My Life Chose Me!

It is hard to imagine not having choices.

With so many options known to us, and available to us today, it seems, to me, hard to imagine not having any choices.

When I was growing up as a young girl in the deep south of L.A., Lower Alabama, I never gave choices a thought.

Of course, there was the random question “what do you want to be?”

I had an answer, or two.

I want to be a nun.

I want to be a seamstress.

I never wanted to be a teacher.

I do realize I’ve been teaching all of my life, outside of the classroom setting.

A nun.

Spirituality has always been a part of who I am.

A seamstress.

I know my way around a needle, some thread and fabric!  And more!

There were not a lot of role models of what I could be in my environment.

What I saw, and had available, have become a part of who I am.

I always felt different in my born into, given environment.

I was different.

I am different.

Given I did not have any real aspirations, or know I needed them, my life chose me.

Given that I am different, and was different, I always did different things.

I did, and do, everything.

And, everything always, to this day, shows up for me.

I’ve only recently realized that I have spent my life exploring the edges.

Life On The Edges Of The Box!

I do not live my life only inside the box.

I live on the edges of the box.

I have always lived on all of the edges of the box, not even just one edge.

All of the edges.

Life has always shown up for me on the edge.

Not knowing there was a box, and not knowing there was anything outside of the box, shaped and formed who I am becoming.

It is always about who I am becoming, because I am always evolving, still exploring the edges.

I did, and do, the inside of the box things.

What everyone else does.

I also always did things others around me never did.  Or do.

This was life choosing me.

From inside the box.

Coaxing me to the edges.

I never felt like I really fit in anywhere inside the box.

Everything, and every one I know, to this day. live inside the box.

I have always been shown other things, and other ways of being.

I have always been guided, even when I had no clue that my life has been choosing me.

I have enjoyed everything I have been called to in my life.

Knowing, now, that I live life on the edge, and that I am being called, helps me understand why I see everything as an opportunity.

There is always more to be, have and do.

This feels good to me.

I actually see possibility everywhere.

In all things.

I am happy living life at the edge of opportunity and possibility.

There is no boredom here.

Mystery and surprises?


Fun and exhilaration?


Growth and evolving?


Comfort and security knowing my life is still choosing me?


My life chose me!

It is only right I embrace, and choose all the goodness, and Blessings that is my life, lived on the edge of all that is becoming.

Thank you life for choosing me!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace. Love. Blessings.



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