Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness! 

As the United States is knee-deep in celebrating “Independence Day – The Fourth of July”, it seems only fitting to examine “these truths that should be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!”

This is what is written, and memorialized, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776.

In and of itself, these carefully crafted words present many powerful concepts, and truths given to “the people” over 243 years ago.

Have you ever even looked at these words or thought about what this means to you and to your life which, in my opinion, means so much more than all the hot dogs, hamburgers and steak you can grill and eat, and all the alcohol you can consume celebrating the 4th of July!

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness!

Let’s look at this.

These truths.  I certainly agree and acknowledge the truth in these words.  Although this original declaration was about separating oneself as young nation states from rule by a government which did not have their best interest at heart.

This self-evident truth is that you are created equal and are endowed by your Creator with every unalienable Right.  

Since I am breaking this concept and these words down, let me do exactly that.

Self-evident truth!

Self means you.  Evident means what you see in your life.  Self-evident.  You can tell a thing is true by what is going on in your life.  This is self-evident truth.

Bear with me.  I am not at all saying you do not know or understand any of this.  I’m just, as I said, breaking these words and concepts down the way I see this in my self-evident truth.  We all have our truths and we are all entitled to our our truth.  The Declaration of Independence told this to the world more than 243 years ago!

So on with my truth, which you are free to adopt as your own, just as you are free, and encouraged, to identify, and claim your own truth!

You are created equal!

What could be more true than this?

You are created equal!  No one is more than you.  You are not less than anyone.  We are all equal in every aspect.  You may have allowed yourself to believe you are less than equal.  You are not!  If you take some time to look carefully and honestly at what is going on in your life (self-evident truth) you should be able to see that you are created equal.  You are the one in control of your life.  You are in control of all the good, the bad, and the ugly.  It’s all you.  Every one of us is created in the image of God!  You are.  I am.  We are.  There is one God.  We are all pieces of this one God.  We are all equal.  Which leads me to the next point.

And are endowed by your Creator!

Endowed by your Creator?  Can you feel the power in this concept.  You are created equal in the image of your Creator.  You are endowed!  Endowed means given to you.  Given to you!  Freely given to you.  Your God, your Creator, gave you every thing.  Your Creator gave you every quality, ability and asset.  You have everything you will ever need to be, have and do any, and everything, you choose.  Any and every thing!  Can you feel the power in this?

With every unalienable Right!

Unalienable means unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor (you!).  No one can take away your God-given Awesomeness!  You can’t even give your God-given Awesomeness away.  Your power can not be taken away nor can you even give your power away.

Yet, we walk around acting like and thinking we are powerless!  There is no truth in any of us being powerless!

One thing I have to add about the power of our unalienable right.  Your power is over yourself.  You have no power over anyone but yourself!  You have power over your Life, your Liberty And The Pursuit of your own Happiness!  

There is so much more I can share with you about what Celebrating Independence Day means to me.  Truthfully, I Celebrate Independence Day Every. Single. Day!  It is my inalienable Right!

It is yours too, if you so choose.

Any way, just a little Heart-Based Sharing here at Fruitfull Vine.

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