How’s Your Year Going?

I wrote this September 3, 2020.

It is still relevant today December 25, 2022. Six (6) days before 2022 ends and 2023 begins!

Here it is. September 3rd, 2020.

We are at the beginning of the 9th month of this year.

There are three more months left to this calendar year.

How’s your year going?

Have you stayed true to your resolutions?

Keep Your Promise To Yourself!

Resolutions are the big thing for January 1st of every year.

Most times resolutions get left behind before January ends.

Did this happen to you?

Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself?

If not, why not?

Many things can derail us, and take us off course.

Being off course does not mean we have failed at our goals.

It could be that our goals need some refinement.

Some tweaking.

Not twerking, but tweaking!

Sorry. I could not resist that.

Ain’t nothing wrong with a little twerking every now and then.

Back to tweaking and refining….

Have you looked at where you are standing right now with the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

What do you need to change about your goal?

Are you willing to make the changes?

Are these still goals that you want to pursue?

If so, have you made them your priority?

Are they getting enough of your time and attention?

Have you let other things that are not moving you in the direction of your desire have most of your time, attention and energy?

You might have to decide if what you claimed for yourself at the beginning of the year is truly the thing most important to you. Or not.

Do you still want this?

If you do, your tweak may just be letting it be important enough to you so you will give it your undivided attention.

As you look back over these past 9 months, you may realize that the other things may have been fun, but they were actually a distraction.

There is nothing wrong with having fun.

But, there is a time and a place for everything.

If having fun is more important to you, it may be that your goal may not be the thing you actually want to see become your reality.

There is nothing wrong with that either.

But! Be honest with yourself!

With three more months left in this year, there is still time to breathe life into your desire, your intention, your goal, your resolution.

If you want it, you can still have it.

Find the fun in moving forward with your desire. Find the satisfaction in taking action every day in the direction of your desire. Feel the pleasure in seeing your thoughts and actions taking shape, and shifting into what you say you want in your life.

No one can make you commit to you.

Show yourself some love, and do what is required of you to achieve your intention.

You are the only one who can do this for your!

If it is what you want.

You can do it!

You can have the things you say you want to have.

All of it, and so much more.

Choose you!

Give yourself the chance to see how great you are.

You have everything you need to be, have and do all of the things that will make your life better.

Be your best self.

Again, it does require your commitment to yourself, your time , your attention and your effort.

As you apply yourself, it will quickly begin to feel more like a labor of love, instead of a requirement.

It will begin to feel fun to you seeing your desires coming to life.

Give yourself the opportunity to have this experience.

You can do it!

Let these be the best three months of your life.

For those of you who have been crushing this year, keep the momentum going!

You already are reaping the rewards of your commitment to your self, your time, your attention and your effort.

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings



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