What if it were true that as long as you have a dollar the dream is always available to you, and for you?
No matter what happens in our capitalistic world, we always manage to have a dollar.
I am not at all saying put your faith in the “Almighty Dollar” as it is often referred to.
What I am saying is that no matter what, we always have a dollar!
If you are looking for motivation let The Dollar motivate you to keep The Dream.
The dream is always there too. She ain’t going no where! Just like the dollar.
So why not let the two be partners – The Dollar And The Dream – so you do not give up on the dream.
Think about it. Can you ever think of a time when you did not have a dollar?
Even in our cashless society where more and more we use digital currency. Even with our debit cards, our credit cards, our digital wallets, our money transfers, our Venmo, CashApp, Paypal, our bill pay, all the stuff, somewhere, somewhere you have a Dollar you can pull out. It might be in coins, but you can count out a dollar.
In our make the world happen, do all the things life we are living, too busy for everything, gotta get this done and that, the dream is always there, somewhere in the midst of everything. She is always there, and, always will be. Patient. Kind. Waiting for you. Always.
It is never too late to play with the dream. It is always the right time to have a relationship with the dream.
She may be folded up tightly and stuffed in a pocket in your heart like the dollar you might have forgotten about stuck in the corner of your billfold, or in the bottom of your bag, but there they both are waiting for you to rediscover.
The Dollar And The Dream!
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings!
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