
Why is it that when “All Systems Are At Go” we feel the most resistance?

What is it about everything being in it’s place, at the desired jumping off point to the next level, that our old friend “fear” we have already said goodbye to, tiptoes into our space again, showing up as resistance?

It is always the “fear” of the unknown that has the power to stop us in our tracks.


We know better than to listen to the False Evidence Appearing Real. He/She/it is so compelling.

So familiar.

Very convincing.


Get over it!

Take. The. Next. Step!

Yes. It can sound easier than it gets to be.

But, that is the point. It does get to be easier than it seems to be in this very moment.

When we look back, it was always easy.

Fear and the mind are best friends. They work together. The mind says, this is too big. I don’t know what to do with this. Fear says, that’s right. You haven’t been here before. You have no idea what you are doing.


You have been at the beginning of a new thing literally thousands of times before. You are always at the beginning of a new thing. New beginnings is what we do. New beginnings is what we are. You’ve been here before.

You know exactly what to do.

Take. The. Next. Step!

Simply take the next step!

That is all you need to do to erase the resistance. That is all that is required to quiet the not serving you in this moment mind. That is all you need to give fear it’s walking papers once again.


Center yourself.

Remember that you’ve done this before.

Look at everything you already have lined up at your fingertips ready for you to use, to get to your desired outcome.

Take a deep breath!


Step all over the resistance as you

Take. The. Next. Step!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.



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