Work For It!

I love dancing!

I have been a dancer all my life and I will probably dance my way across the great divide from this life form on earth to the next version of life beyond what we know exists.

I am still excited about having danced and performed this past weekend during the Nanioubolo African Dance and Drum Conference.

I’ve attended many Dance Conferences over the years, but this was the first conference at which I had the pleasure of performing.

Dance Sisters!

Dancing and performing requires quite a bit of rehearsing to become performance ready.  It takes hours, days, weeks and sometimes months of practice.

I Worked For It! 

I loved every moment, hour, day, week  and month of dancing, getting ready to perform before peers, Master Artists, family and friends.

I enjoyed the work.

When you are doing something you love, work feels like play.  You want to do it.  You look forward to doing it.  It makes you feel good.  It gives you life itself!

Life-giving work fills you up mind, body and soul.

Loving the life you are living is what makes life magical.

Living the magic is available for everyone.

On the other hand, life is work for those of us who are just existing.

Life, itself, sometimes requires quite a bit of rehearsing to become performance ready to move beyond just existing.

We are already using every moment, hour, day, week  and month of our lives getting ready to become the best version of who we are, even when we don’t realize this is what we are doing.

We are always improving, and our lives are always getting better.

If you look back just one year ago, it is unlikely you will not see some improvement in your life and in who you are today.

What is it in your life that excites you?

What makes you feel good?

What is it that you look forward to doing?

Whatever this is has the power to turn the work into play and magic in your life.

Turn the work into play and magic!

Work For It!

Peace Blessings and Love!

Heart-Based Sharing For You Here at Fruitfull Vine!



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