance feels good to you.
Otherwise, it isn’t guidance.
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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