I am all about New Beginnings.

Opportunities to begin anew abound.

The most available opportunity to begin again is tomorrow morning when you wake up.  You get the opportunity to make a New Beginning the moment you open your eyes.  It is actually the ideal time to start over.  You’ve just slept through the night and whatever was not working as best it could yesterday has not yet had a chance to fill your mind.  It is very likely that you may have a solution now that you did not have before.

This is why first thing in the morning is the best time to meditate before all the gunk you left behind yesterday starts clouding up your thinking.  First thing in the morning is like a hugh reset button.  It is a Do Over!

Even if there is no gunk to clear out, when you take a few minutes to give thanks and appreciation for another day of life and bask in the quiet time available to you, you may find yourself coming up with new ideas, answers to questions, or just realizing how great your life actually is.

After writing that the most available opportunity for New Beginnings is tomorrow morning, I realize you do not even have to wait until tomorrow morning.  Now is always available.  When you find yourself caught up in a situation that is not working for you, give yourself a time out and walk away from what ever you are dealing with that is causing you some discomfort.  Stepping away may be just the thing you need to do to change the energy you are feeling.  It could simply be a matter of taking the time out to count to ten and focus, really focus, on the counting.  One.  Two.  Three.  All the way to ten.  Focusing on counting each number gives you the chance to have your mind think about something else.

I mentioned changing the energy.  How you are feeling is how you know if it is time for a New Beginning.  If you are feeling hot and bothered, it is an indication that something needs to change.  You need, and are ready, for a New Beginning.  If you are feeling frustrated and like nothing is working out, it is a signal that something could be changed.  It could be time for a New Beginning.  It does not mean you have to do a complete 360 and change everything about yourself in this moment.  Just noticing how you are feeling right now is the first step and the most important thing you can do.

Most times we are on auto-pilot and are just repeating what we always say and do.  We are reacting to the same things the same way we have always done.  Now is the perfect time to change that shit up.  You cannot just run away from a thing.  You have to look at whatever is happening and ask yourself “What would make me feel better right now?”  “Is there something I can do differently the next time I am in this place, with this person, or when I am doing this thing?”  If you ask the question, you will likely be given the answer.  Just try reasoning with yourself.

Yes, you have to notice how you are feeling.  You have to ask yourself the questions.  You have to be willing to try the thing or things you come up with.  It is totally and completely about you and it is totally and completely up to you.

The only person you can ever change is yourself.  You have no control over anyone else and you cannot change anyone else.  What you are able to control is how you choose to deal with others going forward.  Will you continue to do the same things and say the same things you always did?  Or, will you choose the New Beginning you came up with for a different, and better, outcome?

New Beginnings are always available to you and are always up to you!

Tell me in the comment box below what is one thing you have been thinking about changing up?  What New Beginning are you looking forward to making?

Peace and Love!

Heart-based sharing for you here at Fruitfull Vine!



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