What takes you off your course?
What stops you in your tracks?
What keeps you small?
What stops you from shining your healing light in, and on, the world?
I’m willing to bet it’s the very same people you are here to serve that scare you the most.
More accurately, it is those you are not here to serve, who scare you the most.
You wonder what they will think about you, what they will say about you and how this will make you feel.
If they are not your assigned people, you don’t have to worry about them because they are not your problem.
They have problems you can help heal, but they don’t belong to you, so you should not care about their opinion of you.
When you are consumed with what other’s think about you, you set yourself up for a life not fully lived.
Why is this?
We all want to be loved and accepted.
Do we need love and acceptance from just any body?
Absolutely not!
Most of us act, and think, like we need everyone’s approval.
We do not need everyone’s approval!
It is hard being your own authentic self when in the midst of ordinary.
Those sound like fighting words.
Who you calling ordinary?
What I’m saying is that we are all unique.
When your uniqueness does not fit in with the crowd, you are seen as being different.
Different is scary.
Different is the unknown.
The unknown is scary.
No one knows how to deal with you.
They say things and do things out of their own fear.
That, or her, which is unknown, can feel like a threat and is scary.
Ordinary people just don’t know what to do with you.
My grandmother used to call me black heifer. I was told I was dark and hairy when I was born. So, she called me a black heifer.
I hope this is not something I internalized and accepted as my identity, as not being like everyone else.
It is true though.
I have always been the different one in my family.
I learned to dim my light at a very early age.
I learned to be invisible and took on that wallflower personality.
I was the shy one.
I will not be seen.
You cannot make me stand out in the crowd.
I did not want to be noticed. Singled out.
Try as I might, it did not stop me from being the different one.
This kind of worked for me because I often found myself alone which allowed me to explore the world, it’s people, and the things in it.
I found many things to be interested in and I learned all kinds of wonderful things.
I was, and have always absolutely been, the different one.
Yet, I have spent my life making the most effort to blend in.
I never wanted to blend in just to be a part of what I clearly knew I did not belong.
The problem was, where were, and are, the people like me?
In the absence of like minded people, I learned to blend in very well.
Others knew, and I knew, I was still different.
Not offensive.
I’ve never intentionally did anything to hurt any one else’s feelings.
I actually figured out how to go through life not owning, expressing or allowing myself to know, and own, my real feelings,
I guess this makes me something like a robot.
Or, Alexa. Or, Siri.
Turn the lights on Alexa. Done.
How do you feel Alexa?
Feel? Huh?
God said “My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. “
Meaning, you have no idea.
I know how that feels when nobody has the thoughts I have. When my ways are not understood.
I fit in because it is easy to do.
Fitting in is easy to do but it drains your soul.
Fitting in does not mean this is where I belong.
But, step outside of ordinary, and shine my light. That is hard to do.
There does come a time when there is no choice but to see the limitation hiding from your self imposes on your life, keeping your greatness from fully expressing itself.
You can’t stop the greatness.
You can’t not let her be free.
Why is it so hard then to just be you?
You’re too scared of what the people around you will think and say.
The only advise I have is, suck it up, put your big girl panties on, get out of your own way and get the F**k over what anyone else thinks, and says.
That’s not your problem.
It is time to adjust your wings, take flight, and soar!
It is time to Bless the world, and it’s people, with your own special type of healing, as only you can.
Those you are here to serve are waiting for you to show up, be seen, and be visible.
Let your light shine.
Show up!
It’s time!
Heart. Based. Sharing.
Peace Love. Blessings.
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