
It is widely understood and accepted that one must invest a minimum of 10,000 hours at one’s craft before one is considered to be a Master in their craft.

If I am doing my math right this is the same as 27.4 years.

27 years and 4 months!

That is a lot of time!

My youngest son with his 27 years of life can be a real live walking breathing symbol of Mastery.

I must say looking at him, there is Mastery in him just being who he is.  27 years of Mastery.  Done!

This 10,000 hour Mastery formula would have me believing you begin the Mastery quest day one out of the womb before you can utter your first word, or take your first step.

This sounds wonky to me.

No wonder so many of us fall by the way side.

First of all we don’t even know this 10,000 hour formula for Mastery.

Normally when we don’t know the formula for something, we sure are not practicing it.  27 years pass by and we are not any closer to Mastery any where in our life.

We didn’t know the formula!

We dilly dally here and there at this and that never becoming a Master, just because we are unaware there is a formula, so we have not honed our laser beam focus on that one thing, or those few things.

One has to be really passionate about something to enter the ranks of Mastery while not even knowing that’s what we are doing.

Who keeps all these life transforming secrets from us.

Who holds the keys to all the formulas of a life well lived?

Imagine if we just simply had the formulas.

We’d all be Masters in something!

No floundering around trying to figure out all the things we don’t even know we need, to make something out of ourselves.

That’s why everyone we consider at the top of their game is already old.

All the Masters are old!

It’s not that they got a late start.  They were already old when someone told  them about the 10,000 hour rule of Mastery.

This supports the saying that life is wasted on the young.  Or something like that.

I’m pretty sure that when I look at my first 27 and a quarter years of life, I was was all over the place.  I was the perfect example of life wasted on the young.

Shoot, many years later, and I’m still all over the place.

This math can’t be right.

I just had to check it again.  10,000 hours does equal 27.4 years.

That’s why most of those at the top of their game are old.  They had to go find Mastery before they could be considered “good” at what they do.

I’m talking day in, day out, every day for 27.4 years of consistency and unwavering focus.

Who came up with this B.S?

How does anyone get any thing at all done when on the quest of Mastery?

Has any one looked at a 24 hour day lately?

As busy as our lives are, who has time to devote the whole 24 hours to trying to be a Master?

It just kind of boggles my mind.

I certainly feel like I have Mastery in a few areas of my life.

But! If I am applying the formula correctly I am no where close to being a Master.

Oh, woe is me!

I’m sure there is truth and validity to this formula.

Our every day Masters are athletes.

Only 10,000 Hours To Mastery!

We hear the stories of them spending hours and hours practicing their crafts so they can play on the world stages and in the arenas.

Even if I devote 10 hours a day to Mastery that only adds up to 240 hours over 27.4 years.

A drop in the bucket.

Does that just mean that we are all doomed to roam the halls of mediocrity?

Does that mean we’ll never be Masters of our art!  Our craft!  Our life!

God no!

What I take from this study of 10,000 hours equaling Mastery is:

Concentrated focused (they’re the same things aren’t they, which just shows how important concentrated focus is).

Concentrated, focused action is required to be the best you can be in any chosen area, to attain any type of proficiency in what ever the thing is.

Bottom line, don’t let the  numbers thing trip you up.  10,000 hours sounds great, but I am comfortable knowing that time and attention yields Mastery.

Keep investing time, and concentrated focused action to being the Master of your life.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



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