Life On Your Terms

A Life Lived On Your Terms!

What does this even mean?

It kind of sounds like a dream.

It certainly does not sound like the busy, out of control life most of us get to live.

In my non-stop, always the next thing to do situation, am I living life on my terms?

The job.  The kids.  My partner.  My siblings.  How do we manage to make it all work?

No matter what, we do make it all work.  We do. Day in and day out.  On repeat.  Almost robotically.  Each day almost imperceptibly merges into the next day.  An endless loop.

Is your life what you signed up for it to be?

Is your life filled with all the things that make you happy most of the time?

Does your life wake you up without having to be jolted out of your best sleep by the blaring rudeness of your alarm?

Are your relationships fulfilling, nourishing, supportive?

Who lifts you up and supports you?

Do you often, or even rarely, think about what your ideal day will look like.  Will look like, your ideal day, is not yet your reality.

Do you even dare to dream of anything different?

What would your ideal day look like?

What is the dream?  Yes, the dream.  We all have one. Or two. Or three.

What is the dream that sometimes crosses your mind in the midst of all the busyness that is our life?

Your dream!

Not your parents’ dream.  Not your spouse’s dream.  Not your children’s dream or the dream you have for your children.

What is your dream?

Could Living Life On Your Terms have anything to do with a long lost dream?

What if you truly don’t have a dream?

That can’t even be possible because we are all dreamers.

Being a dreamer does not mean we walk around with, as they say, “our heads in the clouds”, thinking about unicorns and lollipops.

Dreams often are very hard, very enjoyable work we look forward to bringing into our new, ideal, reality.

Everything we take for granted in our lives is the result of someone’s dream.

The toothbrush. A car.  The internet..  The internet of things.   The shoes you put on your feet are the result of someone’s dream.

A dream is your “what if?

The “what if” is the entry way to the idea of Living Your Life On Your Terms.  The entry way to your ideal life.

I say with confidence that we are all dreamers because every day of our life we are exposed to the results of other people’s dreams and every day there is something to marvel at.  To wonder about.  To examine.  To question. To dream about.

We all do it even if we don’t realize this is what we are doing.

It could be something as simple as should I have this, or that, for breakfast?

Dream in the making.

Following that down the rabbit hole, as obsessed as we are about our weight, our health, our body image, simply choosing what to eat for breakfast stirs these dreams of “what if” up.

See.  You are a dreamer.

You do have ideals.

The ingredients of Living Life On Your Terms lies inside of you.

Dig inside.  Pull your dream out.  Dust her off.  Play with her.  Let her show you how to Live Life On Your Terms.

You are living any way.

By default or on purpose.

Live and grow!

Or, not!

So, to end with the question I began with….

A Life Lived On Your Terms!

What does this even mean?



Life itself!

This means you are free to live a life of your own choosing.  A life of your desires.  Your dream life. Life On Your Terms.

A great man who impacted the world in a big way is famously known for saying, and believing, in these four powerful words he shared with the world.


What’s the dream that is calling you to A Life Lived On Your Terms.

My Life On My Terms Dream Is….

Be Blessed and Dream On.

Please share the wisdom.


Heart Based Sharing

Peace.  Love.  Blessings.



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