What Did You Eat Today?

What did you feed your mind, body and soul today?

Did you even give any thought to what you were consuming?  Or, were you on auto-pilot as you went through your day?

We often give some thought to what we put into our mouths, but what about your mind and your soul?  Did you think about what you were putting into your mind or your soul?

We have to nourish our body with fresh, real food, preferably from the earth to keep it healthy, trim, toned, fit and sexy. Yes. Who doesn’t want a sexy body?  We have to hydrate our body in the summer and the winter, all-year-round to keep it functioning properly.  The body does not thrive on soda, or a steady diet of ice cream, donuts, and potato chips.  We all know this so we try to find that balance of foods that works best for our bodies.  We are all different and our bodies require different things from us.  A distance runner may need more carbs  than a body builder.  Someone who does not exercise at all have even different needs.

This brings me to movement.  Our bodies are designed to move.  We, as a society, have settled into a lifestyle where we  hardly have to walk any more.  We take the elevator and don’t give stairs the slightest thought.  We park our cars as close as we can to the entrance to the store.  We ride the escalators up and down.  It is no wonder we feel tired all the time.  We have all kinds of aches, pains and diseases which provide us with the best excuses why we cannot exercise.  We are overweight, can’t sleep, dependent on medicines which often doesn’t heal what we have, and we really believe we don’t have any options.  We were not designed to sit our lives away.

Pay attention to what you are eating, drinking and how much you are moving your body.

What about your mind?

What did you treat your mind to today?  You are in control of your thoughts?  Did you expand your mind in any kind of way today?  What did you read?  What did you listen to today?  What did you watch?  Did you do anything which made you have to concentrate, focus or think?  Did you nourish your mind with something that increased your knowledge?  Or, did you kind of do a sleep-walk through the day not concerned about what you allowed into your consciousness.  Entertainment is plentiful and is a good thing.  Sometimes we need a little more.  Remember, our thoughts become our actions which show up as the life we are living.  If we want to create anything specific in our life we have to give the thing, or things, some thought which will lead you to the action that will then become your reality.  I think it is a good thing to spend a little focused time with your thoughts, especially if you are trying to make some things happen in your life.

Pay attention to what you are allowing into your mind.

Okay.  Your soul needs daily attention too.  This gets to be a little tricky.  You don’t have to be religious.  You don’t have to be a saint.  You can live your life and have a good time doing whatever you choose.  You soul can be looked at as that breath of life that gives you life.  Your soul is that God-space inside of you.  We all have it.  There isn’t one person living that does not have that something that allows you to be here, that supports you, and gives you everything you need.  When your soul leaves your body, your body dies.  End of life.  You no longer exist as the person you have come to know as yourself.

Did you give any thanks for your life today?  What are you grateful for?  What do you appreciate about the world you life in?  How do you feel about the people in your life?  Did you give thanks for the food you ate today or for what you drank?  Sure, you bought the stuff from the store, but if the Creator did not love us enough to create this earth and everything in it for our enjoyment, there would be nothing for you to buy.  Who gifted you with the breath of life which is why you are alive right now?  You are Blessed beyond measure.

Simply saying thank you to that life force that is greater than you fills your life with everything you need and want.

Just a little something for you to think about that adds to your life.

So, I ask you again, What Did You Feed Your Mind, Body And Soul Today?

Does any of this mean anything to you?

What are your thoughts?

Tell me what’s on your mind in the comments below, and if there is anyone you want to share this with, go ahead.

Heart based sharing here at Fruitfull Vine.

Peace and Love.

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