I love bright, sunny, warm, Summer days!
Summer feels like freedom to me.
I love how I feel outside in the Summer time.
For me Summer is all about being outside in the abundance that nature is.
My back yard is my own personal portal to possibility, wonder, surprises and Blessings!
Especially in the Summer time.
It feels like juicy, sweet watermelon juice dripping down my chin.
The watermelon juice used to drip down my chin as I enjoyed eating it as a child.
It no longer drips down my chin any more because I dig into the same juiciness now as an adult with fork in hand, but the feeling is the same for me.
It brings me back to the beingness I was as a child.
It feels refreshing, delicious, satisfying.
Satisfying feels perfect to me.
I feel satisfied and happy.
I love all the ripe juiciness Summer feels like to me.
No limits.
No boundaries.
I feel free and expansive like the wide open, clear blue skies.
Filled with possibility and things to explore.
Not just the Summer, but in my everyday beingness.
There was nothing I had to do, as a child, so I did everything!
When I think of the expression “The lazy, hazy days of Summer”, it doesn’t quite feel right to me.
I understand what is trying to be expressed here.
Summer days are longer so we can find more time to just be.
Life is not supposed to be a constant, non-stop to-do-list of gotta get this doneness.
Summer is the perfect time to grab some don’t have to do anythingness.
It allows us to surrender the chase we are always on.
It frees up space in our lives and minds.
There is nothing lazy about time to stop, reflect and relish all the goodness.
In fact, there isn’t anything more important than time to re-connect with all that we are.
Nothing is more important than connecting with the God and Goddesses we are!
There is noting lazy about lounging by the pool, or at the ocean (one of my favorite places!), or taking a stroll, or sitting in the shade enjoying the cool caresses of the breeze.
Summertime is like the Shabbat.
The Shabbat is a weekly day of rest set aside to give thanks and praise to the Creator for all the goodness the week, and your life, has been filled with.
Grab a book and a cold, almost frozen glass of lemonade and enjoy some of the “full, ripe days of Summer”.
It is expressions like “The lazy, hazy days of Summer” that make us feel wrong about letting go of the reins.
We do not have to constantly be on, at, and about the stuff in our lives.
It is desirable to go sit down somewhere, turn the things off, spend some time looking at the natural wonders around you, and allow God to whisper into your ear, your mind, your Spirit, your heart, and your body.
Summer stillness, not laziness, is the time for re-booting, adjusting and refining our lives.
Let go of the iron-clad control you feel like you have over your life, and let something greater than yourself gently guide you to everything you think you want, in flow and ease.
Let go of the constant push.
Give yourself the abundance and the luxury that is “you” time.
Allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying some of this Summertime juiciness to fill you up in a way that is revitalizing, rejuvenating and filled with inspiration.
You will feel re-charged, energized and ready to go when you get back to the business of being about what you do, and that which you intend to do, now fueled by the ideas and imaginings you received in time and communion with your Higher Power.
Even if you don’t know that is exactly what you were doing.
Bottom line.
Find time for fun simply by letting go of the ever growing To-Do-list that is your life.
Enjoy the simple pleasures that Summertime is filled with like relishing the sweet taste of some juicy watermelon in the Summer sun, or in the shade, if that is your preference.
Thank God for Summer!
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
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