Will-Power has value.
I have been a Will-Power Master most of my life.
I make shit happen and I get shit done!
I make a choice about what I am going to do and come-hell-or-high-water I do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Sounds good, right?
Well, it ain’t necessarily so!
Will-Power is like putting blinders on. All you see is what is right in front of you. Sure, you are powering through and getting stuff done. But, at what expense?
Will-Power wears you out mentally, physically and even spiritually. As you plow through determined to get to the finish line, burning the candle at both ends, not sleeping, not eating properly, not attending to all the other things in your life that needs your attention, what often happens is you find you are actually digging yourself into a hole, and boxing yourself into a corner, with your back against the wall.
And, most times, you are not getting your best work done. That is, if you even get to finish what you are working so hard on.
Let’s dissect this whole little Will-Power scenario we just walked through.
Tunnel vision (putting the blinders on ) is never the best way to approach a thing. Sure, you do not want to be distracted by all the stuff going on around you. But you also do not want to be so deep in a thing that you can not see what is going on around you. You have to come up for air, and check in with the world.
Burning the candle at both ends, not getting enough sleep, also does not work. Trudging on even though your body is begging for rest and relaxation affects the quality of your work, if you are even getting anything done by that time. I can remember times when I would still be sewing way beyond the time I should have stepped away from the sewing machine, falling asleep at the wheel so to speak, and I would be jolted awake when I feel the needle piercing my skin. Talk about rudeness and a rude awakening!
It’s like when you are reading a book, or writing something, and you find yourself reading the same sentence over and over again, or writing the same thing repeatedly. You are not being productive. You might as well hang it up, get some rest, and begin again after you are refreshed.
But Will-Power won’t let you!
Sure, we probably can go without food or drink like Moses for 40 days and and 40 nights and be alright at the end of it. Moses was on a spiritual journey when he did that. He was being nourished with the best spiritual food and drink available to mankind. And, he did that 40 days and 40 night thing two times!
I hate to break the news to you. You are not Moses! Moses was not plowing his way through with Will-Power. Moses was on a much more powerful power!
Our bodies perform best when it is being properly nourished. Nourishing food, drink, proper exercise, as well as spiritually checking in.
Let me tell you the truth about Will-Power.
Will-Power is driven by fear!
I’ll say that again. Will-Power is driven by fear.
Yep. I can hear you say “What you talking about Willis?”
Fear of not meeting that deadline. Most times you started your project at the last minute even though you knew a month in advance, or even weeks in advance you had a due date to meet. Fear! You are now grabbing at straws hell bent on getting that shit done.
Fear of not making that money. You have an opportunity to be paid for the work you have before you. It is the answer to your prayers for more money, or even just simply some money. You might have started the work but some where along the way you kind of set it aside and gave your attention to something else, because you did not feel capable of doing the work. You started to doubt yourself. Feat set in. Then, just like before, the due date is staring you in the face, and you still have all the work to do. Or. You do not do the work and you are not getting paid. You will not be offered that opportunity again when you do not deliver, or, what you deliver is half-assed.
Fear of not having enough time. Yes. There is only 24 hours in each day. Every day. You are in control of your 24 hours. Do you spend up all of your time with things that do not move you forward towards what you say you want in your life? Or, do you invest time in yourself doing those things that allow you to be your best self, having the things you want, and doing everything you choose?
It is hard to make Will-Power work for you. How much Will-Power do you have when you know you need to lose weight and a plate of cookies, donuts and your favorite kinds of cake are sitting on the table right in front of you? Will Will-Power stop you from digging in?
Will-Power is driven by fear!
Doubting yourself, lack of time, scarcity, lack of money, not seeing a way out, over, around or above, just plain being scared of whatever, makes you believe youtrust
can use your Will-Power to make things right.
Fear and Will-Power are friends. They work together to keep you stuck.
Now for the antidote to Fear, disguised as Will-Power.
Trust and Belief in Your Self.
God told Joshua, “‘Be Strong And Of Good Courage, For It Is I Who Fight For You.”
You are filled with the spirit that creates worlds, who fights for you, which makes you a creator.
If you can remember you are a spark of divinity, the next time fear shows up staring you in the face, making you think you have to give in to Will-Power and the struggle, tell Fear called Will-Power “I Got This”.
“Be Strong And Of Good Courage, Trust and Belief in Your Self, Step Into The Spirit Of Ease, Flow, And Abundance Being The Creator You Are, And Watch Your World Change.”
Heart-Based Sharing For You Here At Fruitfull Vine!
Peace And Love!
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