Usually by force.
Sure we can have dreams and goals.
We dabble here and there getting some work in.
Usually not the work that really matters, but, we are busy doing something.
Then when the shit hits the fan, as it often does, we begin our should of, could of, would of song and dance.
Of course we could have already done the things we had “committed” to a long time ago.
But we didn’t.
We don’t.
I don’t know what it is about having our backs up against the wall that makes us move our ass for real, for real, this time.
I know that fight or flight survival instinct is strong and powerful, but not always in most cases.
Why do we not honor our commitments to ourselves?
Because the Comfort Zone is an addiction.
We love being comfortable.
It feels good even when we know it is not a good place to be in.
I used to always say I don’t need to be rich.
Just comfortable.
That’s a bald-faced lie!
Maybe after I get rich, I will be comfortable, but, not before.
Comfortable is knowing that no matter what happens, I am good.
All the needs are met.
All the Time.
Every time.
That’s comfortable.
Stuff may happen, but, no more back up against the wall kind of stuff.
Maybe we’re just adrenal junkies.
We like the rush.
The sudden jolt of urgency.
Not the best way to get shit done.
Some of us thrive in the midst of chaos.
Or, that’s the story we tell ourselves, and, we intend to stick to it.
It’s partly just plain and simply procrastination, which none of us like to admit.
Later is always the best time to do something, until it’s not!
We put up with all kinds of things just to be comfortable.
Just to stay in our Comfort Zone.
We sacrifice all of our power, freedom and abundance for comfort, which ain’t that comfortable at all!
Why???? do we do this to ourselves time, and time again?
And again.
And again.
What is this all about?
Obviously, I have a thing, or two, or three, to say about this because I am guilty AF, as a practice.
It almost feels like a practice to me.
Something I have practiced way too many times.
Time wasted.
It always ends up being time wasted.
But!, we say, no time is ever really wasted.
It all counts.
What we do, what we did, what we did not do, it all counts.
But it is so much better when we honor ourselves and our commitments to ourselves.
I can’t cry about spilt milk which can never be used for the purpose for which it is intended as we wipe up the spillage, and the mess we just made.
There’s nothing left to do but clean up the mess and hopefully do a better job of doing what we said we were going to do next time.
Maybe that’s why it is easy to stay in the Comfort Zone.
In the back of our mind, we must be telling ourself, there is always a next time.
This is true also.
There always is a next time.
And then the next.
And the next time.
But why wait?
I do not feel good in my self imposed Comfort Zone which is essentially living inside the box.
Often somebody else’s box.
Living inside someone else’s box can never be comfortable.
It is a sick delusion.
Not even an illusion, which is an image of something.
It’s like vapors.
You can’t hold them.
You can’t even touch them.
There is no safety.
The reward is usually minimal.
It is akin to slavery.
We are not free.
We are not in our power.
It is not the fast track to any type of abundance.
Most times we are just stuck.
Or, we think we are.
Yet, we cling to our Comfort Zone.
It is an addiction and the only way out is though it.
There is very little joy in painting yourself into a corner again
And again.
And again.
It takes being for real sick and tired of being sick and tired of the same ole okey doke!
Or not!
Spell check doesn’t even recognize the okey doke and can’t find the right words for it.
We shouldn’t be okay with the okey doke either.
Staying inside the Comfort Zone is another learned behavior we learned too well.
It’s time to unlearn this one.
It may be time to make a list of what is not alright about living inside our Comfort Zone.
I’m sure the what is not alright column will be many times longer than our what is right about it column.
Most time, we don’t even realize we are stuck inside of a Comfort Zone, just settling.
But that can’t be true, when we know there is so much more we could be, do and have.
And we always know this.
Again the addiction to being in the Comfort Zone is strong.
The first step is knowing and being able to name it and say, I’m stuck inside the box.
Accepting ownership, and knowing we are stuck inside of our Comfort Zone, is the first step towards overcoming all addictions.
Are you living inside a Comfort Zone?
Do you want more?
If you answer yes, it is likely you are stuck inside of a Comfort Zone.
You can start changing this up today.
Or, you can wait until your back is up against the wall again!
Get outside of the Comfort Zone box and live a little more fully.
It is truly worth the effort.
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings
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