I Don’t Have Enough Time !

I don’t have enough time is single-handedly the biggest dream killer of all time.

It actually has the power to stop your life.

How many times, and in how many situations, can you remember saying those five dangerous words to yourself or, to someone else.

I would but, “I don’t have enough time!”

I want to but, “I don’t have enough time!”

Dream killed.

Brakes put on life itself.

We all have exactly 24 hours each day.  No one has more time.  No one has less.  You get to do it all, or you get to do nothing that counts, in your 24 hours each day.  You get it done.  Or, not.  There are no do overs in today’s 24 hours.  Of course you get a new 24 hours to play with tomorrow.  But you cannot do today over again.

If you do not get done today what is required, and due today, too bad, too sad.

If today is the absolute last day you have to pay that bill you’ve been putting off paying, and you feel like you don’t have enough time to pay it today, not only will you eventually pay it, you will have to pay that late fee too which you have just earned for yourself.

What does “I don’t have enough time” even mean?

What it means is that whatever the thing you don’t have time for is really not important to you, or you would have already done it.

Most times, when we don’t have enough time to do something, it really is about not believing you can do the thing.  Not trusting in yourself.  You have no idea what you are capable of doing if you do not even give yourself the opportunity to try.

I know there are too many people way too happy to tell you what you cannot do.  DON’T LISTEN TO THEM!  I’ve said it before, and I will always say it, YOU CAN BE, HAVE, AND DO ANY, AND EVERYTHING, YOU CHOOSE!

I know it is hard to believe and trust in ourselves when often we have are surrounded by people who don’t believe and trust in themselves.  Therefore they cannot encourage you to believe and trust in yourself.

Some say we are products of our environments.  That’s not true either.  We are all unique individuals.  We don’t have to follow any crowd to nowhere.  Do you.  Be you.  Life your life.  Even when those around you are not about living theirs.

We may have similar thought to others, but none of us think exactly alike.  Heck, even our own bodies are not symmetrical.  Things on the left side of our body may be noticeably different from the things on our right side.  Some people won’t even take a picture, or selfie, if you are not getting their “good side”.

What I am saying is that just because you may be in a situation that is not the most encouraging, you can still make your dreams come true.  You don’t need any one’s approval.

What you do need to do is to make the most use of that time you have been saying you don’t have.

Trust me.  I understand about not having enough time.  I have piles of “I don’t have enough time” stacked up in my workroom, my bedroom, my bathroom, in my laundry room, in my mind, and in many other places.

Yes.  I said in my mind because, that is where that nonsense about not having enough time really lives.

You get to know what is important to you by what you say you don’t have time for.  If there is something you say you want, but you don’t have time to do anything that will move you in the direction of that thing, you don’t really want it.  If you did you would make time for it.  You would do what ever it takes, for however much time it takes, to get it done.

It is simple to change up “I don’t have enough time.”  All we need to do is commit to five minutes today.  Tomorrow we may give ourselves ten minutes.  Next week we might allow a half hour to our dream.  Next thing you know, we’ll work our way up to one hour.  Two hours.  We start seeing our dream take shape and come alive!

We are changing our lives!

You will find yourself bending time.  Bending time is the same as being in flow, or in our zone.  Being aligned.  That happens when we get so involved in what we are doing that we loose track of time.  Time no long exists for a while.  We have hit that sweet spot where we cannot pull ourselves away from what we are doing.  When we do look up, it is hours later, and we wonder where the time went.

You know how time flies when we are having fun!

And if you don’t.  Making time for your dreams is how you get to have this experience.

“I don’t have time” is really fear trying to keep you from your dreams.

Fear is not real.  It is make-believe.

Fear shows up as procrastination, where we keep putting whatever we say we want on hold, and just can’t seem to make ourselves start doing what needs to get done.

If it is important to you, you might put watching that movie on hold, so you can breathe some life into your dream.

The next time you catch yourself saying “I don’t have time” ask yourself “why not?”

And, if it really is something you want to see in your life, I challenge to to find five minutes to give your dream a chance.

Make the most of your 24 hours each day, and give some of your time to make your dreams come true!

We have all the time we need for creating our best life!

What dream would you like to give five minutes of your time to?

Heart-base sharing for you here at Fruitfull Vine!

Peace and Love!

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