Do you keep going no matter what?
You have to!
It’s the only way!
Do you know that what you are working towards already is?
Is this why you keep going because you have the vision firmly planted in your mind’s eye and in your Spirit.
Do you ignore the road blocks and keep going?
I hope so!
Are you okay knowing that everything that shows up along the way is there for some reason even when you can’t for the life of you understand what that reason could be?
Do you sometimes feel like, you could have kept that one really crazy thing in your opinion, as you chat it out with the Creator?
But you keep going because you already know the vision exists and already is,
Remember. You Already Are. Be It!
If you can remember that, you will reach the finish line, and beyond.
Beyond because once you get to where you thought you wanted to be, even before you get there, you are already looking at what is yet to come.
There is always more.
That’s why it is perfectly normal and alright to start right where you are.
No matter what now is looking like at the moment.
Take a few good looks at a newborn. At an infant.
When you look into their eyes you can see the deep well of knowing that fills their small, vulnerable, trusting bodies.
They are like a package of hope.
They may not be able to tell you anything verbally, but you sure can feel the love, peace and satisfaction that they are.
They know the secret to everything life has to offer.
Trust! Believe! And Enjoy The Journey!
No muss.
No fuss.
No stress.
No doubt.
We were that all trusting, all knowing baby.
We still are.
We never worried about where the next meal was coming from.
It always came.
It still does today and there will always be a meal to enjoy.
We started lifting our head on our own.
No one said it is time to lift your head, and then proceeded to tell us this is how you do it.
We started rolling over by ourselves.
No body said “Roll Over!”
Who told you to start pulling yourself up to a sitting position?
No body had to tell you anything.
Watching babies, or just thinking about how the baby moves through it’s natural stages is a wonderful study in growth and evolution that can’t, and won’t, be stopped.
You can’t stop it if you tried to.
But we stop ourselves everyday because we learn lack, limitation, fear and scarcity.
Where did those things come from?
We were doing alright. More than alright by ourselves, when no one was trying to help us in any way that mattered.
But one day, we begin interacting with our caregivers.
They start telling us “No!”
‘You can’t do that!”
We hear “no” and “you can’t” so many time it becomes a part of who we are.
This is where the confusion begins.
We already know we can, and will do whatever naturally comes next, but now we’re being told what we can’t do.
In addition to that we are told “No!”
Sounds like a conflict to me.
We stop trusting our Soul and our Inner Guidance System because we are now learning to trust and believe every thing, and every one, outside of ourselves.
We want to run and be free but we already know someone is standing by just waiting to tell us “Stop. You Can’t!”
So we stop and we don’t.
None of it is intentional.
No one is deliberately trying to hold us back from being all that we came here to be!
Learned behaviors and ways of being can stop us in our growth tracks in a flash!
Sometimes, it takes us years to come back to our Inner Guidance System and to what we know really matters.
We learn we do not have to please any one else.
We start exploring who we are with no limits.
We pick up our dreams we were born with and our knowing that we can be, have and do everything as naturally as we breath, without even thinking about it.
We go back to doing life on our own terms.
Our way.
We no longer have to back down from being who we are.
And we never give up.
We don’t have to.
Growth and evolution is who we are.
It’s the only way to be.
We never give up.
We can’t unless we try really hard to be who, and what, someone else says we should be.
We don’t give up then.
We just become someone other than who we really are, and that never feels good enough.
Go find a baby to watch.
Enjoy their journey, and your remembering how to be you.
Take notes.
Then step back into being who you are as a naturally, evolving being who enjoys engaging in life and transcending “No!” and “You Can’t!”
“Stop!” “You Can’t!”
You Will, You Can, And You Do!
And, You Never Quit!
Because You Can’t Not Be The Creator You Came Here To Be!
Return to who you came here to be, do and have.
Which is everything!
Heart. Based. Sharing
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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