If this was true, and it is, what would you be?

You Already Are. Be It!

Where would you be doing it?

Who would you be doing it with?


Why would you be doing it???

Are you doing it?

Why not?

You Already Are.  Be It!


You Already Are.  Be It!


Why not???

It’s what you came here for.

It’s what you signed up for.

You Already Are.  Be It!

You have always been who you are.  You will always be who you are!

If you’re loving who you are, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep going!

If you don’t even like yourself, you can!

What do you want?

You may just not know what you want.

You can’t get there when you don’t know where there is.

I have spent a lot of time running in circles chasing my tail because I didn’t know where I was going.

Running and chasing feels normal because we are wired to be doing something.

So we Run.

And we Chase a lot of things.

Running and chasing is hard work.

It is tiring.

It leads to burnout.

It is easy to look for what you want in temporary fixes like sex, drugs. alcohol.

Food.  Social media.  Shopping.


You name it.

It’s all outside in living.

It’s the hard way to be who you already are.

Stop Running and Chasing.

You already Are.  Be It!

Inside Out!

Allow it to be easy.

Sit down in a quiet place and take a look at who and how you are being.

Stop running and chasing outside.

Look inside.  Get to know who you are.

Everything you have done.

Everything you have not done.

All of it got you here to where you are.

Where have you been?

What have you done?

Keep what you find about yourself that works.

Thank, kiss and hug the parts of you that do not make you feel good.

Step into your Power.  Freedom.  Abundance.

You Already Are.  Be It!

Heart. Based. Sharing.

Peace. Love. Blessings.

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