I have coined a phrase.
The Right Side.
You might get some pleasure from taking on this phrase and letting it work its magic in your life.
I’m all about the things that work to make my life better.
Meaning, whatever is causing me any discomfort, is on it’s way out of my life.
I’m now on The Right Side of it!
I can see the solution.
I am taking the action, moving through the thing, to the other side of it.
To The Right Side of it!
Make no mistake about it.
You always need to take action in every situation.
There might be a time when you feel there is no action you can take.
There is always action.
How can you possibly get to The Right Side without taking action?
You can’t!
So get over that fantasy.
The good thing is that we are already always taking action.
Remember, manifestation, or making something real in our lives begins with a thought.
One single thought.
A thought is an action.
It is the beginning of everything.
It gets everything rolling.
It sets the stage, and the tone, for everything that is coming.
From that thought.
If your thought is that you are facing a hopeless situation and there is nothing you can do to change it.
You have just set the stage for keeping your current bad situation exactly the same. You have given your thoughts the power to keep you exactly where you are.
Do not underestimate the power of your thoughts!
Not if you are wanting to get to The Right Side of the stuff going on in your life.
Negative, defeatist thoughts will never lift you up. They keep you stuck right where you are in the place that is not working for you.
In the pain.
The good news is that you can always think a new thought.
A better thought.
A thought that will set the stage for solutions, and ideas, about simple actions to take that will change, and shift, what has not been working for you.
The new thought is the first action to the other side of the thing.
To The Right Side of the thing.
I know that what we believe, the thought, that I can’t, it’s too hard, it will never work, are very convincing.
Those thoughts are not productive.
Those thoughts make you feel like you are a victim.
Those thoughts keep you powerless.
The only thing these thoughts do is make you think of more thoughts like this.
Believe it or not, but those negative thoughts, those actions, that way of thinking, will bring you even more challenging things to have to deal with.
First is the thought. Then comes the thing.
You’ve heard the expression, when it rains, it pours.
It is true.
But ain’t no body really trying to rain down a river of more problems.
Wouldn’t you rather be on the other side of your problems?
On The Right Side?
I already told you how to do that.
Change your thoughts!
It really is that simple.
It may not seem like it is, but it is.
Think about where you would like to be on the other side, on The Right Side and see the steps to take to get there.
I get it you may need some help with thinking new empowering thoughts.
Read something motivational.
You can watch someone, or something, on YouTube that will inspire you to think a new thought about what you can do.
You can listen to music that encourages you to believe in yourself.
You might need a little pain therapy.
Wear a rubber band on your wrist.
Every time you notice yourself thinking a disempowering, negative thought, stretch that thing and let it go so the sting will remind you to think a new empowering thought.
There is always prayer.
Sit down with God and see what She shows you.
Whatever it takes!
Help is all around you when you are ready for it.
All you need to do to change your life is to think a new thought about what you can have, be and do to get to, and on, The Right Side of your life.
I believe in you!
Heart. Based. Sharing
Peace. Love. Blessings
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