Certain white folks rose up in the world’s face as a gang breaking into “their” White House feeling full of themselves, showing who they are as a power hungry you-can’t-stop-me-I rule-the-world, less than, scared people.
I was engrossed in the display as well as the lack of response as I watched the clip being shown repeatedly of the lone black police officer running in fear from the angry mob up the stairs inside the White House.
An unarmed National Guard was deployed way too late in the game against a people I’m sure were armed, and ready, in their frenzied out-of-control in-your-faceness.
Nothing is surprising in the lack of response from what is considered the most powerful authority in the United States – the White House.
It is a fight to keep the perceived power in the hands of a morally, unethical, spiritually corrupt people, by their version of by-any-means-necessary in an environment that is turning their world upside down.
The tide is changing right before our very eyes.
A Black Man and his family graced, governed and ruled the White House eight years for the entire world to see, and to marvel at.
When he chose, yes, he chose to step down from the most prominent position in the United States, things appeared to go back to their normal place.
The past four years was a desperate attempt to reclaim and assert the power base of the Good ‘Ole Boy mentality in the world.
It has been four years of blantantly terrorizing and trying to bring a strong, proud, powerful people to their knees into forced subservience.
I understand the fear.
A real governing Higher Power has set the stage for the White House to again be housed and governed by not just another Black Person, but by a Black Woman!
Yes, the United States and the White House is being graced with, governed and led by a Black Woman!
My personal opinion and view of this situation is that she is Second-In-Command, BUT ALWAYS FIRST BLACK WOMAN (Vice) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Two monumental, in your lifetime, firsts.
First The Black Man!
Now The Black Woman!
What has the world come to?
It’s rightful place!
This is what the uproar is all about!
My people, you have always been Royalty and you always will be.

No matter what it sometimes looks and feels like.
Stand up and wear your crown proudly.
Own your power and your place as the light in the darkness.
Second-In-Command, BUT ALWAYS FIRST!
Heart. Base. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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