
I know there are times in my life when I have been so busy, yet, I could not see the results of all the activity.

I think back when I was in High School.

I had a full schedule of classes every day.  I went to class (when I went, to be honest) every day.  I did my class work and got all of my homework, and projects done.  I had time to hang out with my friends and do extra curriculum activities.  There was time for everything, and time left over at the end of the day.

Focused Consistent Scheduled Activity Leads To Success

What this shows me is that scheduled, consistent, focused, activity is what made this work.

Classes had a fixed schedule.

Homework had to be turned in every day which meant you had to do it.

Every day, for each of the minimum of five classes per day.

Projects were assigned, and had due dates, so they had to be done.

Focused energy as opposed to scattered energy.

I know I am that person who has to have some structure in my life to keep on track.

Otherwise, being the open to everything kind of person I am, my energy is prone to being scattered all over the place.

I’ve often pondered how I could be so busy, and yet, not get much of any thing done.

It is because of scattered, unfocused energy, and not following my schedule.

I am like a laser when I am focused.

I am in my zone, and get lost in time, doing the thing at hand.

As we become adults, our schedule loosens up.

It is not that we do not have as much to do, we just are not time bound the same way.

Going to work is the one big non-negotiable for most of us.  We have to do it.  Whether we want to or not.

Everything else?

All negotiable.

I’ll get to it when I have time.

When I feel like it.

After my nap, for those that nap.

I understand that consistency is key to achievement.

Focused, consistent, scheduled activity in the direction of that which you are desiring.

The desire is awesome.

The focused activity is the way.

Desire without action is a dream no matter how much you “say” you want the thing.

So, use high school as a success tool model.

You were successful every day.

You knew what had to be done.

Your activities were scheduled.

You focused on the tasks at hand.

Every thing, plus, got done.

Incremental, ongoing success was your result.

This is how we create the same success now in our lives.

Know what it is you want to achieve.

Decide what activities it takes to get to the desired outcome.

Schedule these activities.

Write them down on a calendar, or, use the calendar on your phone.

Focus on completing one task at a time for the time you have allotted to it.

Then move to the next task.

Then the next one, as you move through your day, and night.

Incremental, ongoing success will be your result.

You’ve got this!

Now, go forth and be fruitfull!

Heart. Based. Sharing

Peace.  Love. Blessings



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