Happy Tuesday – What Is In A Word?

Today I feel like talking about keeping my word.

It is easy to see when others do not follow through and do what they said they were going to do.

Outside in living in effect.

All the outside things, TV, social media, people, alcohol, drugs, anything, everything keeps us from keeping our word to our Self.

You know how it makes you feel when someone does not keep her word to you.  .

You lose trust in that person.  She can not be counted on.

How often do we stop and consider how often we do not keep our word to ourselves.

If you are any thing like me, you too use all the tactics I use not to honor my word to myself. To My Self.

This is important.

As with everything else in life, how I do one thing is how I do everything.  If I am not keeping my own word to my own self, how else am I not honoring myself and who I can be?

We all have an inner guidance system where our inner God and Goddess live.

It is she who inspires, guides, nudges  and calls us to our greatness.

When we can hear her.

When we make time and space to be in relationship with her.

We get the ideas, inspiration and guidance.

Sometimes we write down what is given to us for safe keeping.  Just in case.  It is hard keeping track of our Blessings.

It is given.  Are we actually in the place of receiving?

Yes.  I wrote it all down then I proceeded to go on about my business as usual, which is me trying to do the things my own way because it’s easier to me, and I know what is best for me.

Guidance system?

Who needeth it?  Me!

Going on in my own way is often the long, overwhelming, confusing way around.

Often what happens is, I start employing the tools not to get the work done.

The first and biggest tool I get to use most often is procrastination.

I just don’t get started.

How many projects have I started at the 11th hour simply because I refused to just start?

I get to the last minute knowing I had made a commitment to my self and to others.

This is where the  “fun” begins.  Not!

Now I have no choice, so I dig in under self-imposed pressure because I truly do not have enough time being a partner to procrastination, to do my best work.

I put all the hours in at one time, because I should have already completed the work.

What should have been a pleasant creative expression is now a chore I have to do all because I did not honor my word to myself.  I have not honored my commitment to myself and the other parties.

There is nothing fun about being backed up into a corner with my back up against the wall and no way out but through.

I don’t know about you but there is nothing pleasant about being in this situation which has now become a soul-sucking, energetically draining place.

I can for real tell you nothing I “spent” my time on when I was not keeping my word, was worth putting myself into this unempowering place.

Unempowering is just what it is.  Instead of becoming more, I have just caused my self to be less than my greatness.

I Vow To Keep My Word

I gave away my power to be my best self, to do my best work. and to enjoy the art of creation.  Whatever that “art” happens to be in this moment of time.  It could be cleaning the toilet.  There is art in everything.  Whatever it is I had committed to but did not give myself the joy of doing.

I know I always do a half-ass job when I am trying to play beat-the-clock.

I never win this race.  I often stay up all night to deliver “less than” work when I could have allowed myself to shine.

It often takes way more time than it should to complete because all the things that can go wrong, do.  I find myself problem solving when I should  be in my zone of genius doing the thing that gives me joy.

Silly me.  There will be no joy.  No feeling of accomplishment.  I will not stand in my power.  Most times, the follow up work will not happen because I did not produce any thing near my best work.  I did not put my best foot forward.  I cheated myself, My Self and all others involved.

I have no one to blame.

I did it to myself!


When will I learn to love myself enough to be a better steward of my Blessings by honoring my commitments and by simply keeping my word?

Blessing received.  I do not keep my word by doing my part.  Blessing not received.

I vow to receive my Blessings by taking immediate action, keeping my word and reaping the rewards.

Self improvement is a day by day action until we have become the person who does the thing on repeat, because it is just who we are.

I Commit to Doing What I Say I Am Going To Do.

I Commit To Keeping My Word!

To honor my self, My Soul, and for the greater good of those I am here to serve and impact.

There are lessons to learn here, but even as we work the kinks out, we are still awesome.

Keep Your Word Today.

Your thoughts are welcome in this space.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings

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