Being recognized for doing good work of any type feels good.
It validates, or confirms, that what we do, and who we are being, has value.
It is like a pat on the back.
It is good, but it is not necessary.
What happens if there isn’t any validation?
Does that mean we are not doing good work?
Does it mean what we are doing, or who we are being, does not have any value?
Not at all!
Nothing can be further from the truth.
When we are doing what we are called to do, or even when we are doing that which we have chosen to do, no outside validation is required.
As Creators we do what we do because turning thoughts into things is all the validation we will ever need.
Turning thoughts into things is it’s own reward.
Oftentimes, no one even knows that we are doing any thing at all.
And it doesn’t matter.
Creation has nothing to do with any one else , or with any thing.
Of course, as a Creator, everything we do absolutely does add value to humanity and to everyone.
Just think about it.
Edison toiled away, for years, playing with the thought that he could turn energy into the light that we all cannot live without today, which we mostly take for granted.
To those looking in from the outside, Edison’s labor of love looked like he was working hard, toiling away.
Wasting time.
If you had the opportunity to sit down with this man and talk to him, he would have told you he had a vision of what was possible for him.
It drove him to do the work he did every single day in the direction of that vision, and the many possibilities.
He was committed to the vision.
No validation required.
Often, when someone is committed to their vision, they are the only one with the vision.
Even when we share our vision with others, it cannot be easily understood by those with whom we are sharing.
Instead of receiving validation, what we often get is disbelief, doubt about our abilities, talents, gifts and skills.
People will flat out tell us what we cannot do.
They will tell us it, whatever it is, will not work.
They’ll say no body has ever done this before so you can’t either.
They will ask you what makes you think you can do that?
Just like their validation is not required, their opinions of what you can not accomplish are simply that.
Their opinion.
Not required.
Creation is an inside job.
Your thought.
Your vision.
It is yours, and yours alone.
There is nothing like bringing life to a thought.
And, no one can stop you, or keep you from doing that thing that is in your heart.
Everyone should have a vision, or a goal, or a dream, that fuels their days and their nights.
That fuels their life!
Everyone should have something they cannot wait to wake up to do.
Something to give their life meaning, that gives them joy, that has value not only themselves, but also for humanity.
Be confident in this universal truth that we can, and do, turn our thoughts into things.
We are all Creators.
We are all turning every thought into things, deliberately, consciously, or not.
Every thought.
Every time.
Pay attention to your thoughts, because first comes the thought, then comes the thing.
Let it be the thing you want to see in your life.
Turning thoughts into things is what we do!
No outside validation required.
Heart. Based. Sharing
Peace. Love. Blessings
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