What Can A Farmer Teach You?

In our packaged, processed food, all about the convenience, instant gratification, give it to me now life that we live in, what is there any farmer can teach us?

First of all, do we even know what a farmer is, think about farmers at all, or even know that they exist?

I don’t know any one who said I want to be a farmer when I grow up.

There are many, many things we can learn from a farmer – if we choose too.

You do know that everything in life is just a choice.

It is all just a choice.

The power to choose.

The Farmer know without a shadow of a doubt that the tiny, pin head sized seed that he holds in his hand will become a seven foot tall stalk of corn with enough ears on it to feed a family.

Not only will it grow, it will also provide food, one thing we cannot live without.

When we think about food, we think about going to the grocery store, filling our carts with mostly not real food and calling it a day.

Food.  Check.

Now to the lessons to be learned if we choose to receive some learning.

First the tiny seeds that look like little black dots, not resembling anything we can really think of, have to be planted in the earth.

We make an opening in the earth with our fingers an inch or so deep, put a few seeds inside just in case one or two of them are duds and won’t grow, just to make sure we have some live ones in the hole.  We essentially bury them in the dark, hopefully moist earth.

We bury the seed.

Do we then walk away and forget about the seeds we have just planted?

Yes.  And, no.

We can walk away for now.  But we cannot forget our planted seeds.

I’m going to tell you the biggest and most important lesson to be learned right now.

The farmer has faith in the invisible.

What cha talking about Willis?

The farmer not just believes, but knows and trusts in that which he cannot see.

Of course, he has this faith because of experience.  He has gone through this process many times before and knows it yields fruit.  Fruitfull Vine. (I couldn’t help myself).  

Every time.

He knows the process works.

The man just buried a bunch of seeds and expects something to miraculously come up out of the ground that has value for the world.

Is he crazy or something?

I don’t believe nothing until I can see it, is how many of the rest of us feel a lot of the time.

If I can’t see, it, feel it, taste, it, touch it , smell it or taste it, it ain’t real.

It does not exist!

This is just one example of how almost everything is created.

We plant a seed.

We have a thought – planting a seed.

We essentially bury the seed and the thought.

We can’t see anything for sometimes months.

The wise farmer knows the seed is doing what it do.

This is called germination.

A slow process of becoming.


It is in the invisible process of becoming that which it already is.

(Remember.  You already are. Be it!)

So, too, it is with the buried, can’t see what is going on in the ground seed.  It already is.

He is not worried or doubts that it will become a stalk of corn just because he can’t see anything going on beneath the surface.

He waters the dirt.

It’s just dirt.  Ain’t nothing else there.  I sure can’t see anything.

Weeds start coming up.

Bothersome, hard to get rid of weeds.

He has to get down on his hands and knees in the dirt and pull up weeds so they don’t choke the life out of something he knows is going to show up, that he can’t even see it.

He waters and weeds sometimes several times a week.

For weeks.

Then one day he sees something.

Believe In The Unseen!

Something is coming up out of the earth.  Not completely out.   It is just barely breaking through the surface of the dirt.

Oh happy day!

Something’s finally happening.

He keeps watering and weeding.

Hope is building.

Not so much hope because he already knows.

It is more like joy and satisfaction that his diligence and work is paying off.

The seed pushes on through the earth and becomes a sapling.  It’s a real live, living thing.

Fast forward to move this truth on, as time passes on we are now looking at a field of 7-foot tall stalks full of ears of corn.


  •  Plant the seed.  A thought.  An intention.
  • Water the seed.  Pay attention to your thought and intention.
  • Pull the weeds out.  Get rid of the doubt and fear because you don’t see anything yet.
  • Keep putting the work in.  Be diligent.  Take the required action and trust in the power of the unseen.  God.  You must not forget that everything is a Co-Creative Dance with you and the Universe.  You do your part.  God’s got the rest.
  • Enjoy the process and feel satisfaction in knowing it already is.
  • Fruition!  You’ve got corn!  The seed, the thought, the intention you set, nurtured,  paid attention to, and the work you put in paid off and you can now, see, feel, touch, taste, smell and hold the results in your hand.

Trust in the unseen power that is working in your life, trust in the actions you take, have a little patience, don’t give up and what already is will always show up in your world.

Happy planting.

Feedback is welcome.  We are having a conversation.

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

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